By Elmer Ellsworth Shelhamer
This is an age when great factories are making large profits from what was once considered waste. They call this "by-products." Thorns and thistles are the result of man's fall (Gen. 3 :18). They are useless, and yet they may become by-products. We read of the crackling of thorns under a pot" -- very noisy, very hot and soon gone. Conscientious souls are sometimes troubled with flighty dreams and wandering thoughts. These may come from various sources, but principally, I think, from Satan. He, like his followers, "loves darkness rather than light." If he cannot get us to sin when we are awake, then he will try to play upon our subconscious minds when we are asleep. He may do this in order to perplex or unfit us for the duties of the next day. Well, instead of lying awake and fighting strange thoughts, I have learned to capitalize these seasons. In other word, insist that they become by-products and sources of great revenue. Some of my best articles (if there are any such) have been written between 2:00 and 4 :00 a, m. Frequently a glorious thought comes and I think to myself, "What is the use of arising and jotting it down? I can easily remember it," but it is gone in the morning. Hence, I often place a pencil and paper on a chair beside the bed and, during the night, write headings of several articles which aid and refresh my mind upon awakening. Yes, through grace we can outwit the devil at his own game, and make him sorry for every time he disturbed our rest or afflicted our bodies. "According to your faith (or lack of faith), be it unto you." |
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