By Keith Leroy Brooks
PROPHECIES CONCERNING THE GREAT TRIBULATIONFollowing the rapture of true believers from the world, the nations are due to be plunged into a period of short duration, declared in prophecy to be the climax of all woes that have ever come upon the world. (Dan. 12:1; Joel 2:2; Mt. 24:21-22). Many believe this period will be the fulfillment of Daniel’s 70th week (see Dan. 9:26-27) which had been cut off from the 69 weeks of years by the rejection of the Messiah. If this is true, (and it seems to have the support of many statements in the book of Revelation) the entire tribulation period will extend seven years following Christ's coming for His church. Some teachers object to allowing a gap between the 69th and 70th week of years, holding that they ran consecutively and were fulfilled seven years after the crucifixion. Note, however, that the 69th week was to be followed not only by the cutting off of the Messiah but by the destruction of the city and sanctuary. But the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple did not occur until A. D. 70, so that if the 69th and 70th weeks ran consecutively, these events did not occur within them at all, and even those who object to a gap, have one to account for. Note also that the coming prince was to confirm a covenant with the Jews, to be broken in the midst of the 70th week. Some apply this to Titus in 70 A. D., but no such treaty is known of, nor is there any record of Titus breaking a covenant after 3½ years. Revelation, written years after the destruction of Jerusalem, uses the very time measurements of Daniel's prophecy and puts the desolating period of 3% years in the future at the end of the age. This seems to be clear proof that the reference is to the anti-christ in the future and that Daniel's 70th week awaits fulfillment. Note again—the desolation starting in the midst of the last seven years was to continue "until the consummation.” The consummation has not yet come and the tortures of Jerusalem have long since ceased. The “vials of wrath”—we believe are future, and following the final desolation of Jerusalem under the anti-christ, will come the consummation and the bringing in of “everlasting righteousness.” Notice the precise language of Daniel's prophecy. The 70 weeks have in view “thy people” (Israel) and “the holy city (Jerusalem). Who can deny that the national history of Israel has been broken into? And is not God going to deal with Israel in the future? Then, has there not come a gap in Israel's time? Why is the reference to the 70th week set off from the rest? The first 7 and the next 62 are continuous. v. 5 joins them by the word “and.” The 70th is separated from the 69th by the prediction of events long drawn out. All must admit that they were not accomplished within 70 consecutive weeks of years (490 years). We have given space to this argument, believing it important to recognize that God's national dealings with the Jews are bound to be completed. It will be the “time of Jacob's trouble” (Jer. 30:7) and will involve the whole world. (Rev. 3:10). THE SCHEDULE OF EVENTS The Jews will be returning to Palestine in unbelief (Isa. 17:10-11; 66:3-4) and will be rebuilding their temple. (Rev. 11:1-2). The anti-christ having appeared and deceived the Jews into believing him their long expected Messiah, they will enter into a treaty with him. (Dan. 9:27; cf. Jn. 5: 43). In the midst of the seven years, he will be revealed as the anti-christ. (Rev. 11 :7; 2 Thess. 2:3). At this time God will have two special witnesses in the world, and anti-christ will cause their murder. (Rev. l l :3-7). He will stop the daily sacrifices in the renewed temple. (Dan. 9:27; l l ;3 l ; 12:1). He will cause his own image to be put up for worship. (Rev. 13:14; 2 Thess. 2: 3-4). In the midst of the tribulation the devil and his angels will be cast to earth. (Rev. 12:7-12; 13:5; Dan. 7:25; 9:27). The holy city will be trodden down. (Dan. 9:26; Rev. 11:2). There will be terrible woes in the earth. (Jer. 30:7; Dan. 12:1; Mt. 24:21; Rev. 13:17). The death penalty will be inflicted upon those who refuse to worship the anti-christ. (Rev. 13:15; 20:4). There will be unparalleled persecution. (Rev. 13:16-17). A third of the Jews will live through these days. (Zech. 13:8-9). Behind it all, there is a purpose in relation to the Jews. (Ezek. 22:20; Isa. 1:25; 4:4; Zeph. 1:12-13; Zech. 13:9). The remnant no more will reject Christ. (Isa. 4:3; 10:20; 17:7-8; Hos. 5:15). At the end of the period great armies will gather to put Christianity out of the earth. (Rev. 16:14-16; 17:14). The Lord will then come forth in power. (Isa. 12:4-6; 26:21; Zech. 14:3-4). Christ and His glorified saints will execute judgment in the earth. (1 Thess. 1:7; Jude 14; Rev. 1:7; 2 Thess. 1:7; Rev. 19:11; Isa. 26:21; 59:20). The power of anti-christ will be immediately broken. (Isa. 11:4; Dan. 7:11; 2 Thess. 2:8). The beast and his false prophet will be cast out. (Isa. 30:33; Rev. 17:8; 19:20). The assembled armies will be destroyed. (Zech. 12:9; Rev. 17:14; 19:21; Mal. 4:2-3). S atan will be bound for 1000 years. (Rev. 20:2-3). The saints and martyrs will reign with Christ. (Rev. 20:4-6).
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