By Elmer Ellsworth Shelhamer
He who gives himself up to soul-saving must study, not only to show himself "approved unto God," but, likewise, must study the peculiarities of human nature. It is the disposition of some souls to cover and evade facts; they prefer to do their seeking alone, and thus profess as quickly and easily as possible. Such cases generally have a hard siege of it and sometimes, in order to more thoroughly crucify their pride, the Spirit will lead them to seek in public, or at least with a confidential friend. But we have in mind another class who lean upon others for help rather than upon God. Such a soul thinks, "If I could only go to a certain place, or had a certain saint pray with me, I believe I would get a great victory." This is simply a subtle form of unbelief that depends upon the human more than upon the divine. It remains then for the soul-winner to sense the situation and at one time seek an opportunity to talk or pray with a struggling soul, and at another time, throw him off on God as one would a boy into the water; not to frighten, but as a last resort, to teach him to swim, which knowledge may in after years save his life. This thought is more applicable to those of the opposite sex. More than one holy man has made shipwreck because of undue intimacy with women. The writer has had some experience in associating with women of a winsome personality, but, thanks be to God's grace, thus far He has kept him clear and clean in word, thought and deed. I well remember the time I incurred the displeasure and public censure of a lady evangelist, because my hand was not permitted to be held at the close of a conversation and hand-shake. Though preaching holiness, she admitted that there was one thing about her experience that she could not fully reconcile, a longing to love and be loved and a mania to read and write love-letters. At another camp the writer conducted a service, after which a young lady evangelist arose and said she was convinced, under the searching light, that she did not have the experience of holiness. Then she came to the altar alone and requested that "Brother S____" come forward and pray for her. The other preachers looked on to see what I would do. I saw at a glance that to go forward and pray would simply make myself prominent, and have a tendency to arouse jealousy on the part of other preachers. Moreover, I saw that the seeker felt too important and was not sufficiently sick to die, so I quietly knelt down out of sight behind the seat where I was sitting. Presently her husband came and said, "Did you not hear my wife say she desired you to come and pray for her?" I replied, "Yes, but to avoid being conspicuous, I think it better to remain here in silent prayer." The result was good, for it helped to crucify self in the seeker, set well upon the preachers, and caused my own heart to feel sweet and humble, without a reaction. At another camp a young woman thought no one could help her except the writer. Every time she came to the altar she knelt right in front of where I stood. Of course, I always walked away and prayed with some one else. She finally got mad, then went to seeking God in earnest. We fear that many times preachers allow souls to get converted to them instead of to the Lord. When those of the opposite sex are continually sticking to you, as a rule it is because there is a sticky principle within you that loves and allows it. A gifted sister of a strong personality came to our training home. Her gifts and knowledge of things soon brought her into high esteem and frequent counsels as to the best methods for enlarging the work. But it soon became apparent that she was being pushed forward faster than was good for her experience. A sudden reverse revealed an ugly disposition. Then came a temporary seeking and strained humility that dared not be investigated too closely lest it explode. Finally the Spirit would have me speak kindly but firmly thus: "Sister _____, there is something about you that I consider treacherous and deadly in its character. At one time it is as though it would rise up, antagonize and overpower me were it not firmly withstood. At another time it assumes such a pliable and teachable attitude as to compel admiration. In short, sometimes when duty compels me to step to your room for a moment (she was a stenographer), I feel like screaming out, 'Snakes in this room knee deep!' " At this she boiled over and poured out all kinds of epithets upon me, but the Spirit permitted it all, to uncover the unclean thing and bring about a thorough cure. Heartrending confessions were prayed out, of how more than one good man had been brought under her power and in spirit made either to suffer or submit. The result of this faithful dealing was that she prayed through to a rich experience and afterwards thanked God many times that she had been permitted to associate with those who dared to withstand her. |
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