By Keith Leroy Brooks
PROPHECIES CONCERNING ASPECTS OF THE LORD'S COMINGTo our mind, prophecy indicates two stages in the return of the Lord. In the first stage He will not actually come to the earth, but only in the clouds above to receive the translated saints to Himself. This stage is called the Rapture (“carried off by force— transported”). In the second stage, Christ will return actually to earth with all His glorified saints. This stage is called the Revelation (full manifestation). That the second advent should manifest itself in two stages is not strange when one recalls that the same thing occurred in the first advent. Christ was first manifested in bodily form to all. Later He was manifested in a resurrection body to His chosen. So in the second advent, in inverted order, He will first be manifested in glorified bodily form to His redeemed people, then following the tribulation period, He will be manifested with them in glory to all dwelling on the earth. The result will be His manifestation with His Bride to reign over all. THE RAPTURE AND THE REVELATION The Greek words used show this distinction. The word "parousia” (personal presence) is used of His return as it relates to the blessing of the saints. (1 Cor. 1:7-8; 1 Thess. 4: 14, 17). The word “apokalupsis” (unveiling, revelation) emphasizes the visibility of His return (2 Thess. 1:7) when He returns with all His saints. (Rom. 8:19). In the Rapture He comes FOR His saints. (Jn. 14:3). In the Revelation He comes WITH His saints. (Jude 14). In the Rapture He comes to gather all the regenerate, past and living into one company. (Col. 3:4; 1 Cor. 15:23). In the Revelation He appears to the nations on earth. (Mt. 25:31–32; Rev. 1:7). In the Rapture He raises the bodies of the saints. (1 Thess. 4:16). In the Revelation He destroys the followers of anti-Christ. (Mt. 13:41-43). In the Rapture He comes only in the upper air to catch up His own. (1 Thess. 4:17). In the Revelation His feet will stand upon the Mount of Olives. (Zech. 14:4). In the Rapture He begins the work of rewarding the saints. (Rev. 22:12; Mt. 16:27; 2 Tim. 4:8). In the Revelation He begins the work of reestablishing Israel and the nations. (Acts 15:14-17; Zech. 14:5, 9, 12, 16). In the Rapture He appears as the Bridegroom. (Mt. 25:10; Rev. 19:7-9). In the Revelation He appears as King of kings to rule over the earth. (Rev. 19:11-16). In the Rapture He is compared to the morning star seen by those who are awake. (Rev. 22:16; cf. Eph. 5:14). In the Revelation, He is compared to the rising sun visible to all the world. (Mal. 4:2). The Rapture is the withdrawal of ambassadors and the initial act of war. The Revelation brings the return of Christ with all His ambassadors for a thousand years of peace on earth. THE SUBJECTS OF THE RAPTURE The all-important question is—who will be taken at the time of the Rapture? Some believe in a “selective Rapture"— that is, that not all born-again people will be taken, but only such as have attained a certain high spiritual standard. These point out that Christ will come “as a thief” and a thief comes for jewels and valuables only. Our answer to this interpretation would be that Christ is not coming at all to take what does not belong to Him, but for the specific purpose of rescuing from the world all who do belong to Him. (Eph. 1:13-14). Christ is not LIKE a thief. The point of such a passage as Rev. 3:3 is the unexpectedness of His arrival, and this only. Mt. 25:10 tells us that “those who are ready” will enter in with the Bridegroom. These had lamps (Psa. 1 19:105) and oil (Psa. 45:17). The foolish and rejected virgins cried “give us oil”, (v. 8) for they had found their temporary light was only the flash of a dry wick. The Lord said of them: “I know you not.” (v. 12). Those who went in were those that He did know, and who are these? (2 Tim. 2:19; 1 Cor. 8:3; Jn. 10:27). The vast majority of the saints already have gone to be with the Lord, although not clothed with incorruptible bodies as yet. The number of the saints living on earth when Jesus comes will be very small in comparison to the company gone before. On what basis are departing Christians now received into Paradise above? Will not those who are alive at His appearing, be received on the same basis—“those that are Christ's"; (l Cor. 15:23). It is not our belief that any part of the true Body of Christ will remain under the vials of wrath poured out during the tribulation. Through much tribulation many saints enter into Christ's Kingdom (Acts 14:22) but from “the great tribulation”, all true believers have the promise of deliverance. (Rev. 3: 10). It is the work of the Holy Spirit to build to completion the Body of believers. (1 Cor. 12:12-13; Eph. 2:21-22). The Holy Spirit withdraws when this work is done (2 Thess. 2:7-8) precipitating the tribulation, for Satan is left without opposition in the sense he had faced it during the present age. The wheat is first to be gathered into God's barns before the tares undergo burning on earth. (Mt. 13:30). The church is to be associated with Christ in the administration of the Kingdom. (Rev. 20:6). Believers must be previously reckoned with and it would seem that some time would have to elapse for this purpose. (2 Cor. 5: 10). Logically this would be taking place in heaven while the tribulation runs its course on earth. WHEN WILL THE LORD COME? Setting dates, either for periods or junctures of time, is something that no Christian is to meddle with according to the teaching of the Risen Lord. (Acts 1:7). He plainly declares that this is one department of knowledge reserved to God and not to be laid open before mortal eyes. Still there are those who would have the Bible read: “Blessed are those servants whom the Lord when he cometh shall find setting dates.” They have short recollections of the sad failures made by other equally sincere and devout Bible students. Strange to say, some of the recent date-fixers begin by deploring the attempts of others along these lines and regretting the discredit brought upon the cause, but they remind us of the words to Daniel, that these things were to be sealed up until the time of the end—and, at last, the correct dates are to be divulged. From 1844 onward, date after date has been fixed for the Lord's return or the end of the times of the Gentiles. All manner of measurements have been used. For a time, it was fashionable among some Bible teachers to call the Great Pyramid “the stone Bible” and by its measurements, it was claimed one could accurately find the end of the age. Isaiah 19:20 was said to refer to this pyramid, yet Isaiah was writing in this chapter prophetically of future happenings, not of any existing monument. First measurements of the pyramid set the end for 1882. When this passed calmly by, new calculations were taken. When everything available had been measured in, it was confidently affirmed that the end would come May 29, 1928. Baxter's “Forty Prophetic Wonders” has had a tremendous sale and excited a great many Bible students. A few years ago a friend found some early editions of the book and discovered that the dates had been set forward at least twice. And now the whole system stands discredited. “Times of the Gentiles” a booklet written at the time of the World War, fixed the end of the age, according to the year-day theory of 2520 years from 606 B. C. and 587 B. C. as from 1915 to 1934. The year 1915, however was not especially significant. The church was to be translated in 1927, seven years before the full establishment of the Kingdom in 1934. In “The Hour of Translation”, a book widely recommended, the author deplores the bad figuring of other writers and shows that all had the wrong starting point. The times of the Gentiles began in 604 B. C. to 589 B. C. and the 2520 years brings us to 1917 and 1936. The 1917 date fits in much better, for in that year the Balfour declaration granted the Jews the right of Palestine for a national home and General Allenby drove the Turks out of Jerusalem. The translation of the church will be the antitypical fulfillment of the Feast of Trumpets, and since the church must escape the last seven years, the translation must take place September 12, 1929. This writer is especially impatient of all who object to date setting and implies that to contradict his figures is to contradict the Scriptures. But— what are the results? A tract entitled “Time Cycles of the Bible” has been widely circulated, and this writer states positively that the year 1936 will be the midst of the Tribulation and that the Kingdom reign will begin in 1938. Since the church is to escape the last week of years, the translation must take place in 1931. A book on Revelation banks on the Biblical chronology of Anstey and asserts that the sixth millennium of human history comes to an end in 1958 and that it is then that the Kingdom reign begins. The writer shows that Israel was given a forty year probation period after the crucifixion of the Saviour and before destruction befell Jerusalem. Another forty year probation is to be given them just before the Lord comes, therefore this began in 1918—when the war closed and the way to Palestine was opened. The church must patiently abide until 1951. By all the signs of the times, we believe our Lord's coming very near but it is our candid opinion that when our blessed Lord comes, it will be on such a date as none of the date-fixers struck upon. (Read Mt. 24: 42, 44).
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