By Arthur Zepp
"The word I have spoken unto you, the same shall judge you on the last
day."‑Jesus. Some things allowed of men are condemned of God.
God's thoughts and way of looking at things have ever been at variance with the
world's. "My
thoughts are not your thoughts and my ways are not your ways, saith the Lord." God's standard and the world's do
not agree. Man looks on those as heroes who have the heroic and sterner
qualities of courage, boldness, daring, valor; God's heroes, while not wanting
in the firmer qualities when the occasion demands, glory in the milder virtues,
meekness, humility, self‑abnegation, self‑humiliation, self-abasement,
self‑renunciation, self‑denial. Big things are chronicled in
history. But many of God's big things are not chronicled and with Him big
things are little things, and little things big things, and last things are
first things, and first things are last things. The world admires the
aggressive man of bold daring. But the man whom God approves must be aggressive
only in the Divine order. He must be quiescent until God leads. He may not run
before Him, whatever betide. The world chooses the
cultured, wise and great. But with God not many mighty, not many wise, not many
noble, are called. The world pays homage to the rich. But God hath chosen the
poor to be rich in faith. The world favors the man of indomitable will; God
delights in wills, strong, not in aggressiveness for self, but in subservience
to His will. With the world it is the mighty; with God not many
mighty. With the world it is the broad way; with God, the narrow way. With the world it is the wise; with God the
foolish. With the world it is the crowd; with God it is
"two or three in His name." With the world it is the strong; with God the
weak. With the world outward
show; with God inward piety. With the world it is Dives, the Rich Man; with
God, Lazarus, the Beggar. With the world it is exalted things; with God
base things. With the world it is the exterior; with God
interior. The world's preacher is the eloquent orator;
God's speaks not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of
the Spirit's power. The world counts he church strong, which is numerically so;
God, when it is pure. The differences might be indefinitely extended.
"That which is highly esteemed among men is an abomination to God."
And so we often find men allowing what God condemns and approving what He
disproves. The text sets aside human opinions, ideas, and
notions and even the human conscience. In this solemn day the Word of God alone
prevails. It is the standard of life, rewards and punishments. But, see, the record of the deeds done in
the name of religion through the decisions of Conscience! It is one of the blackest and foulest in the annals of history.
Every crime in the catalogue has been done in all good conscience. The bloody
perpetrators of the cruel Inquisition thought they were doing God service in
suppressing heresy. Paul was living in all good conscience when he was
persecuting the saints and consenting to Stephen's death. But was his
conscience therefore right? Far from it. The
saloonkeeper plies his wrecking, ruining, blasting, blighting trade in all good
conscience because he must live. A man caught in David's sin, justified himself
on the plea he could not be expected to be any better than the man after God's
own heart (as though David was while he was an adulterer). The adulteress, the
author of Proverbs, tells us, "wipes her mouth and says: 'I have done
nothing. I am innocent."' Doubtless her conscience does not condemn her
because sin is a necessity and poor, weak mortals are unable not to sin? Mrs. ‑
says she feels no condemnation at all from her conscience, and yet every
conceivable device is resorted to, to defeat God in the propagation of His race
and rob Him of the heritage of the Lord: "Lo,
children are the heritage of the Lord and the fruit of the womb is his reward.‑Psalms. Had Mrs.
consulted God's standard for life, death, and judgment. She would have found God daring to disagree with
her conscience in the startling statements: "Thou
shalt not kill," and "Ye know no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him." An
official (holiness professor) tells us how God reveals to him permission to
practice a sin for which He killed a man in the Old Testament. Is it possible
one's conscience, while professing holiness, may become so seared that he
actually believes God justifies him under grace, in a practice, when for the
same sin, under law, he punishes a man with death? But
still his course must be right ( ?), for his
conscience feels all right! Mrs. condemns her husband for the lack of power of
the former days and yet she is wholly responsible for causing him to violate his enlightened conscience through
a period of years so that she might be selfishly free from the responsibilities
of motherhood. Still another recommends the use of a questionable practice,
with the same motive because he claims wisdom from God is profitable to direct.
Strange indeed, God should advise through Conscience the commission of sin (to
avoid God imposed responsibilities), which sin he has threatened to punish with
eternal death. Yet all of these parties feel no condemnation from conscience.
Truly a convenient type of conscience they possess. A lady physician testifies (male physicians give
similar testimony everywhere): "The number of married women who besiege their offices for criminal operations in
making away with unborn life is legion. The
startling part of their disclosures is, these same ones are often prominent
church members and sometimes hail from the parsonage." Truly the hands of Twentieth Century
Christianity are stained as Isaiah wrote, "with the blood of
innocents." And in the face of all this we are told
conscience is a safe guide and everything involving personal liberty and choice
should be left to the individual's conscience, and as long as it does not
bother, the individual is all right. Hear the word of the Lord, 0, ye deceived
THE LAW (of God), EVEN HIS PRAYER (to God) SHALL BE ABOMINATION." The simple apparent meaning of this solemn
command is this: If a man professes to be a Christian by public prayer, or
profession, while at the same time knowingly rejecting the law of God as the rule of his life, or if he rejects the law of God under the pretense his
conscience does not condemn him in the things allowed, God informs him his
profession and prayer, under these circumstances, are an abomination to Him!
This plain, rugged language does not sound much like the individual's conscience (even of the Twentieth Century intelligent, enlightened stamp) was safe
to follow independent of its agreement with God's
law. Alas, alas, for the spiritual blindness which exalts Conscience to the
place God' standard should occupy! Spiritual blindness is evidence of a life
that has not kept step with God‑its surest sign is in doing things
contrary to the Sacred Record. What a
convenient dodge is the expression, "My conscience does not condemn
me!" Men
and women violate every command in the decalogue and
this is their excuse. Here is one who says his conscience does not bother him
for Sabbath desecration, reading yellow journals or doing unnecessary work
therein but if he will turn to God's standard he will find the command, "Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it
holy." Another claims his conscience does not condemn him for "putting the bottle to his
neighbor," or for voting for the licensed saloon, or for selling body‑poisoning
nicotine. But God's Standard demands
the application of the Golden Rule. No one would want his own loved ones
drunken, depraved sots, or nicotine fiends. Before avarice, greed, grasp and
covetousness seized this poor man's soul he stoutly condemned in others his
present course. Another (professing Christian) receives whiskey for the
railroad company and passes it on to others, but because lie must live his
conscience does not bother him at all. He claims the sin is the other fellow's,
who ships the accursed stuff ; but the Standard of God
has another tale: "Be not a partaker
of other men's sins." It requires not only that we sin not ourselves
but that we aid or abet no one else in his sin. Still another, with reference
to faithful stewardship (giving God His share) says: "Oh, I'll give God
what I think I ought to give" and in this his convenient conscience
concurs and permits him to feel perfectly right though God's standard does call
him a thief and robber. Nay, brother, what
you think you ought is
by no means the proper measure, but WHAT GOD SAYS! God's standard justifies
no such procedure. Not only does He plainly call this man a thief and robber who keeps back His tithes and offerings, but John, the
beloved, writing under the Spirit's inspiration, tells us that the robbers (thieves) are without heaven's
gate. Notwithstanding all this, his conscience
feels all right. 0, yes! Of course! How could it bother him? It has been stifled so long. He has imbibed the
common idea, that it is no crime to rob the Government, the Rail Road Company,
Corporation, or God! Yet, "the word
God has spoken" unto us has a different voice: "Thou shalt not steal," and this is applicable equally in
all cases. No, something is either wrong with God's word or this man's
conscience. His conscience conflicts with God's demands. Let God be true and every man's (conscience) a liar. Manifestly the
word of God, "which liveth and abideth forever," and by which Jesus in our text, says
we are to be judged, is preferable to this man's seared conscience. If God had said
"Our conscience, the same shall judge you in that day," we could
afford to follow it as a safe
guide. But, Oh, the surprise in the last day when the "'Law
of Liberty" the "sayings of Jesus" or the word of God is
opened and men's ideas, opinions, notions
and theories, and decisions, and consciences are forever set aside and
God's word, which He has exalted above His very name, prevails. Verily, many
will be the surprises, as Jesus tells us, in that day. Here is a young lady (she even professes to be sanctified),
and gets hilariously happy and laughs and shouts, but her experience has not
gone deep enough yet to shed a $25‑00, gaudy, long, red plume. True, it
must be all right. Doesn't she feel all right in her conscience? and has she
not always been taught that it is safe to follow? Of course, she informs us, by
way of justification for her ,extravagant practice, that "if she should ever come to ‑feel that she
should not wear it, of course, why then, she would take it
off." But see another side of
it. It is a waste of God's money for which she can give no reasonable answer.
It is needed for missions and the needy ‑, back of her very door are poor
people who do not have even life's comforts; her waste is money taken from
God's poor‑clothing from their backs, food from their mouths. Of course,
while thus she wastes she is not able to hear the cry of the hungry and relieve
the needy and distressed. And yet she is following the steps of the self
denying, self‑sacrificing Jesus( ?). Observe,
she makes the standard of her action, "what
she feels;'' but what God says concerning the adornment of holy women with "modest apparel, with shame‑facedness
and sobriety," has no weight with her whatever. This fact simply
shows, no matter what the emotional blessings or manifestations may be, that she has never been truly awakened to see and
embrace the plain word of God as the rule for life. Paul said, "Herein I exercise myself to have
always a conscience void of offense toward God and man." Let it be
asked wherein? The context answers: "Believing
all things which are written in the law and in the prophets." And herein says Paul, "I exercise, or work myself up to have a
conscience void of offense. The apparent meaning is the decisions of his
conscience, the things it allowed, were never allowed to be out of harmony, or
conflict, with anything written in the law or prophets. He exercised himself always to this end. Not some time, or
much of the time, or most of the time, but ALWAYS, ALL OF THE TIME. Not on some
things, or many things, or most things, but on ALL THINGS. So does every
sincere Christian. |
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