By Fred H. Wight
Olive and Fig Tree Culture
THE OLIVE TREE ABUNDANCE OF OLIVE TREES IN BIBLE LANDS. For centuries the olive tree has been growing in lands bordering on the Mediterranean Sea, but its growth in Palestine has been quite abundant. Moses told Israel that Canaan was "a land of oil olive" ( Deu 8:8). He also told them that they would acquire olive trees which they had not planted (Deu 6:11). From that day down to the present day, the growth of the olive tree, and the use of its products, have played an important part in the history of the land.Characteristics of the olive tree. The young olive tree only bears olives after seven years of growth, and it is about fourteen years before the crop reaches its maturity. Because of the injurious method of harvesting the olives by using sticks to knock off the fruit, the trees only bear a full crop every other year. Some twenty gallons of oil are often derived from the olives of one tree. The berries are harvested in the month of October.1 After the olive tree reaches its maturity, its fruitfulness lasts for many years. Its longevity is one of the remarkable characteristics of the tree. It lives and bears fruit for centuries. The old Olive tree is often seen to have several thrifty young shoots springing up all around it from its roots. It was this picture that the Psalmist had in mind when he wrote: "Thy children like olive plants round about thy table" ( Psa 128:3).The olive tree thrives in Palestinian soil which has so many rocks in it. Thomson says of it: "It insinuates its roots into the crevices of this flinty marl, and draws from thence its stores of oil."2 Doubtless it is to this that the song of Moses alludes: "He made him to suck honey out of the rock, and oil out of the flinty rock" ( Deu 32:13).To the Occidental, the olive tree with its dull grayish color of foliage, does not seem to be a particularly beautiful tree, but the Oriental sees in it many charms.3 Writers of Scripture often speak of the beauty and attractiveness of the olive. Concerning Israel, the prophet Jeremiah said: "the Lord called thy name, A green olive tree, fair, and of goodly fruit" ( Jer 11:16). The prophet Hosea said, "His beauty shall be as the olive tree" (Hos 14:6). And David asserted concerning himself: "I am like a green olive tree in the house of God" (Psa 52:8).Olive trees have a remarkable number of blossoms, many of which fall without ever maturing into fruit. Sometimes the breeze blows upon the tree and the falling blossoms look like a shower of snowflakes.4 The Book of Job makes a comparison to this characteristic of the olive blossoms: "And shall cast off his flower as the olive" ( Job 15:33).Grafting of the olive tree. In the western part of Asia the olive tree often grows wild, and so when the trees are cultivated they must be grafted. A graft of a cultivated olive tree is inserted into the stem of the wild olive tree, and then the wild olive tree is cut down close to the ground, and the part below becomes root and feeder for the inserted shoot.5 This is the customary process of grafting. But the Apostle Paul, for sake of argument, speaks of grafting contrary to the natural process. He tells of GOD grafting the wild olive of the Gentiles on the good stock of the Jewish nation, which is a reversal of custom ( Rom 11:24).Harvesting the olive crop. The Arabs harvest their crop of olives in the Holy Land by beating the trees with sticks in order to knock off the fruit. Instead of hand picking them, they beat the limbs and thus cause the fruit to fall. The tender shoots that would ordinarily bear fruit the following year are thus apt to be damaged, so as to interfere greatly with the next year's crop. This is no doubt the reason for the trees yielding a good crop only every other year. The reason why this method is used is because their forefathers have always done it this way, and they don't believe in change of customs.6 As a matter of fact, Moses indicates that the same method was used by Israel when he gave the law concerning leaving some of the olive berries for the poor: "When thou beatest thine olive tree thou shalt not go over the boughs again: it shall be for the stranger, or the fatherless, and for the widow" ( Deu 24:20).Isaiah also speaks of the obtaining of berries left by the olive harvesters: "Yet gleaning grapes shall be left in it, as the shaking of an olive tree, two or three berries in the top of the uppermost bough, four or five in the outmost fruitful branches thereof" ( Isa 17:6).Use of olives for eating. The natives of Bible lands have made large use of a form of dried olives. The pickled olive berry so much used in the Occident, is gradually being introduced by the returning Jews. It has been said that bread and olives are used in Syria today, much like porridge and mi1k are used in Scotland.7 The workingman of the East usually has some olives in his bag when he leaves home for his daily work. The process of making olive oil. Olive mills are used for making oil. There have been many of these instruments for the manufacture of oil located in Palestine.
The Garden of Gethsemane was in reality an olive orchard, and the word, "Gethsemane," means "Oil-Press." Another Bible-time way of making oil was to tread the olive berries with the feet. This primitive method was mentioned by the prophet Micah: "Thou shalt tread the olives, but thou shalt not anoint thee with oil" ( Mic 6:15).The wide use of olive oil in Bible lands. Olive oil was considered to be one of the great sources of wealth in the days of King Solomon (cf. 1Ki 5:11; 2Ch 2:10). Solomon gave to Hiram each year in return for services rendered by his men, among other things, twenty thousand baths of oil, one bath being about seven and one-half gallons.9The prophets Ezekiel and Hosea make mention of the exporting of oil to other lands ( Eze 27:17; Hos 12:1). Oil has been used for a great variety of purposes in the Orient. It largely took the place of butter in eating, and for cooking purposes it was used in place of animal fat.Ezekiel mentions three important items of diet of which oil is one, and flour and honey are the other two ( Eze 16:13). And olive oil was used almost exclusively for light in lamps. The most famous example of this is "the ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom" (Mat 25:1). Also oil is used today in Bible lands in the manufacture of soap, and it is quite likely that it was so used in Bible days. And oil was often used for anointing the body.Naomi told Ruth, "Wash thyself therefore, and anoint thee, and put thy raiment upon thee, and get thee down to the floor" ( Rth 3:3).Then oil was many times used in various religious ceremonies. It formed a part of the meal offering ( Lev 2:1). The prophet was anointed with oil when he took over his duties (1Ki 19:16). The priest was also anointed with oil when he took over his duties (Lev 8:12). And the king was anointed either by a prophet or by the priest (1Sa 16:13; 1Ki 1:34).In New Testament times the sick were anointed for the healing of their bodies ( Mar 6:13; Jam 5:14).The use of olive wood. Wood from the olive tree is often used in the East. It is close-grained and has a yellow tint. The Oriental carpenter is fond of using it. It is especially utilized in the construction of cabinets. King Solomon had the cherubim of the temple, and the inner and outer doors and posts of the sanctuary, all made of olive wood.10 ( 1Ki 6:23; 1Ki 6:31; 1Ki 6:33).The symbolic use of the olive. The olive tree has been thought of as a symbol of peace, ever since the dove sent out by Noah from the ark came back, and "Lo, in her mouth an olive leaf plucked off" ( Gen 8:11). Throughout the Bible, oil is often used symbolically of the HOLY SPIRIT. And when the Apostle John speaks of the "anointing which ye have received" (1Jn 2:27), he means by it the enduement with power of the HOLY SPIRIT. Also oil was considered a symbol of abundance (Deu 8:8), and a lack of it was a symbol of want (Joe 1:10).THE FIG TREE Three crops of figs in
Palestine. The early figs,
not very many in number, but
large in size, are ripe a month
before the main crop; the summer
or main crop is used in August
and September; and the winter
figs remain on the trees until
late in the fall of the year.
Mention is made in Scripture of
the firstripe figs as being
desirable (Hos 9:10),
and the ease with which they are
secured when the tree is shaken
(Nah 3:12).
The summer crop that is not
eaten as fresh fruit is dried on
the housetops, and then used in
the winter months.11 The fig tree a sign of the
season. The fig tree shows
sign of foliage later than some
of the other fruit trees of
Palestine. The unfolding of
the fig leaves and the deepening
of their color is thought of as
a sign that summertime is at
hand.12 JESUS made reference to this
idea: "Now learn a parable of
the fig tree; when his branch is
yet tender, and putteth forth
leaves, ye know that summer is
nigh" ( CHRIST and the fig tree.
In order to understand why
CHRIST cursed the fig tree one
day, it is necessary to know the
custom of the fig tree's growth
of leaves and fruit. The normal
habit of the fig trees is that
fruit begins to form on the tree
as soon as leaves appear. Leaves
and fruit also disappear
together. But it was said of
this fig tree which JESUS and
his disciples saw on the Mount
of Olives, "for the time of
figs was not yet" ( Actually this was no excuse for
this fig tree, because if it was
not the time for figs, it was
also not the time for leaves to
appear. By a show of leaves, it
was like many people, pretending
to have fruit which was not
there. It was like the Pharisees
who professed to be very
religious, but whose lives were
fruitless. Therefore CHRIST
cursed this tree as an object
lesson to all not to be
hypocritical.13 JESUS also gave us the Parable
of the Barren Fig Tree. "A certain man had a fig tree
planted in his vineyard; and he
came and sought fruit thereon,
and found none. Then said he
unto the dresser of his
vineyard, Behold, these three
years I come seeking fruit on
this fig tree, and find none:
cut it down; why cumbereth it
the ground? And he answering
said unto him, Lord, let it
alone this year also, till I
shall dig about it, and dung it:
and if it bear fruit, well: and
if not, then after that thou
shalt cut it down" ( Here was a fig tree that failed
for three years to bear fruit,
when its owner had a right to
expect a crop. The gardener
suggested patience with the
tree, and proposed additional
cultivation and fertilization
for it, giving it another chance
to bear figs. It will be noted
that this fig tree had been
planted in the midst of a
vineyard. This is often done in
Palestine. Use of figs in the Old
Testament. Figs were often
used in the history of Israel,
especially dried figs. Abigail
took two hundred cakes of figs
to David ( Sitting under one's own fig
tree. Several times the Old
Testament makes use of this
expression with the addition of
the vine. It is used in various
ways. In the prosperous reign of
King Solomon it was said, "And
Judah and Israel dwelt safely,
every man under his vine and
under his fig tree, from Dan
even to Beer-sheba, all the days
of Solomon" ( The prophet Micah used the
expression to picture the
universal peace and prosperity
which would characterize the
coming Golden Age: "Nation
shall not lift up sword against
nation, neither shall they learn
war any more. But they shall sit
every man under his vine and
under his fig tree; and none
shall make them afraid" ( |
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George M. Mackie. Bible
Manners and Customs. p. 49.
2. W. M. Thomson. The Land
and the Book, Vol. III. p.
3. E. P. Barrows. Sacred
Geography and Antiquities,
p. 356.
4. Edwin W. Rice,
Orientalisms in Bible Lands,
pp. 148. 149.
5. Mackie, op. cit., p. 50.
6. John D. Whiting, "Village
Life in the Holy Land," The
National Geographic Magazine.
March. 1914. p. 291.
7. Mackie. op. cit., p. 50.
8. George A. Barton,
Archaeology and the Bible.
p. 137.
9. Barrows.op. cit., p. 357.
10. Loc. cit.
11. Mackie, op. cit., p. 51.
12. Loc. cit.
13. Ibid.. pp. 52-53. |