By Fred H. Wight
Domestic Animals
THE CAMEL VARIETY OF CAMELS IN BIBLE LANDS. The Arabian or dromedary camel, which has one hump on its back, is the one in use in Syria and Palestine to-day, and is the kind found among the desert Arabs of the East. The Bactrian camel, that has two humps, comes from another region altogether, and is rarely seen in Bible lands. It was the Arabian camel that was used in Bible times. By whom the camel was used. The camel was used largely by the early Hebrew patriarchs.1 These men measured their wealth by the number of domestic animals they possessed, and camels were included among them. "Abram had sheep, oxen, she-asses, and camels" ( Gen 12:16). Rebekah rode on a camel on her trip to become the bride of Isaac (Gen 24:64)."Jacob had much cattle, asses, and camels" ( Gen 30:43). It was a company of Ishmeelites with their caravan of camels that carried Joseph down into Egypt (Gen 31:25; Gen 31:28). The patriarch Job had three thousand camels before his testing experience, and this number was doubled afterwards (Job 1:3; Job 42:12).The Hebrew people as a whole during most of the Old Testament times did not make large use of the camel. Living in hilly country, and being a pastoral and agricultural people, they did not have so much need for the camel. Their kings usually possessed camels which were used for travel and transport purposes. Thus Scripture says King David had many camels, some of which had been captured in war ( 1Sa 21:9).
The camels use of water.
Surely, this animal was divinely
designated for desert country.
Its remarkable characteristic is
of course its ability to go for
a long time without drinking
water. This does not mean that
it can get along with less water
than other animals, but simply
that it has the ability to store
up water in a series of cells or
sacks with which its interior
region is furnished. The camel
is able to consume as much as
nine gallons at a single drink,
and this water taken in a few
minutes will last it for several
days. A camel that is thirsty
for water has been known to
scent water at a great distance,
and will go at great speed to
the spot where the water is
located. When camel caravans
unexpectedly run out of water,
the men will sometimes kill one
of the camels and extract from
its stomach water enough to save
the life of the people in the
caravan.2 The process of watering the
camels. Genesis tells how
Rebekah watered the camels of
Abraham's servant: "And she
hasted, and emptied her pitcher
into the trough, and ran again
unto the well to draw water, and
drew for all his camels" ( The camel's food. Under
ordinary conditions, the camels
are fed teben, which is
the short straw that comes from
the Oriental threshing floors.
Each camel caravan will carry
some of this packed closely in
bags. But when on a journey and
it becomes necessary, the camel
often lives on what can be found
by it along the way, even in
desert country. It is able to
make good use of the scanty
herbage to be found in those
regions. Under these
circumstances its favorite food
is a shrub that is called
ghada, that has slender
little green twigs. It also
makes use of a thornbush which
it is able to devour because it
has a hard and horny palate.
Camels have been known to travel
for twenty days without
receiving anything for food
except what they discovered for
themselves along the way.4 The camel's feet. These
are indeed made for desert
traveling. They consist of two
toes that are long and that rest
upon hard elastic cushions that
have a horny and tough sole. The
soft cushions of their feet
cause their tread to be as
noiseless as that of a cat. Thus
the camels do not sink in the
desert sands, and the toughness
of their feet enables them to
stand the burning soil, and the
stones that are often mixed with
the sand.5 The camel's hump. This
serves important purposes. It
makes it possible for the back
of the animal to receive burdens
that are to be transported. And
the fatty matter that
accumulates in the hump provides
a supply of reserve energy which
can be utilized by the animal as
occasion demands. The condition
of the hump is always examined
when an Oriental buys a camel.6 Mounting a camel. This is
not an easy art for a Westerner
to learn. It would be impossible
to do this while the animal is
standing, and so it is trained
to kneel and stay in this
position until the rider has
mounted it. It is natural for
the camel to kneel because it is
born with warts on the legs and
breast which serve as cushions
to rest its weight when
kneeling. When it kneels it
begins by dropping on its knees,
and then on the joints of the
hind legs, then it drops on its
breast, and finally on its hind
legs that are bent. In rising,
the process is reversed: the
hind quarters rise first,
tending to throw the rider
forward, after which the front
quarters rise rapidly, tending
to throw the rider backward,
then the forward movement of the
animal would tend to throw the
rider forward again. An experienced camel rider sways
to and fro, yielding his body to
the movements of the animal.
This movement of the camel
causes some inexperienced riders
to have "seasickness." Most
Westerners who attempt to ride
the camel find the journey to be
a very uncomfortable one.7 Abraham's servant "made his
camels to kneel down without the
city by a well at the time of
the evening, even the time that
women go out to draw water"
( The equipment used by desert
Arabs for travel by camel.
This includes a camel saddle
which has two tall pommels in
front and behind; large
saddlebags that hang down on
each side of the saddle; a
leather apron that hangs down in
front of the saddle, stretching
down on the sides of the camel's
neck almost to its knees the
camel stick; a leather bag
containing dates; and other bags
with supplies.8 Camel furniture for women.
Sometimes the women ride the
camels in the same way that the
men do but more often a special
arrangement of saddle takes care
of them. "Camel furniture" was a
part of Jacob's traveling
equipment for his womenfolk, and
when such was placed in Rachel's
tent, she hid the stolen
teraphim therein ( Another common arrangement for
the wives of sheiks was: One made of two slabs, or planks
of wood, about ten feet in
length, which were fastened upon
the frame of the saddle and at
right angles to it. From the end
of those, ropes were stretched
over upright posts fixed above
the middle of the saddle, to
support an awning under which
the women sat upon quilts and
cushions.10 Such an arrangement served the
same purpose as a western
umbrella. Camel ornaments. These
have been widely used in the
East. Owners of camels often put
various ornaments on their
favorite animals. Sometimes they
cover the collars with cowrie
shells which are sewn on them
according to a pattern.
Ornaments that are
crescent-shaped are sewn on red
cloth and make a jingling sound
with each step of the animal.
Often, ornaments of silver are
displayed on the camel's neck.
Concerning Gideon, Scripture
says: "And Gideon arose, and
slew Zebah and Zalmunna, and
took the ornaments
[crescents] that were on
their camels' necks ( The camel as a beast of
burden. Through the
centuries the camel has been
used for carrying burdens. In
the Bible, "forty camels'
burden," is referred to in
one passage ( A special packsaddle is used
when the animals carry: A narrow bag about eight feet
long is made, and rather loosely
stuffed with straw or similar
material. It is then doubled,
and the ends firmly sewn
together, so as to form a great
ring, which is placed over the
hump, and forms a tolerably flat
surface. A wooden framework is
tied on the packsaddle, and is
kept in its place by a girth and
a crupper. The packages which
the camel is to carry are
fastened together by cords, and
slung over the saddle. They are
only connected by those
semiknots called "hitches," so
that when the camel is to be
unloaded, all that is needed is
to pull the lower end of the
rope, and the packages fall on
either side of the animal. So
quickly is the operation of
loading performed, that a couple
of experienced men can load a
camel in very little more than a
minute.12 Camel caravans. It is
camel caravans that have been
largely used to transport goods
from one country to another in
Bible lands, or to go a great
distance especially in desert
territory. Isaiah prophesied to the
Dedanites, who were caravan
merchants between the shores of
the Persian Gulf and Palestine: "In the forest in Arabia
shall ye lodge, O ye travelling
companies [caravans] of
Dedanites" ( The usual arrangement of a
caravan is a string of camels
with each one tied to the one
before it, and the leader of the
caravan either riding on the
back of it or walking by the
side of a donkey. A cord
from the first camel in the
line, is tied to a ring that is
fastened to leather strips on
the hips of the donkey. Thus the
camels learn to follow
implicitly the donkey that heads
the procession.14 The social influence of the
caravans. In ancient times
as well as today, in large
sections of the Orient, the
caravans take the place of
newspaper, telephone, and radio.
Ordinarily, the knowledge of
what was going on was limited on
the part of the women to what
they heard at the village oven,
or the village well; and on the
part of the men, to what they
heard at the village guest room,
or at the gates of the city. But
when a caravan arrived in the
village, it was an event of
great importance, because there
was always news brought from a
distance.15 The familiar proverb must have
referred to such an event: "As
cold waters to a thirsty soul,
so is good news from a far
country" ( The swift Arabian camel.
This animal is often called the
deloul, has long and wiry
limbs, and is without
superfluous fat. Its shoulders
are broad and its hump small,
although hard and firm. It is an
ungainly looking creature, but
the Arab is very fond of this
animal. The ordinary camel travels along
at the rate of about three miles
an hour, whereas the deloul if
not heavily loaded will traverse
nine or ten miles an hour. Some
of the natives even claim that
this animal can outrun a race
horse. Jeremiah the prophet
speaks of "a swift dromedary
traversing her ways" ( Various camel products.
The Arab of today makes use of
camel meat and camel milk. The
Mosaic law forbade the Jews to
use camel meat "because he
cheweth the cud, but divideth
not the hoof; he is unclean unto
you" ( At the right season of the year
it is removed in tufts and the
women spin it into strong
thread. Various coarse fabrics
are made from this thread. The
Bedouin tents are sometimes made
of camel's hair, as are also
carpets, rugs, "abayas" or the
outer garments, and other items.
Matthew says of John the Baptist
that he "had his raiment of
camel's hair" ( Two references to the camel
in Christ's sermons. The
first reference is given by all
three synoptic Gospel writers: "It
is easier for a camel to go
through the eye of a needle,
than for a rich man to enter
into the kingdom of God" ( The words that Jesus added, need
to be taken with his statement:
"With men this is impossible;
but with God all things are
possible" ( The reference here is to the
ancient custom of filtering
wine. The gnat and the camel are
in striking contrast to each
other in size. The use of the
camel here was obviously a
hyperbole, but was appropriate,
not only because of its great
size, but because to the Jews it
was an unclean animal (because
it does not divide the hoof,
although it does chew the cud).
The Pharisees were careful to
strain out the smallest
creature, but swallowed the
larger one. They were scrupulous
about small things, but very
careless about the more
important matters.19 THE DONKEY The donkey as the Oriental
pack animal. He has been the
beast of burden from time
immemorial. The packsaddle used
with this animal differed
somewhat according to the load
being carried. When firewood was
carried, a crosstree was used as
a saddle. No doubt Abraham
loaded his donkey in this way
with wood for the sacrifice he
was to make (
When sacks of grain or cut straw
are carried, they are thrown
over this saddle and tied with a
rope going under the beast's
breast. The sons of Jacob
probably packed their donkeys in
this way ( Children are often carried in larger boxes on the donkeys. Sacks of grain are sometimes slung across the bare back of the donkey.20 The donkey sometimes utilized for ploughing. The ox has been more generally used for this purpose, but occasionally the donkey becomes the animal to pull the Oriental plough. The prophet Isaiah speaks of
both the ox and the donkey being
used thus: "Blessed are ye
that sow beside all waters, that
send forth thither the feet of
the ox and the ass" (Isa 32:20).
The law of Moses forbade the
mixed yoke, i.e., ploughing with
an ox and a donkey together, or
any other combination (cf.
Deu 22:10). The donkey sometimes used for
grinding grain. Here
again, the usual method of
grinding the grain is for the
women to use smaller stones for
their mills. The larger mill is
elevated so that a singletree
becomes suitable for the work. A
camel may be used in place of a
donkey. It was this type of a
mill that the Philistines
required Samson to pull ( JESUS referred to this larger
type of millstone when he said:
"But whoso shall offend
[cause one of these little ones
that believe on me to stumble],
. . . it were better for him
that a millstone [turned by
an ass] were hanged about his
neck, and that he were drowned
in the depth of the sea" ( The donkey used for riding.
Before the tenth century B. C.
it was used more than any other
animal for this purpose. At that
time, the mule came into use,
especially among the rich, but
the donkey has continued to be
in use by many through the
years.22 Riding the donkey not
considered a mark of humility.
Rich people and important people
rode on this animal. Of Abraham
Scripture records that he "rose
up early in the morning, and
saddled his ass" ( White donkeys used by
persons of high rank. "Speak,
ye that ride on white asses, ye
that sit in judgment, and walk
by the way" ( The donkey used as a symbol
of peace times. The horse
has usually symbolized times of
war, but the donkey, times of
peace. In Old Testament
times this was especially true
from the days of King Solomon.
This fact helps to explain the
words of the prophet about the
Messiah that were fulfilled in
the triumphant entrance of JESUS
into Jerusalem: "Rejoice
greatly, O daughter of Zion;
shout, O daughter of Jerusalem:
behold, thy king cometh unto
thee; he is just, and having
salvation; lowly, and riding
upon an ass, even upon a colt
the foal of an ass" ( Drivers sometimes used for
donkeys. When women rode on
donkeys, it was customary at
times to have a driver for the
animal. Thus it says concerning
the trip made by the woman of
Shunem: "Then she saddled an
ass, and said to her servant,
Drive, and go forward; slack not
thy riding for me, except I bid
thee" ( However, in the Orient, many
times husband and wife are seen
to ride both of them on the
backs of a donkey. Special donkey riding-saddles.
Those used in the Orient today
are rather large. A cloth of
wool folded several times is
spread over the animal's back.
On this is placed a thick pad of
straw which is covered with
carpet. It is flat on top
instead of being rounded. The
pommel is quite high, and a
cloth or carpet of bright color
is often thrown over the saddle.
This usually has fringed edges
and tassels. It is quite likely
that the saddle of Bible times
was much simpler than this
arrangement. It was probably a
simple covering of cloth or skin
which was used for the
convenience of the rider, and
especially to protect the animal
from chafing.26 MULES Mules used by the Arabs of
Bible lands. They scarcely
ever breed the mule themselves,
but instead import them from
either the Lebanon district of
Syria, or from Cyprus. The Arabs
very seldom use the mule for the
purposes of agriculture, but
rather use it for riding or for
carrying of burdens particularly
in rocky country.27 Mules used in later Old
Testament times. The mule is not
mentioned in the Bible until the
reign of King David.28 The law of Moses prohibited the
rearing of any animals which
were the result of the union of
different species ( The first Scriptural
reference to the mule is in
connection with the
sheep-shearing feast planned by
Absalom for the plot against
Amnon. It says: "All the
king's sons arose, and every man
got him up upon his mule, and
fled" ( Adonijah, who attempted to usurp
the throne against the wishes of
his father, heard that Solomon
had ridden on the mule of David,
he knew thereby that he had been
made the new king ( By the time of Isaiah, the mule
was in common use. The prophet
says: "And they shall bring
all your brethren for an
offering unto the Lord out of
all nations upon horses, and in
chariots, and in litters, and
upon mules, and upon swift
beasts, to my holy mountain
Jerusalem" ( The New Testament does not
mention the mule. HORSES Bible time horse same as Arab
horse today. Assyrian and
Egyptian sculpture would
indicate that the horse of Bible
times was the same as the Arabs
use today. In those days the
horse was used mainly for war
purposes, although Isaiah, in
connection with threshing,
speaks of the use of horses ( When the camp or oasis is
reached, the horses are
unsaddled or unharnessed and
allowed to roam free. They will
graze around the place and
always come when called. Hoofs
of the Arab horses are never
shod, this practice being made
useless by the hot climate.30 In ancient days the same thing
was true. In Scripture the
quality of a horse was judged
partially by the hardness of its
hoofs. Isaiah said: "Their
horses' hoofs shall be counted
like flint" ( Care of horses. In Old
Testament days the horse was
cared for much as it is by the
Arab today. In addition to the
use of grass in grazing, the
horses were fed barley and cut
straw. Thus both "barley also and
straw for the horses" ( Horses and chariots used in
Egypt from early times. Joseph
rode in "the second chariot"
which King Pharaoh had ( Regulation in the law of
Moses concerning horses. The
Book of Deuteronomy was explicit
about the use of horses by
future kings of Israel.
Concerning a ruler it was said:
"But he shall not multiply
horses to himself, nor cause the
people to return to Egypt, to
the end that he should multiply
horses: forasmuch as the Lord
hath said unto you, Ye shall
henceforth return no more that
way"" ( Use of horse and chariot
impractical in much of Canaan.
This was due to the mountainous
character of much of the
country. This was especially
true of most of Judea and
Samaria, except on the main
roads through this territory.
This is the reason for their
absence in the battles that took
place there. Horses and chariots not used
in conquest of Canaan.
Joshua did not make use of them
in his conquest of Canaan. There
is no record that he made use of
either cavalry or of chariots in
his warfare. But Moses had
predicted that Israel would have
to face enemies that did have
their horses and chariots. "When
thou goest out to battle against
thine enemies, and seest horses,
and chariots, and a people more
than thou, be not afraid of
them: for the Lord thy God is
with thee, which brought thee up
out of the land of Egypt" ( War chariots used by Israel's
enemies in the days of the
Judges. When the Canaanites
oppressed Israel in those days "the
children of Israel cried unto
the Lord: for he [i.e., the
Canaanitish king] had nine
hundred chariots of iron" ( King David's use of horses.
David made some use of horses in
battle. On the occasion of his
victory over Hadadezer, King of
Zobah, "David houghed all the
chariot horses, but reserved of
them for an hundred chariots"
( King Solomon's excessive use
of horses. He disregarded
the Law of Moses, and began to
import great numbers of horses
and chariots from the land of
Egypt. "And Solomon had
horses brought out of Egypt . .
. and a chariot came up and went
out of Egypt for six hundred
shekels of silver, and an horse
for an hundred and fifty" ( Between four and five hundred of
these stables were laid bare
with nearby quarters for the
grooms who cared for the horses.
A manger was located in front of
each horse. Massive stone
hitching posts remain with holes
in them for inserting the
halter-shanks.31 Use of horses and chariots by
kings of Judah and Israel.
Following the example of
Solomon, the kings that followed
during the history of the
divided kingdom, made use of
horses and chariots. King Ahab
died in his battle chariot in
war with the Syrians ( Use of horses and chariots in
time of peace. It was
mainly kings or men of wealth or
position who used chariots drawn
by horses in times of peace.
As prince, Absalom rode in a
chariot, and King Rehoboam and
King Ahab had their chariots in
which they rode in state ( And Jeremiah made this prophecy
concerning the city of
Jerusalem: "Then shall there
enter into the gates of this
city kings and princes sitting
upon the throne of David, riding
in chariots and on horses, they,
and their princes" ( In New Testament times the use
of chariots was also limited to
men of prominence. The Ethiopian
eunuch of Queen Candace rode in
a chariot when Philip joined him
and won him to CHRIST ( Description of ancient
chariots. There have been
numbers of pictorial
representations of ancient
chariots discovered by
archaeologists. These give a
fair idea of what they were
like. These implements so often used
in warfare were very simple in
style and yet very uncomfortable
for the occupants. "They were
semicircular boxes on wheels and
of very small size. They were
hung very low, so that the
occupants could step in and out
without trouble."32 There were no springs, but the
floor was made of a network of
rope stretched so as to be
elastic and thus overcome some
of the effects of the jolting.
Often two horses pulled one
chariot. In battle it was
customary to have two men in
each chariot, one to drive the
horses, and the other to do the
fighting.33 Figurative use of chariots
and white horses. Chariots
and white horses were often used
as figures of speech in the
Bible. Chariots are referred to
as symbols of power. Thus GOD "maketh
the clouds his chariots" (
And concerning the coming of the
LORD, Isaiah prophesied: "The
Lord will come with fire, and
with his chariots like a
whirlwind" (Isa 66:15).
The coming of CHRIST to fight
the battle of Armageddon is
predicted to be on a white
horse, and the armies that
follow him from Heaven will be
upon white horses (Rev 19:11;
Rev 19:14). Generals of armies have usually
been known to ride upon white
horses, and so as General of a
great army, CHRIST will ride
such an animal; and since His
saints share with Him in the
victory, it is appropriate that
they too shall ride upon white
horses. CATTLE The domestic cattle of Palestine
have been much like those raised
in the West, only there have not
been as many kinds of breed. In
the time of Israel's prosperity,
cattle were much more numerous
than they have been among the
Arabs today, and were probably
better developed animals. The
ancient Jews used the cattle for
sacrifices, and for this purpose
they had to be without flaws.
The Arabs do not use cattle for
meat very much, but rather use
sheep and goat meat. Various words are used in our
English Bible to indicate
cattle. The word "ox" is often
used, and it is sometimes
indicated that this animal was
especially fatted for table use.
"Better is a dinner of herbs
where love is, than a stalled ox
and hatred therewith" ( Milk-giving cows,
sometimes called "milch kine,"
were in common use ( During part of the year, the
cattle in Palestine are allowed
to graze. In the thickly
populated sections, a boy will
act as herdsman to see that they
do no harm. But in the thinly
populated districts, the farmers
will sometimes turn their herds
loose and let the cattle forage,
hunting their own pasturage.
While doing this they take on
some of the characteristics of a
wild animal. The Bible refers to
some of these habits. The Psalmist cried: "Many
bulls have compassed me, strong
bulls of Bashan have beset me
round. They gaped upon me with
their mouths, as a ravening and
a roaring lion" ( Special use of the fatted
calf. The "fatted calf" as
used by the Jews served a
special purpose. This calf was
stall-fed as is indicated by the
prophet Malachi: "And grow up
as calves of the stall" ( Two occasions called for the
slaying of this animal. First, if a special guest was to
be received and thus honored,
the calf was then killed. When
the witch of Endor entertained
King Saul with a meal, the
account says that she "had a
fat calf in the house; and she
hasted, and killed it" ( Second, the "fatted calf' was
sometimes slain as a special
sacrifice or offering unto the
LORD. The prophet Amos mentions
"the peace-offerings of your
fat beasts" ( DOGS There are two kinds of dogs that
are referred to in the Bible. First, There is the wolf-like,
short-haired creature, that
stands guard over the tent or
the house, and which barks
fiercely at strangers that come
that way. He will eat whatever
garbage is tossed to him, and in
the evening he is usually heard
barking about the city (cf.
Second, there is the shepherd
dog that goes out with the
shepherd to help him in rounding
up the sheep. Job speaks of
these animals as "the dogs of
my flock" ( The attitude of the Orientals
toward dogs needs to be kept in
mind in interpreting the
Scriptures that refer to them.38
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Because some scholars have not
discovered what they deem to be
certain evidence of the
domestication of the camel
earlier than the end of the
twelfth century B.C., therefore
they suggest the possibility
that references to the camel in
Genesis and Exodus are
anachronistic. But in the face
of at least some early
references to the camel outside
the Bible, such a line of
reasoning is indecisive. For
answer to these critical views,
see Joseph P. Free,
Archaeology and Bible History,
pp. 170-171.
2. J. G. Wood, Bible Animals,
pp. 218-229.
3. H. R. P. Dickson, The Arab
of the Desert, pp. 413, 414.
4. Wood, op. cit., pp. 237, 238.
5. Ibid., p. 239.
6. E. P. Barrows, Sacred
Geography and Antiquities,
p. 370.
7. Wood, op. cit., pp 223,224.
8. Dickson, op. cit., pp.
9. Wood, op. cit., p. 228.
10. W. M. Thomson, The Land
and the Book, Vol. III, p.
550. .
11. Wood, op. cit., pp. 228,
12. Ibid., p. 222.
13. A. Forder, 'Ventures
Among the Arabs, pp. 174,
14. Cunningham Geikie, The
Holy Land and the Bible,
Vol. I, p. 17.
15. Albert E. Bailey, Daily
Life in Bible Times, p. 158.
16. Wood, op. cit., pp. 229,
17. Ibid., pp. 218,241.
18. A. T. Robertson, Luke the
Historian in the Light of
Research, p. 95.
19. John A.
Broadus, Commentary on the
Gospel of Matthew, p. 473.
(Philadelphia: American Baptist
Publication Society, 1886.)
20. "Ass," The People's Bible
Encyclopedia, p. 53.
21. Wood, op. cit., p. 275.
22. Edwin C. Bissell,
Biblical Antiquities, p.
23. Wood, op. cit., pp. 264-267.
24. Bissell, op. cit., p. 117.
25. Ibid., p. 118.
26. Wood, op. cit., pp. 271,
272; Bissell, op. cit., p. 118.
27. Wood, ibid. p. 291.
28. The word "mules" as
translated in the A. V. of
29. Wood, op. cit., pp. 285-289.
30. Ibid., p. 250.
31. Cf. George L. Robinson,
The Bearing of Archaeology on
the Old Testament, pp. 179,
32. Wood, op. cit., p. 257.
33. Ibid., p. 257,258.
34. Ibid., pp. 101-110.
35. From class notes in course:
"Manners and Customs of Bible
Lands," Pasadena College, June,
1950, taught by Dr. G. Frederick
36. W. M. Thomson, The Land
and the Book, Vol. II, p.
38. Miller, Encyclopedia of
Bible Life, p. 36. |