By Arthur Zepp
Every Man Has a Conscience. This proposition is
easily proved from, Paul said he commended himself to every man's
conscience. In order to do this, it logically follows every man must have a
conscience. God's revealed word confirms the Apostle's statement: "That
which may be known of God (to them the heathen) is manifest to them, for God
hath showed it to them." Manifestly not through His word but through the voice
of conscience as the following proves: "When the Gentiles which have not
the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these having not the
law, are a law unto themselves; which show the work of the law written in their
hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the meanwhile
accusing, or, excusing, one another." The "law unto themselves" is simply the operation of an unperverted conscience which, in this state, essentially
agrees with God's revelation in nature and grace. Observation, looking around, reveals man is
possessed with conscience; hence the conscience funds swell by constant inflow
of conscience money. Nearly every true revival sees some confession, apology,
and adjustment", in order to gain an "easy
conscience," and, frequently,, criminals are
brought to the bars of justice through the lashings of conscience alone.
History, from the time of the voluntary confession of Judas: "I have
betrayed innocent blood," till now, records the confessions of troubled
consciences. No tribe has been found, sunken so low in
depravity, iniquity and vice, but some traces of conscience remain. For
example, the man-eating South Sea Island Cannibal, as low as
human beings can sink, has remnants of conscience. When he eats "short pork," as he terms
swine's flesh, he feels no compunctions of conscience; but, as soon as he eats
a human being, or "long pork," as
he terms man's flesh, conscience is in operation with its dreadful scorpion
lashes of guilt and the poor heathen savage feels so condemned he seeks to hid
the traces of his crime by burying the bones. The feeling of awe and reverence
of the Indian for the Great Spirit and his hope of a happy‑hunting‑ground‑heaven,
by and by, is explainable only from the fact of universal conscience in man. Experience furnishes indubitable evidence all
men have consciences (unless imbecile or irrational). Looking within us we find
conscience. We may not doubt the witness of our own, conscious, everyday
feelings. Finney says, "The existence of a conscience
in every, man is a fact of consciousness and one of its ultimate facts. Every
man knows that he has a conscience, and it is impossible he should know any
fact with higher evidence or with greater certainty, than he knows this. If he
had no conscience, it would be impossible he should have the ideas of right and
wrong, of good, or ill, desert, of virtue and of vice. No being could convey
these ideas to his mind if man bad no conscience wherewith to apprehend and
appreciate them. These ideas of God, duty, right, and desert of retribution,
belong to man, to all men, are found in all men and cannot be expelled from the
human mind. This faculty distinguishes man from the Lower Animals'' From the foregoing, not only does every man know
he has a conscience, but he knows he has, in its native state, a CONDEMNING
CONSCIENCE, until it has been awakened, renewed, and purified by God's gracious
power. And not only does he know he has a condemning conscience but he
generally knows WHY and FOR WHAT his conscience is condemning him, though he
may not know all (now) his conscience may condemn him for in the future. He may
not plead ignorance. "That which may be known of God is manifest to him
for God hath showed it to him." The Common plea: "O, Lord, if there is
anything in my life which ought not to be there, I pray thee, take it from
me," is often an excuse to continue in sin; and a subtle form of self‑justification,
and a blaming of God No, we may not plead ignorance any longer as an
excuse to continue sin or questionable practices since conscience (unperverted) is given us of God and is the faculty by which we know right from wrong. Its
reproofs are so explicit and sharp we cannot be in doubt as to its
requirements. "For our transgressions are with us, as for
our iniquities we know them." "For
when the gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in
the law, these having not the law are a law unto themselves, which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their
conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the meanwhile accusing, or
else excusing, one another."‑Paul. |
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