By Elmer Ellsworth Shelhamer
Every heresy is as old as the devil himself. It may take on new and various forms to keep up with the times, but the underlying principle is as old as the first delusion in the Garden of Eden. After nearly three years' absence in the West, I returned home for a short stay. Of course everyone wanted to hear "Ragged Elzie" preach. To their surprise the Holy Ghost began to convict right and left until old, hardened sinners were at the altar crying to God for salvation. Deep things of long standing were unearthed and confessions and restitutions were made. I noticed that several of my relatives who had in former years taken much active part in revival services now absented themselves entirely, though they lived within hearing distance of the church. After inquiring, I found they had joined a faction of the "No-sects" known as the "Saints." I called upon them, urging them to assist in the meetings as they did during the revival in which I was converted. But they turned upon me, saying they had received great light ("The evening light") and that I must likewise walk in it and "come out of Babylon," or be damned. "What do you mean by "Babylon?" They replied, "Confusion." "Well," said I, "God bless you, there is no confusion in me; heaven is inside of me." But, no, I could not persuade them to attend the revival, for they had heeded the command, "Come out of her" (meaning all forms of church organizations) and to go would be to encourage "man-made institutions." They carried on services during the same hour that we did and finally built a separate place of worship, within one rod of the church, so that the "confusion" they were seeking to avoid was doubly increased. They talked much about their great freedom and of how they did not belong to anything but Christ, but the fact was they were in more bondage than we, for they dare not sanction or attend any other service than their own. Later, when invited to one of their big tent meetings in town, I went and preached for them, though I had to cancel an engagement at our own church to do so. The fact was, we practiced what they preached more than they themselves did. I will preach for anything under the sun if I get a chance. Oh, the absurdities carried on in the name of freedom and religion! These deluded souls were seen standing behind trees and the coal house, listening, and wanted to come to our services but dare not do so; they were interested in the salvation of their neighbors, but because one of their big preachers had prophesied that there would never be any good done in the old Shelhamer church and that it was forsaken of God, therefore they must never enter. There was much Scripture quoted and misinterpreted to substantiate their views. Finally they became so bitter they denounced me openly and declined to invite me into their homes lest they should be guilty of "bidding him Godspeed." I succeeded, under God, in getting several to break loose from that spirit of bondage, which was equal to Catholicism or Seventh-day Adventism. This angered and fortified the others, who actually warned me with tears, saying I had resisted the light, the blood of souls was upon me, and I had sealed unto myself damnation. One of their preachers gave me a couple columns of free advertisement by way of denunciation in their paper. Later he cut his throat and died. I have noticed one general characteristic about this and similar delusions, viz., the adherents are ever ready to quote and argue Scripture, but oh, there is such a lamentable absence of holy joy and the spirit of prevailing prayer. They can talk or sing for hours with more relish than they can commune with God thirty minutes. I have met at least a dozen independent factions, all claiming superiority in one or more respect. There are blessed people in each crowd, but it is sad that there is little or no fellowship between them. Contention and strife ran rampant in that community for several years until now there are no services and both places of worship are abandoned. I often thank God for calling me out, like Abraham, from my "kindred and father's house," and sending me west, only two weeks before this destructive element entered and ruined perhaps the most spiritual church in that part of the country. Doubtless in my zeal I should have gone with them, for their preachers at first confined themselves to salvation themes and "reserved the strong meat until the people could bear it." This of course generally caught the zealous and innocent. Any system of religion that leaves such havoc in its wake is certainly not the kind that Christ instituted, notwithstanding all they may say and quote about "unity" and "oneness." (In our book on "False Doctrines and Fanaticism Exposed," this and many other latter-day heresies are handled at length, without gloves.) |
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