By Rev. John Wilbur Chapman
In the ancient Church there were
men whose special call and labors were to save her decaying life from extinction,
and reinforce it with fresh spiritual power. If time permitted, the names of
patriarchs and prophets in the Old Testament might be mentioned, and the names
of New Testament apostles might be spoken, for all of these were evangelists
in the truest sense of the word. The word "evangelist" means "the
bringer of good tidings." This being true, D. L. Moody was an evangelist
in the truest sense of the word. The office, being of divine appointment is
distinct from that of the pastor, the teacher, and the prophet, and as a rule
in all the history of the Church has been given to those who have no stated
pastoral charge, but have traveled from place to place as they had opportunity
to work. HE LED THEM TO CHRIST Among all the men whom the world has ever known as evangelists D. L. Moody takes
no secondary place. One has but to study the history of the Church to learn
the value of religious awakenings in general, and he who states that their effect
upon the Church is not helpful makes a statement which cannot be supported by
the facts. I once heard Mr. Moody say that when some one in the City of Boston
had criticized the meetings he had held, he determined that he would go back
to the city and call for all those who had been converted in his meetings to
be present at a service which he would announce. The great building was filled
to over, flowing and at least ten years after his services had closed he had
the joy of hearing literally thousands give testimony to the fact that he had
led them to Christ. A little before the middle of the eighteenth century began what may be called
the First Era of Revivals in this country, part of a religious movement that
affected and moulded in a most remarkable manner the entire English-speaking
world for three-quarters of a century. The leaders of this movement in England were Whitefield and the Wesleys. The
leader in America was Jonathan Edwards. REMARKABLE REVIVALS IN AMERICA
It is an interesting fact in revivals
that they frequently succeed some great calamity. It was so with the wonderful
work of grace known as The Revival of 1859. The churches, to an alarming extent,
were characterized by indifference and conformity to the world. Speculation
was running rife, and men were entering recklessly in the race for riches. As
a natural result, frauds and failures were very common, and in a day the most
fanciful dreams would perish and millionaires would become paupers. But God was working in it all, and as a direct result there was a call sent
forth to the Christians of the Nation for united prayer, and the result was
the mighty awakening. Its history can never be known perfectly. It is written in Heaven, and when
we stand there we shall know the full story. But no history of revivals in this generation would be complete without due
consideration being given to the man whose name is a household word, and who
has been a blessing to Christians throughout the world, Mr. Dwight L. Moody.
Mr. Moody may be regarded as being, in his career and work, the representative
of lay activity in the work of evangelization especially of the Young Men's
Christian Association as embodying and organizing this activity. That association
had largely to do with opening the way for him into the various churches and
communities in the early stages of his work, and with awakening and sustaining
enthusiasm in his various evangelistic enterprises REPRESENTATIVE EVANGELISTS It would be difficult to imagine men more unlike than these representative evangelists.
Jonathan Edwards was a mighty logician, and his great theme was The sovereignty
of Gods Grace in the Salvation of Sinners. His sermons stirred the souls of men to their very depths, and sometimes resulted
in remarkable outward manifestations of feeling, as when, during the preaching
at Enfield, of the sermon entitled 'Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,' the
audience rose up in agony to cry out for mercy. George Whitefield was an orator of great power. Indeed, many of those who heard
Whitefield regarded him as the most eloquent of men, and the traditions of the
remarkable effects produced, not only by his sermons but by the very tones of
his voice, are still handed down. Dr. Asahel Nettleton was very different from either of the two just mentioned.
The following general estimate of his life has been given by some one: Dr. Nettleton's life was marvelously useful and helpful. I never heard the opinion
expressed that he was either a great or a very learned man; but I never heard
those who knew him intimately question his goodness. He was a most godly man,
serious, circumspect, discreet, and gifted with rare discrimination, enabling
him to know and read men, and greatly aiding him to adapt himself and his instructions
to men in their various moods, with their different peculiarities, prejudices,
conditions, and prepossessions. He had power to prevail with God and man. His
rare success is not to be attributed to his greatness, nor to his native sagacity,
nor to the happy combination of gifts constitutional or natural, nor to everything
combined in him, so much as to his holiness. He walked with God, knew and trusted
God. He had a mighty faith. He found out how much God loved men, and he was
brought into sympathy with God for the salvation of men. His perception of the
guilt and doom of sinners was intense and absorbed him. He was a man whose religious
development would lead him to cry out while prostrated on the cold ground at
the midnight hour, "Give me souls or I die!" CHARLES G. FINNEY Charles G. Finney was still another type of man, but few men have been more
mightily used of God than he. Sometimes he could proceed no farther in the service
than the reading of his text when the power of God would fall upon his audience
and scores of people would profess Conversion. But with all their greatness none of them outshine Dwight L. Moody, who stands
out among all men as God's chosen instrument to show what one consecrated layman
may accomplish when filled with the Holy Ghost. He was mightily moved when Henry Varley, the English evangelist, said to him
as they were visiting at a friend's house together in England some years ago:
"It remains for the world to see what the Lord can do with a man wholly
consecrated to Christ." Mr. Moody soon returned to America, but those words
clung to him with such power that he was induced to return to England and commence
that wonderful series of labors in Scotland and England. Mr. Moody said to Henry
Varley on returning to England, " Those were the words of the Lord through
your lips to my soul." Strangers sometimes thought him difficult to approach, and he was, if you were
trying to seek him out to say flattering words to him; but no man in all the
world was more approachable than he when he knew that you had an unselfish desire
with him to extend the bounds of the Kingdom of God. ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO HIS WORK Mr. Moody was especially adapted to his work, first, because he was pre-eminently
practical in this practical age. He was most direct in his speech; every one
knew exactly what he meant; there was no mistake in his utterance. His energy
was literally boundless; day and night and night and day he toiled, never seeming
to be weary. His earnestness and enthusiasm were contagious and wherever he
found an audience dull and lifeless he had only to speak to them a few minutes
until they were ready to do anything that he might command. He preached to larger
crowds than any man in his generation, and yet it was ever his object and aim
to reach the individual rather than the people in a mass. He was a born organizer,
and in this century which has been specially distinguished for its progress
in organization he took high rank. He was the world's greatest evangelist because
with all these qualities he knew men through and through, and he was able to
move them at his own will. A distinguished southern Presbyterian minister writes me the following, which
illustrates my thought.
His messages had no uncertain sound,
concerning the Gospel. He believed that men were lost without Christ. He told
the story of the mother who came into the Eye Infirmary in Chicago and said:
"Doctor, there is something wrong with my baby's eyes." He described
how the doctor took the child in his arms and carried it to the window, looked
at the eyes only a moment, then, shaking his head, gave the child back again
to its mother. "Well, Doctor, what is it?" she said. "Poor woman"
he replied, "your baby is going blind; in three months' time he will be
stone blind, and no power on earth can ever make him see." Mr. Moody told
how the mother held the baby close against her heart and then fell on the floor
with a shriek, crying out, "My God! My baby blind! My baby blind! "
ON SUDDEN CONVERSION I can see his face now as he said, the tears rolling down his cheeks: "Would
to God, we might all be as much moved as that when we know that our friends
are spiritually blind as well as lost!" Because he believed this, he preached
as he did, and it was this spirit that literally drove him to Kansas City to
preach his last sermon, and then turn his face home to die. He believed in instantaneous
conversion; he had no patience at all with the man who thought he must grow
better to be saved. He once said:
He was a master in the conduct of
evangelistic meetings. I well remember, during the recent Armenian massacres,
some one interrupted him in one of his services, saying, "Mr. Moody, I
want to ask permission to present a petition, and to ask the people to sign
it. This petition is to be sent to the President of the United States, asking
him to take some action which may help to stop this dreadful slaughter of innocent
people." The man who made the request, was of considerable prominence, and many a leader
would have yielded to his entreaty. A BETTER PLAN But Mr. Moody was always true to his convictions, and said, "My friend,
I have a better plan than yours. I always believe in approaching any difficulty
by the way of the throne of God. Will some one lead us in prayer?" It is
sufficient to say that there was no petition presented, and everybody was satisfied,
that his was the better way. He was at his best in the Inquiry Meeting. He knew just what Scripture to use,
and it was a rare privilege to be anywhere near him when he talked with one
who wanted to be a Christian. He was never easily discouraged; circumstances that would greatly hinder others,
had no effect upon him, except to lead him closer to Christ. Mr. William Phillips
Hall, the Business Men's Evangelist, relates the following: In Mr. Moody's early evangelistic career, he began a series of meetings in a
church across the sea. There was nothing remarkable about the first service
except that it was formal and cold. In the evening the attendance had increased,
and when the invitation was given to those to stand, who desired to express
an interest in their souls' salvation, so many stood that the evangelist feared
they had not understood his invitation, so he gave it again more plainly, only
to have a larger number stand. And when the after-meeting was called, there
was a most remarkable manifestation of the power of God, and it was the beginning
of a great and memorable work of grace. AN INCIDENT FROM HIS EARLY CAREER One of the members of that church went home to tell an invalid member of the
family, that two Americans, by the names of Moody and Sankey, had conducted
services in the church that day. The invalid burst into tears, and reaching
for her purse took out a piece of an English newspaper, which contained the
large announcement that Dwight L. Moody and Ira D. Sankey were being greatly
used of God in Chicago. So she had read it and had cut it out of the paper,
and from that moment began to pray that God would send those two men to her
church. I have heard Mr. Moody relate the incident myself and then say:
No one this side of Heaven can ever estimate the number of people he won to Christ in his evangelistic services. It has been estimated that he preached to millions. It is safe to say that he must, under the power of God, have led hundreds of thousands to a decision. |
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