By Arthur Zepp
"My little children, these things write I unto you that ye sin not, and if any man sin we have an
advocate with the Father." Everything in the material realm is subject
either to decay, failure, wear and tear, accident or limitation. Perpetual
motion has never been discovered. Neither has any indestructible material.
"Change and decay in all around, we see." The greatest works of art
perish with the flight of time. The ruins of the so‑called Moral Accidents So likewise in man's mental and moral nature
similar conditions prevail. The most perfect human being existent, in grace as
well as knowledge, if truly humble, is conscious of limitations, frailties,
foibles, and infirmities, both physical and mental, and in proportion to his
real unfeigned humility will acknowledge, deplore, and plead the blood of
Christ to cover them. All of our readers are thoroughly conversant with the
fact we must think through faculties which have been impaired in the fall, .and
that this thinking through such mediums is liable to occasion mistakes in
practice and conduct as well as in thought. This is thoroughly consistent with
our denial of infallibility in the sanctified state. Rational teachers on
sanctification do not teach it to be a state in which moral accidents are not
liable to occur. Sanctification may be lost, and has been, we are pained to
say, by some bright lights and doubtless by many more who
have not been found out. On the contrary it is a state in which We are not only
liable to accident, but we fear spiritual failures do often occur with many
young professors before establishment. In this state, however, failures are
readily recognized, CONFESSED, deplored and adjusted in so far as possible. Deliberate premeditated sin, properly so
called, is rare in this state, but inadvertencies may be more or less frequent
according to the degree of care,
watchfulness, prayer and obedience exercised. Some may doubt the expediency of the sanctified
confessing anything. It is generally thought that confession of failure will
injure the cause of holiness in general and confidence locally in the
individual professor. But such is not the case. This is so of the opposite
course. A few examples of this position. The saintly
Fletcher said, "The grace of perfect love or perfection,
shines as much in the childlike simplicity with which the perfect readily confess their faults, as it does in
their manly resistance of sin," and Mr. Wesley said, "Never dream
putting things in their true light will hurt the cause of God." Even our
own Dr. Keene, of blessed memory, after writing of the marvelous new
manifestation of Christ to his heart ten years after he entered Canaan, said, "This wonderful period chronicled some
painful blunders." So we are ever reminded, "We have this
treasure in earthen vessels." These things are not written to encourage
looseness, carelessness, or presumptuous sin; but rather that if one be so
unfortunate as to be overcome or overtaken in a fault he may be encouraged to
know while they need not be, yet such have been the experiences of not a. few
eminently spiritual and useful men. We Should Distinguish Between Inadvertent and Deliberate Sin Eminent writers on the deep things of God
recognize a distinction between deliberate sins and those which are more
properly called sins of surprise or inadvertencies; that the soul under
powerful, sudden and unexpected onslaught of the enemy may yield momentarily at
some one point, while at every other point the heart is in
obedience to Christ. Even Peter's shameful denial is supposed by some
commentators to have been of this character‑even as martyrs have
momentarily recanted under pressure of instinctive fear, and immediately
afterwards upon recognition of their act have recanted their recantation. So
Peter immediately thought thereon and wept bitterly. This may be hard to prove,
yet the Greek would seem to give it some justification. "I have prayed
that thy faith fail not utterly." It
did fail painfully and momentarily under pressure of fear, but was not utterly
eclipsed, for as he soon thought thereon he recovered and even advanced beyond
anything previously known. So God may sometimes send greater victory by permitting momentary defeat. The beloved disciple in our text writes certain
things that his children sin not, that is, deliberately and then be goes on and
encourages them if any man should happen to sin he should not give up because
he has an advocate with the Father.' It is our conviction, numerous are the
spiritual accidents of young professors of sanctifying grace, which are not deliberate, doubtless occasioned
through impaired and weakened constitutions, or by reason of the momentum of old
long established habit, while in desperation of faith they still cleave to God.
To such we would speak comfortingly. Never give up! Look to your Advocate. Give
your case up to Him! The following might be helpful, incidentally: "The
renowned Jerry McCauley even went back into deliberate
sin (however we are writing of unintentional sin) seven times, and yet God
in long suffering love bore with him until he was finally established in His
grace and entered his wonderful career as the apostle to the lost and outcast
of the Bowery. God's Provision For Unintentional Failures The atonement's provision for all classes of sin
is revealed in inspiration. John writes of three kinds of sin: First, our sins,
personal transgressions; the remedy is, "If we confess our sins," God
will forgive them. Second, inbred sin. The blood of
Jesus cleanses from all sin. Singular number. A state. Third, inadvertent transgressions: "My little
converts I write these things (among others that God would pardon all sins and
cleanse from all sin) that ye sin not." That is, volitionally,
intentionally, deliberately, of set purpose, or premeditatedly‑beforehand
arrange to do at a convenient time what you know to be wrong against God and
man. In this sense sin not. You need not. The grace of
God will save you from all gross sin. But be manifestly continues speaking of a
different kind of sin (so the consensus of opinion of scholars, eminent for
piety), and if any man sin, not of set purpose, but when off his guard or
through unexpected Satanic subtlety, we have an Advocate with the Father. There
is a distinction between such sin as here described and deliberate sin as well
as from inbred sin. However, as be continues writing of one who is the
propitiation for this class of sin, as well as the actual and original sin
before mentioned, it is manifest that even this class of sin needs also the
atonement while strictly speaking, in that it is of surprise and occasioned
when the soul is making an honest effort to do God's will, it has not the same
degree of God's displeasure (provided, however, it is not repeated; it would
then come into the realm of deliberate sin), and while it does occasion
chagrin, holy grief, and regret that such are the limitations of the soul, yet
it does not bring the strong condemnation and sense of guilt that intentional
sin does. Though, as before intimated, such inadvertencies need the blood of
Christ to cover, and Dr. Upham says "anything
needing the blood of Christ to cover should be confessed." When it is said, "He that being often
reproved and hardens his neck shall suddenly be destroyed," evidently this
refers to the continuous persistent resistance, and rejection of light, but it
does not refer to one who is doing his level best to serve and obey God, but
who is, notwithstanding, inadvertently overtaken in a fault, as we are
commanded to restore such an one. If we succeed he shall not be cut off. Being overtaken is not the rule of his life,
but the exception, indeed such is very rare, the
general tendency of his life is obedience to Christ. Shall he now give up all
because he is overtaken by an accident? Nay. This
would be folly. LET
CONFESSED, FORSAKEN, FORGIVEN, AND CLEANSED AWAY. But inadvertencies, while causing
regret, need not cause the forfeiture either of the grace of pardon or purity,
or whatever standing the soul has with God, (so says Dr. Keen in substance,)
providing the case is immediately turned over to our Advocate in faith. The
adjustment can be made in private, apart from a public altar. Through Satanic
subtlety many a victim of unintentional blunder has been accused, as though it
were deliberate sin, and given up all as though hopelessly backslidden. All the
soul's standing with God is not lost by unintentional failures. For example, my
little boy was coming home with milk and suddenly slipped and fell and spilled
the contents of his pail. He looked up instantly into my face as though
recognizing instinctively the justice of his claim, and said, "Papa, I did
not mean to do dat!" and with an expression that
said as intelligently as any words can describe, "Papa, you will not
punish me when you saw it was an accident, and that I could not help it?"
Do you think I could punish that boy? Never. It would
have been the height of folly and injustice. Neither did I cast him off or act
coolly toward him or love him any the less freely because he had had an
accident. Indeed, I took particular pains to love and embrace and encourage him.
I saw it was unavoidable. Has God any less sense than man in dealing with
similar conditions? I don't remember of his ever having that type of accident
again. So it may be with the soul. Oh, for the leniency of God toward those who
blunder in His service! My boy was honestly trying to serve me when the
accident occurred, and so may we be putting forth our best effort to serve God
when a spiritual accident is permitted. Another illustration: We were traveling by
automobile at the rate of twenty‑five miles per hour, when
"Pop" went the inner tube. Instantly the driver slowed down, drove to one side of the road
and proceeded to make repairs. We observed he did not repair the whole car. Renewal would only have been
necessary had the entire car been demolished. Many incidental accidents are not
demolishing wrecks! Neither in nature or grace. Would
it have been wisdom to have thrown away or repaired the whole car because one
point gave way under strain? I trow
not. Still another similar illustration: A friend was
traveling nicely when up jumped the front end of his car and came down with
sufficient force to break both springs. The car was crippled, but on it
traveled. It was a rough road. He said, "I did not know this road was so
rough. I will not come this way again." What folly to throw the car away
because one part was damaged. To all general appearances the other parts of the
car are good. He repairs only the injured part. He is sorry if he gets stuck in
the mud, but he does not remain there. Pries out and goes on. He will be more
careful next time. The soul has similar lessons and experiences. A MAN DOES NOT
part good but one, so every other part of the soul's functions may be sound,
but this one which had a moral
accident and needs repairs. There will be no confusion if our readers will bear
in mind the distinction between inadvertent and deliberate and intentional sin. A Final Word DO NOT PRESUME ON THE "EMERGENCY
PROMISE." It is not for everyday use, no more than side tracks are for
running main line through trains, or life preservers for use every trip across
the ocean. The fire escape is only for use in emergency. Trains, autos,
electric cars, etc., have emergency brakes used at times signified by their
names. Battleships have emergency steering gears for use only when regular
steering apparatus is shot away or disabled. We have traveled seventy‑five
thousand miles and never once, thank God, has the emergency tool box of tools,
for use in an accident, been used. But they were on every train in readiness
for the unexpected. ,God's word has this emergency
promise. It is remote. It does not occur often specifically in either the Old
or New Testaments, though here are other promises which may include its
substance. It is there for use in emergency. Some may make the whole trip to
heaven without ever having to use it. Let them praise God. This scribe and many
he has met have not been so fortunate; they praise God for the promise. Remember
mistakes, blunders and inadvertencies graduate into deliberate voluntary sin if
repeatedly and persistently indulged after light has come on them. Through their discovery
to the heart God would make us more careful and watchful. We must avoid
everything avoidable and improve everything in character or conduct improvable. Do not
commit deliberate sin and then apologize for it under the plea it was mistake, or ignorance or
inadvertence. Let the thing appear in its true light. This is a common dodge
with many holiness professors. It is emphatically not our purpose to treat sin
lightly, or to encourage to try presumptuous sin.
Deliberate sin is fearful. It will damn the soul. None can be comforted in sin. But to help that great company
of "down in the mouthers" among us, who,
because of over‑conscientiousness, wrong teaching and Satanic
accusations, have cast away all their confidence when they have, we are
persuaded, been guilty of no deliberate
sin. John 2:1 is for that class of New Testament saints as truly as the
"special sacrifice" was God's provision for the moral accident of
Old Testament saints. Bishop Thoburn, in his "It is not well to dwell exclusively on any
one subject, or to keep our thoughts and energies in one direction only. "The mind is so constituted by our Heavenly
Father that it is healthiest when it passes from one object to another. You must not allow the devil to get astride your
CONSCIENCE and ride you to death. God intends His children
shall not only be the best, but the happiest, in the world. Get pure
innocent joy from all legitimate earthly sources."‑A Cookma |
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