By Rev. John Wilbur Chapman
An International convention of the
Young Men's Christian Association was held at Indianapolis in June, 1870. Mr.
Moody attended. During the convention an early morning prayer. meeting was conducted
in a church adjoining the hail where the convention was held. Mr. Moody led
this meeting. Ira D. Sankey, who at that time was Assistant Collector of Revenue in New Castle,
Pa., but whose interest in religious work had made him an active worker in the
field, had come to Indianapolis to attend the convention. He had heard of Mr.
Moody, but had never seen him, and learning that the Chicago preacher was to
lead this morning meeting, he yielded to a strong impulse and attended. Mr. SANKEY'S FIRST SINGING AT A MOODY MEETING When Mr. Sankey entered, the singing was being led by a man who was dragging
through a long metre hymn in the slow old-fashioned way. Mr. Sankey was scarcely
seated when some one touched his elbow, and turning around, he discovered that
he was sitting beside the Rev. Robert McMillen, with whom he happened to be
well acquainted. Mr. McMillen whispered to Mr. Sankey that nobody present seemed
able to put any life into the singing, adding, "When that man who is praying
gets through, I wish you would start up something" Without waiting for any further invitation, Mr. Sankey arose and sang with wonderful
The power and fervor of the singer's
voice was such that the congregation forgot to join in the chorus, and Mr. Sankey
finished the hymn by himself. The effect of this song was not missed by Mr. Moody. At the close of the service,
when Mr. McMillen brought Mr. Sankey forward, Mr. Moody stepped to one side
and took the singer by the hand. "Where do you come from?" he asked.
"Pennsylvania,' replied Mr. Sankey. "Are you married or single?"
"Married; I have a wife and one child." "What business are you
in?" "I am a government official connected with the Internal Revenue
service, answered Mr. Sankey, not realizing what motive was subjecting him to
such cross-examination. A SUDDEN PROPOSITION "Well," said Mr. Moody, decidedly, "you will have to give that
up; I have been looking for you for eight years." Mr. Sankey stood amazed
and was at a loss to understand just what Mr. Moody meant by telling him that
he would have to give up a comfortable position, and he was so taken aback for
a few seconds that he could scarcely reply. At last, however, recovering from
his astonishment, he asked the evangelist what he meant. Mr. Moody promptly
explained. "You will have to give up your government position and come
with me. You are just the man I have been looking for, for a long time. I want
you to come with me; you can do the singing, and I will do the talking."
The proposition did not sound particularly attractive to Mr. Sankey, and he
told Mr. Moody, that he did not feel he could accept it and begged for time
in which to consider the matter. Mr. Moody asked him if he would join him in
prayer in regard to it, and the singer replied that he would most gladly do
so. Says Mr. Sankey, "I presume I prayed one way and he prayed another;
however, it took him only six months to pray me out of business." It was
true that Mr. Moody was praying that Mr. Sankey would see his way clear to do
as he had asked, while Mr. Sankey was arguing with himself against the proposition.
This first meeting between the two men was on Sunday. All that day and night
Mr. Sankey thought over Mr. Moody's words, but the next morning found him still
inclined to stick to the government position with its assured salary. A STREET SERVICE Just at a moment when he was in considerable doubt as to the suitable course,
a card was brought him which on examination proved to be from Mr. Moody. It
requested him to meet Mr. Moody at a certain street corner that evening at six
o'clock. Mr. Sankey did not know what he was wanted for, but he accepted the
invitation, and, accompanied by a few friends, met the appointment promptly.
In a few minutes Mr. Moody appeared, and without stopping to speak, walked into
a store on the corner and asked permission to use a dry-goods box. The permission
granted, the evangelist rolled a large box out to the edge of the sidewalk,
and then calling Mr. Sankey aside asked him to climb up and sing something.
Mr. Sankey complied. A crowd began to collect, and Mr. Moody getting upon the
box began to preach. Mr. Sankey says of that sermon, "He preached that
evening as I had never heard any man preach before." The hearers, most
of them workingmen on their way home from the mills and factories, were electrified.
They hung on every word, apparently forgetting that they were tired and hungry,
and when Mr. Moody closed, which he was forced to do by the density of the crowd,
he announced that he would hold another meeting at the Academy of Music, and
invited the crowd to accompany him there. Arm in arm with Mr. Moody, Mr. Sankey
marched down the street singing hymn after hymn as he went, the crowd following
closely at their heels. Mr. Sankey has since declared that this was his first
experience in Salvation Army methods. The meeting in the Academy of Music was
necessarily brief because the convention was soon to come together, oddly enough
to discuss the question, "How shall we reach the masses?" and as the
delegates came in Mr. Moody, with a short prayer dismissed the meeting. MR. SANKEY JOINS FORCES WITH MR. MOODY Although deeply affected by the power of Mr. Moody's inspiring message, Mr.
Sankey was still undecided. He went home to talk the matter over with his wife,
and to her the proposed partnership seemed, at that time, an unwarranted and
injudicious step, but after several months, the influence of Mr. Moody's invitation
still working in him, he went by request to Chicago and spent a week with Mr.
Moody. For several days they worked together in church, in Sunday school, in
saloons and drinking dens, joining their gifts of speaking and singing to bring
light to the discouraged and the sinful. When the week was over, Mr. Sankey
had decided. He sent his resignation to Hugh McCulloch, who at that time was
Secretary of the Treasury; another veteran of the War was given his place in
the Internal Revenue Service, and Mr. Sankey joined forces with Mr. Moody. This was about six months before the great Chicago fire. When that tidal wave
of flame overwhelmed that part of Chicago where Mr. Moody's work was especially
located, and destroyed his church and his home, the evangelist's plans were
for a time completely disarranged, and he went for a tour in the Eastern States,
while Mr. Sankey returned to his home in Pennsylvania. But when the new tabernacle
sprang from the ashes of the old, the two brethren once more began their labours,
taking up their lodgings in anterooms of the great rough building, and throwing
themselves heart and soul into the effort to bring the unfortunate people to
Christ. This work in the rough chapel among the ruins was signalized by a great
revival. While Mr. Moodly was on his second visit to Great Britain in 1872,
Mr. Sankey took charge of the meetings. Mr. Moody had gone more especially to
attend the Mildmay Conference in London. When he returned, he found that Mr.
Sankey had received an especial baptism of the Holy Spirit, and that the blessings
of his work had been increased a thousand fold by the responsibilities which
had been left with him. MR. SANKEY FOLLOWS MR. MOODY TO ENGLAND It was about this time, possibly under the influence of this second trip to
England, that Mr. Moody decided upon that third tour which was to bring to Great
Britain a spiritual regeneration such as had not been known since the days of
John Wesley. Mr. Moody said to his co-worker, "You have often proposed
that we make an evangelizing journey together; now let us go to England."
Again Mr. Sankey found himself in some doubt as to his proper decision. It happened
that he was then considering an offer from Mr. Phillips to go to the Pacific
Coast and give a series of "Evenings of Song." Fortunately he again
decided to follow Mr. Moody. Possibly he was influenced in his decision by a
realization that if he went with Mr. Phillips he would be associated with a
man whose gifts were similar to his own, a condition which might lead to difficulties,
while if he went with Mr. Moody he would have his own work to do entirely separate
from the work of Mr. Moody, although complementary to it. So attended by his
little family, he trustfully set forth with Mr. Moody and his family, June 7,
1873, on a journey of four thousand miles. The joyful, prayerful singing of the Gospel hymns by Mr. Sankey was a revelation
of unexpected truth and grace to the people of the British Isles. In Scotland
especially, the masses were moved by him. With an indescribable impulse, the
cautious, distrustful followers of John Knox, worshippers who for generations
had been accustomed to reject as uninspired all other services of praise than
their own rude version of the Psalms, now listened with delight to the music
which fell like a blessing from the lips of the most gifted Christian singer
of the time. SANKEY'S SINGING IN EDINBURGH One of his hearers has thus described the impression made by Mr. Sankey's singing
in Edinburgh. " Mr. Sankey sings with the conviction that souls are receiving
Jesus between one note and the next. The stillness is overawing; some of the
lines are more spoken than sung. The hymns are equally used for awakening, none
more than 'Jesus of Nazareth Passeth By'. When you hear the ' Ninety and Nine
'sung, you know of a truth that down in this corner, up in that gallery, behind
that pillar which hides the singer' s face from the listener, the hand of Jesus
has been finding this and that and yonder lost one to place them in His fold.
A certain class of hearers come to the services solely to hear Mr. Sankey, and
the song draws the Lord's net around them. We asked Mr. Sankey one day what
he was to sing. He said, 'I'll not know till I hear how Mr. Moody is closing.'
Again we were driving to the Canongate Parish Church one winter night, and Mr.
Sankey said to the young minister who had come for him, ' I am thinking of singing'
'I am so Glad to-night.' 'O said the young man, please rather sing 'Jesus of
Nazareth.' An old man told me to-day that he had been awakened by it the last
night you were down. He said, 'It just went through me like an electric shock.'
A gentleman in Edinburgh was in distress of soul, and happened to linger in
a pew after. the noon meeting. The choir had remained to practice and began,
'Free from the Law, O, Happy Condition.' Quickly the Spirit of God carried the
truth home to the awakened conscience, and he was at last in the finished work
of Jesus. SANKEY'S FAVORITE HYMN Mr. Sankey's hymns were gathered from a hundred sources. A great many of them
are to-day known by every child in the land and are remembered by many other
persons as means of grace in their own conversions. Of all his songs the favorite
was, "The Ninety and Nine". This beautiful hymn has an interesting
little history. While Mr. Moody and Mr. Sankey were in the Highlands of Scotland they were subjected
to some criticisms because Mr. Sankey's music was so much of a deviation from
the established music of the Scotch churches. Anxious not to offend the prejudices
of any in the multitudes whom they were meeting, Mr. Sankey cast about him for
a song which might satisfy not only the hearts, but the ears as well of the
rough shepherds of the Highlands. One day in the corner of a newspaper he found
the words of "The Ninety and Nine ". They had originally been printed
in The Christian, of Boston, Mass., and were reprinted in England in The Rock.
The melody came to him like an inspiration. The first time he sang it, it was
not even written out. It is natural that a song like this should have appealed
to the shepherds of Scot1and to whom its sentiment came with an especially pleasing
force. It became their favorite among Mr. Sankey's songs. and when he went to
Ireland and England it was called for more, and appreciated more, than any other
song in his collection. It was also said of the results of Mr. Sankey's singing, "The wave of sacred
song has spread over Ireland and is now sweeping through England, but indeed
it is not being confined to the United Kingdom alone. Far away on the shores
of India, and in many other lands, these sweet songs of the Saviour's love are
being sung." "HE SANG THE GOSPEL" It was not alone the novelty of his method that aroused interest in Mr. Sankey's
songs to such a high degree. He possessed a voice of unusual purity and strength,
and even when facing a great congregation of seventeen or eighteen thousand
people, could make every word which he uttered so distinct that it was heard
on the very outskirts of the throng. His vocal method has been criticised, undoubtedly
with justice, but it can be said that, whether his method was correct or incorrect
artistically, it was at least effective. Patti at her best could not move hearers
with her singing in the way that Mr. Sankey won the hearts of his audiences.
He literally, as he himself proclaimed, "sang the Gospel". This phrase, novel as it was, was criticised by many staid conservatives in
the matter of religion, but its truth cannot be questioned. If it were not true
how could it have been that so many should have been led to Christ through the
influence of that marvellous singing. An English journal has told of a little
girl only ten years old who had listened with delight to Mr. Sankey's singing.
"O!" she said "How I love those dear hymns! When I am gone, mother,
will you ask the girls of the school to sing the hymn.
The night before her death, she said,
"Dear father and mother, I hope I shall meet you in Heaven. You cannot
think how bright and happy I feel," and half an hour before her departure
she exclaimed, "O! mother, listen to the bells of Heaven, they are ringing
so beautifully." She closed her eyes awhile, but presently she cried again,
"Hearken to the harps, they are most splendid; O! I wish you could bear
them," and then, " O! mother, I see the Lord Jesus and the angels.
O, if you could see them too! He is sending one to fetch me!" About five
minutes before her last breath she said, "Lift me up from the pillow; high,
high up! O! I wish you could lift me right up into Heaven! "Then doubtless
conscious that the parting moment was at hand, "Put me down again, quick,"
and calmly, joyously, brightly, with her eyes upward, as if gazing upon some
vision of surpassing beauty, she peacefully breathed forth her spirit into the
arms of the ministering angels whom Jesus had sent for her, How can we measure
what the voice of the singer had done for that little girl. A NOVELTY IN RELIGIOUS WORK An innovation in Mr. Sankey's singing was the use of the parlor organ to accompany
himself. Wherever he went this little instrument was placed upon the platform
for his use, and it is doubtful if he could have found anything more effective
for his accompaniment. Criticised it was, for, like "singing the Gospel,"
it was a novelty in religious work and, therefore, was frowned upon by those
who felt that established methods should never be violated. It was even charged
that he had been sent to England by a firm of organ makers who paid him a large
salary on the condition that he use their organs in his services. This charge
was denied both by the organ makers and by Mr. Sankey, and it does not seem
likely that a man, who by agreement with Mr. Moody, turned over a fortune in
royalties on books of song to charitable and religious purposes would stoop
to accept such an unworthy tribute. At a children's meeting in Edinburgh in 1874, Mr. Sankey related the following
incident: "I want to speak a word about singing, not only to the little
folks, but also to grown people. During the winter after the great Chicago fire,
when the place was 'built up with little frame houses for the poor people to
stay in, a mother sent for me one day to come to see her little child, who was
one of our Sunday school pupils. I remembered the little girl very well, having
often seen her in our meetings, and was glad to go. A LITTLE GIRLS TESTIMONY She was lying in one of the poor little huts, all the property of the family
having been destroyed by the fire. I ascertained that she was beyond all hopes
of recovery, and that they were waiting for the little one to pass away. 'How
is it with you to-day?' I asked. With a beautiful smile on her face, she said,
'It is all well with me to-day. I wish you would speak to my father and mother.'
'But,' said I, 'are you a Christian?' 'Yes.' 'When did you become one?' Do you
remember last Thursday in the Tabernacle when we had that little Singing meeting,
and you sang, 'Jesus Loves Even Me?' 'Yes.' 'It was last Thursday I believed
on the Lord Jesus, and now I am going to be with Him to-day.' That testimony
from that little girl in that neglected quarter of Chicago has done more to
stimulate me and to bring me to this country than all that the papers or any
persons might say. I remember the joy I felt when I looked upon that beautiful
child face. She went up to Heaven, and no doubt said that she learned upon earth
that Jesus loved her, from that little hymn. If you want to enjoy a blessing,
go to the couches of the bedridden and dying ones, and sing to them of Jesus,
for they cannot enjoy these meetings as you do, and you will get a great blessing
to your own soul." A story is told of a young Highlander who had lived far from the Lord for so
long that his pastor had come to believe that the truth could not touch him,
but one day he was found deeply awakened. When asked what had brought about
this change in his feelings he said that it was the result of hearing his little
sister sing
During the great revival in Scotland,
a certain writer said, Perhaps not a week has passed during the last year in
which we have not had evidence that the Lord had directly used a line of one
of these hymns in the salvation of some soul." WONDERFUL SPIRITUAL RETURNS Mr. Moody's preaching, Mr. Sankey's singing - how indissolubly these two are
associated in the minds of millions of people! And how wonderful were the spiritual
returns that this partnership brought! Often Mr. Moody's words would bring a
sinner to the point of conviction, and then the tender pathos of Mr. Sankey's
singing would let a great flood of blessing into that sinner's soul, and the
softening influences would work until he would cry out in his joy, "I am
saved!" And, on the other hand, when a meeting had just begun, and away
back in the farthest corners men were sitting who had come in a scoffing mood,
or out of curiosity, to hear the evangelists, the preliminary song of Mr. Sankey
would rouse the attention of those persons, and they would try to get nearer
the platform, and by the time Mr. Moody was ready to speak, they would have
forgotten why they had come, in their eagerness to hear the preacher's message.
Mr. Sankey's singing was as direct in its appeal to the individual as Mr. Moody's
speaking. Their was no sentimental clap-trap about either, in spite of. the
charge which we have frequently heard to that effect against the "Gospel
hymns". Music, of all the arts, is now in the highest development. John
Addington Symonds in his story of the Renaissance tells us that the form of
art in which any given generation finds the most perfect expression for its
ideals of beauty depends upon the nature of the religious feeling of that generation,
Thus, the mysticism of the mediaeval Church was typified in the symbolism, the
lofty aspiration of Gothic architecture; the rich formalism, the sensuous comprehensiveness
of the Church of Rome in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries established
the ideals and led to the feelings which were spread in glowing colors upon
the canvasses of the greatest painters the world has ever known; while, in present
times, the development of religious life to a plane of lofty hope, brotherly
love, and a consciousness of salvation has found its highest expression in music.
A BLESSED PARTNERSHIP Music comes from the heart in a way that words cannot; there are times when
its appeal is resistless, and so, for nearly thirty years, to the sound sense
of Mr. Moody's words, illumined as they were by the reflection of a great heart,
was added the appeal of Mr. Sankey's song. Surely this partnership was blessed
beyond our comprehension. It has been wonderful the way Mr. Sankey's song has been carried beyond the
mere locality of utterance. An illustration of the way in which it heralded
and accompanied the Gospel message as sent out from the words of his brother
evangelist is found in the letter of a traveler who was going from England to
France in 1875. "It has been perfectly delightful," he says "to
find traces of the work everywhere. While waiting at I heard a porter filling
the whole station with the 'Sweet Bye and Bye.' As he came up to my carriage,
I was struck with his bright, cheery face and spoke to him. The man's face glowed
when he talked of Mr. Moody and Mr. Sankey.
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