By Arthur Zepp
Be filled with the Spirit. The writer is aware this book contains matter
calculated to search the heart, and expose wrong things in he
life; and, that therewith, in many hearts, a desire and strong determination
will spring up to live the life set forth. He here wants to place a note of
warning: A happy life with a condemning conscience is not possible. So, also, a
conscience void of offense without the Holy Spirit is impossible. No amount of resolutions, good resolves, or
determination to live up to God's standard will avail without the motive power
of the Holy Ghost in the soul, imparting His wonderful, causative power to the
soul, and enabling it to gladly do God's will and obey His commandments in all
things. The Motive Power Promise "I will put my Spirit within you and cause
you to walk in my ways and to keep and do my judgments." What steam is to the locomotive; what the dynamo
is to the street car and electric light; what gasoline is to the automobile,
the Holy Ghost is to the Christian. The locomotive can no more run without
steam than the Christian can do God's will without the "be filled with the Spirit." If the automobile can run
without gasoline, or the electric dynamo, without power then the Christian can
be victorious in running the race set before him without the Holy Spirit. If
one of these propositions is impossible, so likewise is the other one. Bricks
can not be made without straw. Men can not be Christians in the New Testament
sense, unless they receive the Spirit of Christ, without which we are none of
His. Nothing else constitutes one a Christian but having His Spirit. There is
no other substitute for this. "As many
as are led by the spirit of God they (and they only) are the sons of God.
This implies surrender, submission to God, Divine ownership (ye are not your
own). It also implies discipleship of Jesus does not consist in mere negatives,
the breaking off of certain sins (though all sins must go), but in addition to
this a positive filling of the soul with God through His Spirit or with God by
the Spirit which is God. We are not called upon merely to put off the
old man, but also to put on the new
man; we are not to rest in mere non conformity to the world, as essential as
that is, but we are to be transformed by the renewing of our minds so that we
know, embrace, and do, the perfect will of God; we are not called upon to abstain from eating certain foods, or refraining
from certain drinks, though in this we should be very conscientious, and
endeavor in whatsoever we do, whether we eat or drink, to do all to God's
glory, but we are called on to remember while the kingdom of heaven is not in eating and drinking, it is in righteousness, and peace and
joy in the Holy Ghost; not merely to be not drunk with wine, But TO BE FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT! The religion of many people is one‑sided;
it consists in negatives; in not doing certain things that other people do;
they thank God they are not as other men, "even as this publican";
they abstain from outward things others do, and this is their self‑righteous
Pharisaic religion merely shunning what others do. But this was Jesus'
complaint with the other Pharisees. They did a whole host of things others did
not do, and they refrained from many things they did. But Jesus said they passed over the weightiest matters the
positive and inward department of religion, JUSTICE, JUDGMENT, MERCY, LOVE, AND
FAITH they neglected, and these, He informed them, they ought to have done,
and not to have left the other undone. He did not fault them because they were
scrupulously conscientious about externals, but because they had no more
religion than this; because they did not go further and put on the inner and
positive graces. Many a poor deceived soul's religion consists in not eating
pork, beef or any meat; or in not drinking tea or coffee or cocoa (and where
these are injurious as they are to multitudes, they should not be used), but he
fails to see the salvation of the Bible is not in negatives alone, not in not
doing certain things; not in even giving up sin (though all sin must be given
up) ; but it is in being filled with righteousness, it is in being full of joy,
full of comfort, full of peace, full of assurance, full of the Holy Spirit;
filled with all the fullness of God! The chief
characteristic distinguishing mark which differentiates the religion of Jesus
CHRIST, WITHOUT ,WHICH, THEY ARE NONE OF HIS! Twenty‑Six Negatives, Forty‑One Positives Encircling the all‑inclusive command of
our text, "Be filled with the Spirit," are twenty‑six negative
instructions, things we are riot to do, and forty‑one positive
instructions or injunctions, things we are to do; all impossible of fulfillment
unless we receive the motive power the Spirit's filling. We have magnified more
what we do than what He does; more what we leave off than what He puts on; more
our emptying than His filling. Both should have their due place. Notice the
following arrangements of injunctions, positive and negative, which focalize on
"Be filled with the Spirit" for the surety of their obedience. NEGATIVE Walk not as other gentiles walk in the vanity of
their minds. Put off concerning the former conversation, the
Old Man which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts. Put away lying. Let him that stole steal no more. Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your
mouth. Grieve not the Holy Spirit Do not be bitter,
wrathful, angry, clamorous, speak evil , or malicious. Do not be guilty of fornication or any
uncleanness, or covetousness, neither filthiness 8 nor jesting, nor foolish talking. Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of
darkness. Walk
not as fools. Be
not unwise. Be not drunk with wine. Etc., etc, POSITIVE 'Walk worthy of the vocation wherewith Ye are
called, with all lowliness, and meekness with longsuffering..
Walk as children of the
light. Speak the truth, but in
love. Put on the New Man,
which is created in righteousness and true holiness' Be renewed in the spirit
of your mind. Speak every man truth
with his neighbor. Let not the sun go down
on your wrath. Neither give place to the devil. Let him labor, that he
may give to him that needeth. But that which is good
to edify and minister grace to the hearers. But do be ye kind one to
an other, tender hearted, forgiving one another even as God for Christ's sake hath
forgiven you. Be followers of God as
dear children. Prove what is acceptable
to the Lord. But rather reprove them. But walk as wise. Redeem the time, But be
understanding. But be filled with the
Spirit. Be strong in the Lord.
to yourselves in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs. Give thanks always for
all things. Wives be
subject to your husbands. Husbands love your
wives. Etc.,
etc. Paul
knew all of these instructions concerning things they were not to do would but
confuse the Ephesians and show their utter helplessness and hopelessness, so he
proceeds to give them positive
instructions and, most important of all the forty‑one, "Be filled
with the Spirit," as, the motive power of the both not to do and to do, of
the both ,not to be and to be, injunctions. Paul does not give negatives alone, but
positives in their stead. This would be cruel. He well knew unless men be filled with God they could not shun sin on the one hand,
nor practice the positive virtues on the other hand. To tell men not to do a
thousand and one forbidden things, and, to perform a thousand things, is to
tell them what they can not do without the Divine Spirit infilling and enabling
them. Imperative We are seeing more and more the imperativeness
of leading men to the Spirit‑filled life. He is the all‑inclusive,
the all comprehensive blessing. Without Him we can do nothing, either in life
or service. To lead men to ever so many good resolves, without the power to
carry them out, is to make hypocrites‑to make men pretend to be what they
are not. Salvation is not consequent on human resolves. All our resolves are a
rope of sand without the indwelling Spirit. Though made in the church they are
often like the worldling New Year resolves‑broken
soon after made because of a lack of power to perform them. Resolves are well,
in their place, but to keep them men must be filled with the Spirit. One wants more zeal. Get Him. He is the Spirit of Zeal. Another says: "Oh, I
want more courage." Well, get Him. He is the Spirit of Courage. He imparts
courage. Still another wants love, peace, joy, assurance, freedom to pray,
testify or do personal work. Get Him. He is all of these to the soul. Another
finds it hard to be self ‑sacrificing or self‑denying. He is the
Spirit who helps us sacrifice. Christ made the greatest of all sacrifices by
His aid. "Christ, through the Eternal Spirit, offered Himself to
God." He imparts the spirit of sacrifice, yea, gives delight in sacrifice.
Get Him. Get Him. Oh, Get Him! He is all you need, wisdom, holiness and power.
He is strength, zeal, courage, joy, power, patience! Be filled with Him! Some years ago we were spending several months
in "Dear Papa: We are tired of your letters,
and expressions of love and sympathy and interest, and we are tired of your
money, too; we want you; come home." When we reached home a
gladness, joy, and cheer came into the heart of the wife and the dear
little children, which our letters and love by epistle, and expressions of
sympathy and gifts of money had not power to give. When we were there she had
us en toto.
All I was, was hers. The strength of my good strong
right arm was hers. I was at her disposal to help with the burdens of household
work and the government of the boys. My So, beloved reader, make not the mistake of
depending ‑on the Spirit's gifts from afar. Peace, a little more joy, or
gladness, or zeal, or courage, or power; but, oh, like the little wife say,
"Holy Spirit, I want you; come in my heart with all thou art, with all thy
blessings, with all thy gifts; come home to my heart. Thy
gifts, alas, Will not suffice Unless thyself be given." So, dear reader, when He comes Himself, there
comes into the heart a gladness and joy and fullness
of assurance which all His manifestations and blessings do not bring. Be filled
with the Spirit Himself. TO BE FILLED WITH HIM is essential to enable the
soul to meet the Divine obligations, both to be and not to be imposed upon it.
Who can be gentle, patient, forgiving, holy, a follower of God, perfect,
without Him? Who can rejoice evermore, pray without ceasing, in everything give
thanks and take joyfully the spoiling of is goods
without Him? Who can always abound in the work of the Lord, instant in season
and out of season without His enabling power? It is necessary to be filled with the Spirit to
PROMOTE GOD'S WORK. One has said, "in fact our hole
responsibility in promoting the work of God is to be filled with the
Spirit" and then He operates through us on others. "When He is come
to you, said Jesus, He will reprove the world of sin." The conviction of
sinners is brought about most effectively by this method. In teaching His
disciples how to promote revivals He did not tell them to preach specifically
on sin, hell and judgment (though these themes have their place in Gospel
preaching), but He taught them to receive the Holy Ghost and when this is the experience
of any church or individual, an atmosphere of convicting power is created.
There is conviction in any given community for sin in proportion to the degree
in which believers are Spiritfilled. "What must
I do to be saved" is the question the world asks, when Pentecost comes to
the church. Victory
over the lusts of the flesh comes by being filled with the Spirit. Walk in the Spirit and
we shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh." Put ye
on the Lord Jesus Christ through the Spirit, and make no provision to fulfill
the lusts of the flesh. Abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul.
Many are following appetites, passions, instincts and habits which would not be
possible were they filled with Him. Many allow liberties which would be impossible
were they filled with Him. Many do things they could not or would not do were.
they filled with Him. Many go places they would not dare go were He dwelling
within. Many keep company they would fear to keep were He enthroned in their
hearts. Many have companions they would have no fellowship with did they but
know the ecstasy of His approval. Many read books they would not read were He
consulted. Many think thoughts they would not dare think were He their
abiding guest.
In other words, the Spirit of God must have departed to make possible habits
and questionable practices of a vast
multitude in the church. It is essential to have Him in order to purity
of heart and life; also in order to satisfying, lasting comfort; and to enable
the soul to demonstrate the best manifestations of Christlike
tempers and dispositions, and to make effective our service. Three Simple Conditions There are three simple steps to take in
receiving the Holy Spirit. How much more shall your Heavenly Father give
the Holy Spirit to those who ask (for) Him. Seek and
ye shall find, ask and ye shall receive. Jesus, praying, received the Holy
Ghost. The disciples continued in prayer before Pentecost came. Obedience‑God hath given the Holy Ghost to
all those who obey Him. A Presbyterian elder who was wonderfully filled
with the Spirit was asked by one who observed the remarkable change in his life
and countenance: "Tell me, how did you get this
great blessing?" "Oh," said he, "I just stopped lying to
God and He came and filled my heart." So, my reader, all insincerity must
go. We must not love in word or tongue merely, but in deed and in truth; not
surrender outwardly, but also inwardly, We recall a prominent professor who
said in glowing language: "All I possess belongs to Jesus; I surrender all
to Him." What are the facts? God could not even get one‑tenth of her
abundant income. So we must obey God intelligently; actually surrender all to
His disposal and call, and mean it and act out our obedience in actual life and
deeds. A complete obedience will bring a complete filling with the Holy Ghost
and joy. A final step. We may receive the
promise of the Spirit through faith. When
you have fully obeyed and earnestly prayed, believe
the promise true that God gives the Holy Spirit to every one who asks Him. And
then act out your faith like the ten who received the promise of healing, go
your way and believing it shall be even as He said, and according to your faith
be it unto you. Receive ye (ye obedient, praying, believing ones), the Holy
Ghost. Say, Yes, Lord, I have long wanted Him. For Christ's sake I now receive
Him. |
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