By Keith Leroy Brooks
PROPHECIES CONCERNING FUTURE RETRIBUTIONWe must now examine bare statements of Scripture. We shall be careful not to use any passage where the word “sheol” or “hades” occurs in the Greek and is erroneously translated “hell”. Remember that only the soul or spirit is said to go to sheol or hades. In eight passages, body and soul are said to go to the final hell, meaning that the spirit, having sinned in a body, will go to hell in a body. We shall also be careful not to use passages which have to do with the judgment of the nations during the Tribulation, which some have wrongly used of the final retribution of the wicked. (e. g. Psa. l l ;6; Psa. 50:3; Isa. 66:15; 2 Thess. 2). Mark the fact that we are not dependent upon the word “hell” for the idea of future retribution. Some shall awake from the grave “to shame and everlasting contempt.” (Dan. 12:2). “The wrath of God abideth on” those who reject Christ. (Jn. 3:36). The same word for “abide” is used of Christ, of the Father, of everlasting life. (See Jn. 12:34; 14:10; 6:27). “He that believeth not shall be condemned.” (Mk. 16:16). Those who do despite to the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven. (Mk. 3:29) but are guilty of an eternal sin. Of Judas it is said that it “had been good for that man if he had never been born. (Mt. 26:24). Judas is consigned to perdition and if at some future time he could find his way to heaven, it could still be said that he was not born in vain. The New Testament word for “hell” is "Gehenna” (12 times by our Lord). It is the Greek for the Hebrew word “Ghi-Hinnom”, meaning “Valley of Hinnom”. (Mt. 5:22,29,30; 10:28; 18:9; 23:15,33; Mk. 9:43,45,47; Lk. 12:5; Jas. 3:6). Jesus took the valley of Hinnom outside of Jerusalem, where refuse was burned, as a type of future retribution. Certainly this was no place for purifying things and making them fit for high and noble use. The type suggests that hell is a locality, an actuality, a means of clearing the universe of that which is offensive. (Mt. 5:29-30; Mk. 9:43-47). IS HELL AGONY IN LITERAL FIRE? Many are asking: “Will the lost roast alive in literal fire forever?” At this point one should read with utmost care what Scripture actually says. The fire is unquenchable. (Mt. 3:12). “Fire that shall never be quenched”. (Mk. 9:43). “Worm dieth not”. (Mk. 9:48). “Everlasting fire.” (Mt. 25:41). “Smoke of their torment ascends up forever”. (Rev. 14:11). These passages teach that the means used continue in force. Mt. 25:46 makes it clear, whatever may become of the lost, that the penal infliction is final. Is this “unguenchable fire” literal? The word “fire” is frequently used in a symbolical sense. A “fire was kindled in Jacob”. (Psa. 78:21). Believers are tried in the fire. (Psa. 66:10-12; 1 Pet. 1:7). God's ministers are a flame of fire. (Psa. 104:4). God's Word is fire. (Jer. 23:29). A third part of the Jews will be brought through the fire of the Tribulation. (Zech. 13:9). The “tongue is a fire—set on fire of hell fire”. (Jas. 3:6). Fire shall try the work of believers. (1 Cor. 3:13). The lake of fire—the second death. (Rev. 20:14). Will anyone wish to insist that the word “fire” must always be taken literally? The “lake of fire” is referred to five times in Revelation (19-20). It occurs in the midst of a symbolical book. 2 Pet. 2:6 tells us that the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, cities that were turned “into ashes” are set forth for an example of those who are ungodly. Jude 7 says of the same cities that they “suffered the vengeance of eternal fire”. The smoke of Sodom's burning still ascends, yet the very site lies under the waters of the Dead Sea and the place was “overthrown in a moment”. (Lam. 4:6). The fire of wrath that levelled these cities is unquenchable. THE LITERAL INTERPRETATION OF HELL A literal interpretation of hell fire requires that God make physical pain eternal and nerves capable of ever burning, but never being consumed. This would require the eternal exertion of His power to prolong torment. To the writer this seems contrary to His character. In view of the constant symbolical use of the word “fire” we look upon references to hell fire as an intense symbol of the mental and spiritual agony of losing one's soul forever and feeling remorse in the presence of God, according to the degree of sins committed upon earth, chief of which is the rejection of Christ. But, does not the Bible say that all the lost shall be “tormented day and night forever and forever?” It says of those who worship the Beast in the Tribulation period that they “have no rest day nor night” and that the smoke of their torment ascends up forever. It says that the great deceiver of all mankind, together with the Beast and False Prophet, will be “tormented day and night forever and forever.” THESE THINGS ARE CERTAIN We conclude that going to hell is banishment forever from the presence and favor of God. They “shall not see life”. (Jn. 3: 18,36). It is going into a state of “outer darkness”. (Mt. 8:12). Darkness is a symbol of insensibility to God in this life. (Eph. 4:18). The lost are children of darkness. (1 Thess. 5:5; 1 Pet. 2:9; 1 Jn. 2:8). It will mean weeping and gnashing of teeth. (Mt. 8:12). These are expressions of unutterable sorrow and impassioned rage upon realizing the eternal loss of opportunity. (Mt. 16:26).
The degree of anguish
will be based upon 86 It is “the second death”—eternal separation. (Rev. 20:14). CONCLUSION OF THE WHOLE MATTER In view of the things coming to pass upon the earth—in view of the retribution awaiting many after death—we should be able to see that man's only hope is JESUS CHRIST AS A PERSONAL SAVIOUR. To reject Him is no light matter. Strike a fellow workman, and it will be regarded as an offense. Strike your own mother and, morally at least, it will be regarded by decent people as a heinous crime. Strike the President of the United States and you will be charged with the serious crime of treason. Guilt and penalty are measured not by acts themselves, but by the position of the one outraged and his relation to the offender. The controversy between God and man is not merely concerning a broken law. It is over a REJECTED SAVIOUR who died to save us. What is God's estimate of the rejection of His Son? He paid an infinite price to save us. To go out of this life without Him will bring an eternal sentence. The Gospel is something more than a dogma that men may accept or reject as they please. The death of Christ is a GREAT ETERNAL FACT. The Gospel brings either blessing or judgment to all who hear it. The love of God is not on trial at the bar of human judgment. His love is once and forever vindicated by the vicarious sacrifice of His Son. “God commendeth his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”
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