By Rev. John Wilbur Chapman
Northfield is beautiful for situation,
and the words of the Psalmist in Psalm xlviii:2, "Beautiful for situation,
the joy of the whole earth, is Mount Zion," in the judgement of many people
could be applied to this center of influence in the Christian world of to-day.
It is impossible to think of Northfield without thinking of Mr. Moody, and equally
impossible to consider for a moment the work of D. L. Moody, without being compelled
to give much consideration to his native town, the place he loved as few men
love the place of their birth. A BEAUTIFUL PLACE Independent of its spiritual attractions, there are few more beautiful places;
the Connecticut River, bending here and there between hill and vale, is more
than interesting. The poet speaks of "rivers singing their way to the sea;"
one can quite understand how this expression could be used in this connection,
for we quite believe that it would be true of the Connecticut. And if the river
itself could speak it would tell many a story of lives that from Northfield
have sung their way on up to Heaven, and have started the melody of song in
many other lives as well. It is said that Mr. Moody loved the view from his
own house better than from almost any other point of observation, and well he
might. Dr. Gordon once wrote of him, "Moody cannot endure the seashore;
his green fields and ever shadowy hills and deep-rolling Connecticut are his
paradise." Northfield is a typical New England town. It consists practically of one long
stretch, on either side of which stand stately elms, their branches meeting
overhead and forming an arch, which has ever increasing beauty for the lovers
of the quaint old town. It has ever been a very winsome place both because of
the fact that it is so far removed from the busy hum of cities as to make it
restful, and also because here within the boundaries of the town so many people
have seen themselves to be out of touch with God and have come to know Him in
all His fulness, and thus have entered the life of blessing. NORTHFIELD DEAR TO MR. MOODY But Northfield was dear to Mr. Moody for more reasons than one, and I am quite
sure that he never thought of it, that there were not more than a hundred reasons
why it should be much to him. He used to say that when the train left Greenfield,
which was not far away from his own home, he found himself so impatient to be
with his loved ones that it was impossible to sit still, and so he would frequently
walk up and down the aisle of the car until he was safely home. The center of Northfield, to the pilgrim journeying thither from all parts of
the world, was the home of Mr. Moody himself, and the visit to that home, and
a vision of it, both within and without, furnished one of the best comments
on his life. Here dwelt a man through whose hands millions of dollars had passed,
and practically none of it, though he had the best of right to a portion of
it, both legally and morally was turned aside to give him what the world would
count luxuries. Tens of thousands of homes are more beautifully and expensively
furnished, but there was an air about this heart of Northfield which one detected
the moment he crossed the threshold of the home - an air not of necessity associated
with tapestries or pictures or paintings or furnishings ordinarily found in
the homes of the rich, but which ever comes, when Christ is the unseen guest
and the head of the house. IS IT ANY WONDER THAT HE LOVED NORTHFIELD? The old home was much to the Great Evangelist because it was his home. It was
associated with his early struggles with poverty, with his father and mother,
so dear to him, with his own immediate household, bound to him, it would seem,
with ties stronger than those that ordinarily unite the members of the family;
with the students whom he loved and whom it was his delight to help to gain
an education. It was the scene of the beginning and the growth of the Bible
Conferences, which have yearly increased in influence and power until the whole
Christian world acknowledges its indebtedness to God for this fountain of blessing.
There, at Mt. Hermon, the site of the boys' school, was started the Student
Volunteer movement, which has been used of God to send hundreds of young men
and women to foreign fields, and influenced hundreds more who now stand waiting
for an opportunity to go. Is it any wonder that Mr. Moody loved Northfield?
We love it too because it is associated with his triumphs. "Triumphs over
the obstacles which stood in the way of his buying back his old home which had
been lost by his father's failure in business. Triumphs over the discouragements
that stood in the way of his giving an education to boys and girls who were
poor, as he once had been; discouragements that would have defeated any other
man, and at last the scene of the triumphant and victorious ending of his life
and his glorious entrance into Heaven when he said, "Earth is receding,
Heaven is opening, God is calling, and I must go." Northfield is known throughout the world also because of the celebrated people
whose names and words are interwoven in its latter day history. But whoever
has visited Northfield in the past, or whoever may turn his face thither in
the future, no name, however great it may be, can ever outshine his of whom
we write. He was the gentlest, the kindest, the noblest Christian man it has
ever been our good fortune to meet. One of the most familiar Northfield pictures
was D. L. Moody sitting on the little porch in front of his house early in the
morning hailing passers-by in whom he might have some special interest, directing
this one, giving an order to another one, until he would have transacted half
a day's business when others were just rising from their beds. I can hear his
voice now as I write, as it sounded out one morning not later than 5.30 o'clock,
when I heard him calling, "Chapman, Chapman," and, looking out of
my window of Weston Hall, saw him sitting in his buggy ready for a drive, and
then for an hour and a half we rode up through his favorite glen past Dr. Pierson's
summer home, and the site where later Drs. Mabie and Torrey were to build. HIS GREAT LOVE OF NATURE His love of nature was manifest in every turn of the road. "Look at that,"
he would say, and before us was a beautiful picture of a running stream and
bending boughs of trees, through which the morning sun was breaking. "
Listen," he would exclaim again, and the whole of the forest on either
side of the road seemed vocal with the song of birds. "Isn't it beautiful,"
he would say over and over. To take a morning ride with D. L. Moody was to see
God in all nature, but most of all was to feel His presence in the remarkable
personality of the man who sat beside you, impressing you by his every word
and gesture with the fact that he was absolutely surrendered to God. It always seemed to me that his favorite meal for guests was breakfast. Happy
that man who had an invitation to this feast of the day, for he could then see
D. L. Moody at his best in his home life, and bow with him about his family
altar, forth from which streams of blessing had gone to the very ends of the
earth. Northfield is associated with certain other people whom Mr. Moody was wise enough
to call to his assistance and help. First and foremost would be Major D. W.
Whittle; for next to Mr. Moody, as a preaching evangelist, stands Major Whittle,
a man of plain speech and solid piety, whose words have been already owned of
God to the awakening of thousands of souls. Major Whittle is a native of Vermont, is about sixty-three years of age, and
when Mr. Moody first met him was a resident of Chicago, where he was converted,
and united with the First Congregational Church, under the pastorate of Rev.
W. W. Patton, D.D. Major Whittle was employed in the office of Fargo & Co.'s
Express until the breaking out of the war, when he enlisted a company in Chicago
and joined the army as a captain of infantry. During his army life he maintained his Christian profession, and for a long
time kept up a company prayer meeting. At the close of the war he returned with
the brevet rank of major, and soon after was offered a situation as business
manager of the Elgin Watch Company, with a salary of five thousand dollars a
year, which he accepted. His work as superintendent of the West Side Tabernacle Sunday School, a mission
opened by the first Congregational Church, was greatly blessed, and for some
time before his entrance upon the work of an evangelist his services were in
considerable demand as a Bible reader and helper in revivals of religion. At length feeling called of God to a wider field of Christian labor, he resigned
his position, with its ample salary, and gave himself wholly up to Christ, trusting
in Him for direction and support. Major Whittle is laid aside at Northfield now, his very presence in the old
town meaning a blessing to many. His ministry too has been a benediction to
all with whom he has come in contact. I question if a more godly man lives to-day
than this honored servant. DR. A. J. GORDON Next in importance, possibly, would be Dr. A. J. Gordon, the honored pastor
for so many years of the Clarendon Street Baptist Church in Boston. Mr. Moody
relied much upon him, often did the great evangelist dwell upon his readiness
to do any service, to take any place, to stand in any gap. " I cannot thank
you enough," he wrote one summer, when his absence had thrown the whole
charge of the Conference upon Dr. Gordon, "for your great help at Northfield.
All the letters I have got from there speak in the highest terms of your generalship.
The presence of such men as these made Northfield a heavenly place in its atmosphere. Mr. Moody never displayed greater wisdom than in his selection of men to aid him in his Conferences.
Certainly no one has ever visited Northfield who has made a deeper impression
by his ministry, than the Rev. F. B. Meyer. He is now the minister of Christ
Church, London, having succeeded in that historic pulpit Rev. Newman Hall, D.
D., but he is known in this country, because of the fact that he has led, by
the direction of the Spirit, thousands of people into the joys of the surrendered
life, and Mr. Moody will doubtless hear in Heaven words of appreciation of the
fact that he ever secured Mr. Meyer for his Northfield work. Time does not permit in this connection to mention the names M MacGregor and
Morgan, Andrew Murray, Dr. Webb-Peploe and hundreds of others of the real leaders
in the Christian world to-day. They have counted it an honor to visit Northfield
and give the very best of their thought to help carry on a movement which was
manifestly of God. There are many special incidents which have made Northfield blessed in its memory.
One is related by Mr. George C. Neech ham, of the sainted A. J. Gordon of Clarendon
Street Church.
One incident connected with my own Christian experience can never be effaced
from my memory. I was seated in my country home reading the accounts of the
Northfield conferences, before I had ever thought of attending the same, when
one sentence in an Address delivered by Mr. Meyer arrested my attention. It
was concerning the life of surrender, and the sentence was as follows: "If
you are not willing to give up everything to God, then can you say, I am willing
to be made willing?" It was like a star in the midnight darkness of my
life and led to a definite surrender of myself in October 1892. But after that
there were still some discouragements and times of depression, and one morning
very early in front of Mr. Moody's house with the Rev. F. B. Meyer, I said to
him, " Mr Meyer, what is my difficulty?" I told him of my definite
surrender and pointed out to him my times of weakness and discouragement, and
in a way which is peculiar to himself he made answer, ''My brother, your difficulty
is doubtless the same as the one I met. Have you ever tried to breathe out six
times without breathing in once?" Thoughtlessly I tried to do it and then
learned that one never breathes out until he breathes in, that his breathing
out is in proportion to his breathing in; that he makes his effort to breathe
in and none to breathe out. Taking my hand in his, my distinguished friend said,
"it is just so in one's Christian life, we must be constantly breathing
in of God, or we shall fail," and he turned to make his way to Mr. Moody's
house for breakfast while I hastened up to my room in Weston Hall thanking God
that I had had a message better to me than any sermon I had ever heard. Such incidents as these in the lives of thousands of ministers make Northfield
a place delightful to visit and Northfield meetings a benediction. A very wealthy family, the father and mother of which had been frequent visitors
at Northfield, could never induce the young ladies of their home to go with
them, their idea of a Bible conference being such that they considered it a
poor way to spend a vacation; but one summer, because of the description of
the beauty of the scenery, they consented to go. They were seated one morning
on the piazza of the Northfield Hotel with Mr. Meyer, when something in his
conversation led them to say that they would hear him preach that morning. The
power of God came upon one of the young ladies and she returned to her room
only to fall upon her knees and definitely yield herself to God. She returned
to her home to engage most actively in Christian service. Shortly after her
return she was taken ill and died, and before her death she called her mother
to her room to say to her that she wanted her to call to her room, before the
funeral, every girl whom she had ever known intimately and socially and to tell
them that in the little time she had known Christ fully she had had more joy
than in all her social life put together. This is but one incident among thousands that could be related concerning the
influence of Northfield. Is it strange, therefore, that many who love it can
say as the Psalmist said of Zion, "Beautiful for situation, the joy of
the whole earth, is Northfield." |
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