By Keith Leroy Brooks
PROPHECIES CONCERNING FUTURE RELATIONS OF THE SAINTS TO THIS EARTHThe prophecies repeatedly declare that the glorified saints are to “reign with Christ” after His coming. What did the Prophet Daniel mean when he wrote: “The saints of the Most High shall take the Kingdom and possess the Kingdom forever”? What mean the words: “The Kingdom under the whole heavens shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High, whose Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom”? (Dan. 7:18-27). These statements were for the comfort of persecuted believers (v. 25). They are told that the tables will eventually be turned and God's people, instead of being scorned, will administer Kingdom affairs under the direction of the King of kings. REIGNING WITH CHRIST ON EARTH How literally should such words be taken? To those redeemed by the blood of Christ, the declaration is made that they are “made kings and priests and shall reign on the earth.” (Rev. 5:9-10). In Rev. 20:6 we are told that the blessed and holy of the first resurrection “shall reign with him a thousand years.” Dr. Seiss says: “All that is needed for the establishment of a holy, happy order is for men to obey God's law. It is to be put in living force when the children of the resurrection get their crowns and go into power with Christ, the All-Ruler at their head. They are to shepherdize and deal with the nations as unerring and immortal governors and priests, to direct, to instruct and feed them with all the loving care of angels, but with a rod of iron to enforce docility and unreserved surrender to all laws. Call it Judaism if you like, denounce it as a carnal dream, but it is nevertheless the truth of God which has every prospect of becoming experimental fact before the century is past.” RULING AND JUDGING WITH CHRIST When Christ was upon earth, believers were a little flock of persecuted people. For their encouragement our Lord told them that with the coming of His Kingdom, they should be in places of ruling power. (Lk. 12:32). When the apostles were on earth, they were despised by the Jews and were all persecuted unto death. But our Lord gave them the promise that whatever they got in this world, in the age to come, they should sit as assessors with Him in His dealing with regathered Israel. (Lk. 22:28-30). The saints at Corinth were reminded of the fact that they would have part in the judgment of the world. (1 Cor. 6:2). Christ is coming to judge the world with all His saints. (1 Thess. 3:13; Jude 14-15).
In a parable (Lk. 19:12-19) our
Lord compared Himself to a
nobleman going into a far
country for a time until he
should re43 CHRIST'S REIGN WILL BE LITERAL Christ's reign is to be literal. (Jer. 23:5; Isa. 9:7; Lk. 1:32-33; Isa. 24:23; Rev. 11:5). Will not the reign of the saints with Him be equally as literal? (Rom. 8: 17; Rev. 3:21; 2 Tim. 2:12). Are we not to understand that those who have made themselves worthy will be co-regents with Christ in the age when He puts in force the rule of righteousness and justice in all the earth? (Psa. 72:8-11). We believe we have abundant Scripture reason for believing that going to be with Christ means something more than playing harps and singing psalms. There is sublime work to be done. Christ's prepared appointees, clothed in immortality, will be empowered as benefactors of the nations, shepherds of millions yet to live, eternal workers in God's great laboratory of the universe.
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