By Keith Leroy Brooks
CHAPTER ONE Contents: Generations of Jesus Christ. His conception and birth. Characters: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Joseph, Mary, generations of Christ from Abraham to David. Conclusion: Jesus Christ was, in accordance with the prophecies, conceived of the Holy Ghost, born of a virgin. He was both Son of Man and Son of God, thereby being qualified to save His people from their sins. Key Word: Genealogy, vv. 1, 17. Strong Verses: 21, 22, 23. Striking Facts: v. 10. See Gen. 3:15; Isa. 7:14, 8:8, 10; Mic. 5:2, 3. Jesus was not begotten of natural generation. Note v. 16, "Mary, of whom was born Jesus." A feminine form for the word "born" being used, indicates that Jesus was born of Mary, not of man. He was without a sinful nature, for the reason that He had the Holy Spirit for His Father. CHAPTER TWO Contents: Visit of the Magi, flight into Egypt, Herod's slaughter of the innocents. Return of Joseph and Mary to Nazareth. Characters: God, Jesus, Joseph, Mary, Herod, chief priests, scribes, wise men, Archelaus. Conclusion: The light of the Scriptures and the light of nature are calculated to lead the seeking soul to Christ, the Savior. Those who follow their light to Him will find in Him joy unspeakable. Those who spurn their light will have in this life only dread of Him and hereafter naught but misery. Key Word: Star of Bethlehem, vv. 2, 9, 10. Strong Verses: 6, 9, 10, 11. Striking Facts: v. 12. This is the first of 21 unsuccessful attempts on the life of Jesus which mark the enmity of Satan and his desire to cut Him off before His appointed work could be done. That enmity was manifested in O. T. times against the royal line, and now that Christ's sacrifice has been made, it is shown in the blinding of the hearts of men lest they see Him as their Savior, and against Christians that their testimony for Him might be hindered. CHAPTER THREE Contents: Ministry of John the Baptist and baptism of Jesus. Characters: God, Jesus, John. Conclusion: To follow Jesus in the waters of baptism is to publicly acknowledge our separation from sin, determination to bring forth fruit unto God, and consecration to His service. Key Word: Baptism, vv. 6, 13. Strong Verses: 8, 16, 17. Striking Facts: When John announced (v. 2) the "kingdom of the heavens at hand," he announced that the Christian dispensation was the next thing to come. He presented Jesus not as King who would at that time set up His earthly throne, but as "the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world" (the true prophetic order). By Israel's rejection of Him as such they have been nationally set aside until the "fullness of the Gentiles be come in," after which Jesus as King will return to earth in glory to rule. (Matt. 24:29; 25:46; Luke 19:12-19; Acts 15:14-17.) CHAPTER FOUR Contents: Temptation of Jesus. Jesus' public ministry begun. Call of first disciples. Characters: Jesus, Satan, John the Baptist, Peter, Andrew, James, John, Isaiah. Conclusion: The Word of God is the Sword of the Spirit, which if rightly handled, will deal defeat to Satan in his attempts to snare the believer by tempting suggestions. Beware of Satanic twisting of Scripture "rightly divide the Word of Truth." Key Word: Temptation. Strong Verses: 4, 6, 10. Striking Facts: v. 1. It is sometimes asked "If Jesus was without a sinful nature, how could He be tempted?" May not a city be besieged, though impregnable? Acid will corrode some metals others it will not. The devil applied his test to Christ it did not corrode. Note comparison of Jesus' temptations with those of the first Adam. (1). Gen. 3:6 lust of the flesh (tree good for food); Jesus to turn stones into bread. (2). Lust of the eyes (tree pleasant to the eyes); Jesus glory of kingdoms of the earth to take them in a way not appointed by the Father. (3). Pride of the life (desired to make one wise); Jesus to throw Himself from pinnacle to be hailed by crowds below as the long expected Messiah. CHAPTER FIVE Contents: Sermon on the mount. Beatitudes. Believer as salt and light. Christ's relation to the law. Divorce. Characters: God, Jesus. Conclusion: The relationship of a child of God will be manifested in the world by his shining and burning as a light for Christ, by his quiet and savory influence in society, and by his conformity to the Word of God in all things. Key Word: Sermon on the Mount, vv. 1, 2. Strong Verses: 3-16, 18, 28, 32, 39, 44, 48. Striking Facts: v. 3. Some teach that the teachings of the sermon on the mount are applicable only to the future earthly kingdom of Christ, not the present age, and as such are postponed until Christ's second coming. However we think of the "kingdom of the heavens" as the church age, during which Christ, through regeneration, is peopling the heavens, and these principles seem to have clearer application to the present age than to that time when righteousness shall cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. CHAPTER SIX Contents: Sermon on the Mount, continued. Formalism condemned. The new revelation of prayer (disciples prayer). The law of riches. Cure of anxiety. Characters: God, Jesus. Conclusion: True relationship to God will be manifested by a motive of heart devotion to God back of all charity to men, by absolute sincerity and humility in the prayer life, by laying up heavenly treasures and by absolute confidence in the Heavenly Father to supply all real needs and overcome all troubling circumstances. Key Word: Sermon on the Mount, 5:2. Prayer, 6:5. Strong Verses: 1, 6, 8, 9-13, 19, 20, 21, 33, 34. Striking Facts: vv. 8-13. Rather than the "Lord's prayer," this should be designated as "the disciple's prayer," for Jesus could not pray this prayer as the expression of His own needs. It should be remembered also that it is not based upon the atoning work of the cross, which at the time it was given, was yet future. Christ's finished work which makes possible deliverance from sin, should be thought into this prayer when used by the Christian. It is a model of what true prayer is (1) Puts the Father's interest before personal interests. (2) Puts earthly needs in right proportion to spiritual needs. (3) Bases prayer upon relationship. (4) Trusts God for present needs, not worrying about the morrow. CHAPTER SEVEN Contents: Sermon on the Mount, continued. Encouragement to prayer. The two ways. Warnings against false teachers. Danger of profession without faith. The two foundations. Characters: God, Jesus. Conclusion: True disciples of Christ will be men and women cautious in their judgment of others; conscious of their own faults; confident and earnest in prayer; wary of false teachers and hypocritical profession; building all eternal hopes upon the firm Rock, faith in the Word of God and Christ Jesus. Key Word: Sermon on the Mount, 5:2. (Two ways, vv. 13, 24, 26.) Strong Verses: 1, 2, 7, 8, 12, 15, 21, 24. Striking Facts: v. 22 shows that there will be among those rejected by Christ in the last days, many preachers, so-called soul winners and good moral men, simply because devoid of true faith in Christ who alone is the foundation of salvation. Beware of mere lip-devotion which signifies nothing, either here or hereafter. CHAPTER EIGHT Contents: Jesus heals a leper, the centurion's servant and Peter's wife's mother. Professed disciples tested. Stilling of the waves. Casting-out demons at Gadara. Characters: Jesus, leper, centurion and his servant, Peter's mother-in-law, two men of Gadara, disciples. Conclusion: Jesus is the divine Son of God, sovereign over all physical ailments, over all circumstances, over the powers of nature, over the evil emissaries of Satan and over sin (9:5). Faith takes Him at His word and finds rest and deliverance at all times in His Word of power. Key Word: Sovereign Christ, vv. 17, 27. Strong Verses: 13 (a), 27. Striking Facts: v. 29. Men may deny the deity of Christ, but demons know better. His divine Sonship is proven amply by the demonstration of His power in all spheres. He was not only Son of God, but Son of Man (vv. 20, 24) and having been subjected to all human testings, He became a perfect sacrifice and substitute for the believer on the Cross. CHAPTER NINE Contents: Healing of the palsied man. Call of Matthew. Answering the Pharisees. Healing of woman with issue of blood. Daughter of a ruler raised from the dead. Two blind men healed. A demon cast out. Preaching and healing in Galilee. Characters: Jesus, palsied man, sick woman, Jairus, his daughter, Matthew. Conclusion: All power is given unto Jesus Christ, both in heaven and in earth. Degradation and disease, demons and death are subject to His rebuke, and faith in Him is the most priceless treasure on earth, vv. 2, 22, 29. Key Word: Power, vv. 6, 8. Strong Verses: 6, ,12, 13, 37, 38. Striking Facts: v. 3. Either Christ was the Son of God with power to forgive sins and those who claim He is a mere man with no such power, are themselves blasphemers or else He was, as they charged, a blasphemer. His deity is fully established by His deliverances from sin, and the consciousness of forgiveness which He has given to millions of people throughout the age. CHAPTER TEN Contents: The twelve instructed and sent out. Characters: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James, Thaddaeus, Simon, Judas. Conclusion: The call of Jesus to His service is His enabling for that service. He stands with His servants in all their trials, takes notice of every insult they are called upon to endure, honors them in this life for their witness of Him and will abundantly reward them in the next life for all their faithfulness. No cross, no crown. No gall, no glory. Key Word: Calling and enduement, v. 1. Strong Verses: 16, 24, 25, 28, 30, 32, 33, 37, 38, 42. Striking Facts: v. 32. Confession of Christ is the normal answer of a new born soul to God. "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh." To evidence the sincerity of our faith by boldly witnessing for Him gives us One in heaven who speaks a good word to the Father for us. CHAPTER ELEVEN Contents: Answer to questions sent Jesus by John the Baptist. Judgment predicted as result of rejection of Christ. Rest for individuals who put their trust in Him. Characters: Jesus, John the Baptist. Conclusion: The miracles of Christ are the seal of heaven upon Him, evincing His divine commission, and proving to this day the truth of His doctrine. Those who will not be prejudiced against Him nor scandalized in Him, cannot but be blessed in Him. Those who will be yoked with Him in His burdens, will by Him, be lifted out of all their burdens. Key Word: Offended in Christ, vv. 6, 19, 25. Strong Verses: 6, 25, 28, 29, 30. Striking Facts: v. 28. This is a pivotal point in the ministry of Jesus. The Savior-King being spurned by the Jews, now offers rest and service to all who are conscious of their need. To these He will GIVE rest (peace with God, Rom. 5:1, the rest of salvation), and in His service they shall continually FIND rest (the peace of God, Phil. 4:7). CHAPTER TWELVE Contents: Jesus announces Himself Lord of Sabbath Controversy with Pharisees. Healing of the withered hand. A demoniac healed. The unpardonable sin. Death and resurrection foretold. Deficiency of self-reformation. Jesus' new relationships. Characters: Jesus, Holy Spirit, Pharisees, disciples, man with withered hand, Satan, David, Jonah, Queen of the South. Conclusion: Jesus Christ is Lord of the Sabbath day, giving us the true example of the acceptable use of that day, spending it with and for God. Ascribing the word which Christ does in the power of the Holy Spirit to Satan, is a sin unpardonable here or hereafter. Key Word: Lord of Sabbath, v. 8. Strong Verses: 8, 30, 32, 36, 50. Striking Facts: The Sabbath (v. 1) commemorates a finished creation. The Lord's day (see v. 40) commemorates a finished redemption, for Christ arose from the grave on the first day. The seventh day was a day of legal obligation. The first day is a day of voluntary worship. CHAPTER THIRTEEN Contents: Mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven. The sower, tares and wheat, grain of mustard seed, leaven, hid treasure, pearl, drag net. Characters: Jesus, disciples, Satan, Isaiah. Conclusion: The present age will be marked to its end by the presence of both professors of religion and possessors sinners and saints. The believer's work is to sow the Word of God in faith, not expecting thereby to convert the whole world, but in expectation of Him, who at the end of the age, will come with His angels to separate the good and the bad to make an end of sinners and set up His glorious Kingdom. Key Word: Kingdom mysteries, v. 11. Strong Verses: 12, 41, 42. Striking Facts: Some make the parables of the mustard seed and the leaven to teach the conversion of the whole world in this age by the preaching of the gospel. This view is explicitly contradicted by Jesus' interpretation of the parables of the wheat and tares and the drag net therefore there is something wrong with the popular interpretation of the leaven and mustard seed. Leaven means "corruption" and is always used in Scripture as a symbol of evil. The mustard seed parable pictures an abnormal and unsubstantial growth of the outward church. See Dan. 4:20-22. CHAPTER FOURTEEN Contents: Herod's troubled conscience and the murder of John the Baptist. The 5000 fed. Jesus walks on the water. Characters: Jesus, John the Baptist, Herod, Herodias, and her daughter, disciples. Conclusion: That will be multiplied and blessed to the service of men which is by faith passed through the hands of Christ. Faith and love with little can do much. (v. 18.) The steps of faith fall on a seeming void but always find a rock. No sea is too rough on which to venture if the eyes are on Christ and He has bidden us "come" (vv. 29, 30). Key Word: Lord of nature, vv. X8, 25, 33. Strong Verses: 18, 27. Striking Facts: Note v. 33. The sure cure for the Unitarian belief about Christ, is to be out on a boisterous sea where no human power can help, and then see Him come forth to quiet the boisterous winds and save the sinking soul. CHAPTER FIFTEEN Contents: Scribes and Pharisees rebuked. Syrophonecian's daughter healed. The multitude healed. 4000 fed. Characters: Jesus, Peter, (disciples), Syrophonecian woman, her daughter. Conclusion: The Christian life is not a label to put on, but a life to be put in; not a system of doctrine to be quibbled about but a great principle to be lived out. Genuine faith overcomes all obstacles. His compassion meets all needs. Key Word: Hypocrites, v. 7. Strong Verses: 8, 28. Striking Facts: v. 28. This was the first time the rejected Christ ministered to a Gentile (cf. Matt. 12:18). When a Gentile addressed Him as "Son of David" (v. 22) He made no reply, but when she acknowledged Him as "Lord," He answered immediately (v. 25). The Gentile has no claim under the covenant rights and promises of Israel. CHAPTER SIXTEEN Contents: Jesus' rebuke of blind Pharisees. The symbol of leaven interpreted. Peter's confession of the deity of Jesus. Jesus foretells His death and resurrection. Characters: God, Jesus, Peter, Satan, disciples, John the Baptist, Elias, Jeremiah. Conclusion: Jesus is the Son of God, the foundation stone of the church. He died for the sin of the world, arose for the justification of the believer and is coming back in glory to reward His own. The cross of Calvary was God's program for Him, essential for the salvation of men and all attempts to turn Him from it were Satan-inspired (as are all denials of its necessity today). KeyWord: Deity (v. 16); Death (v. 21); Resurrection (vv. 4, 21); Descent (v. 27). Strong Verses: 15, 24, 26. Striking Facts: Note vv. 17, 18. Jesus does not here infer that the church was to be built upon Peter but upon Himself, as just confessed by Peter (v. 16) (Cf. 1 Peter 2:4-9). In the Greek, the word "Petra" is in feminine form, denoting that the reference was not to Peter, but to his confession. The deity of Christ is the foundation doctrine of Christianity. CHAPTER SEVENTEEN Contents: The transfiguration of Jesus Christ. The powerless disciples, unable to heal a lunatic, and the mighty Christ. Resurrection again foretold. Miracle of the tribute money. Characters: God, Jesus, Moses, Elijah, Peter, James, John, a father and his lunatic son, John the Baptist, disciples. Conclusion: Jesus Christ is sealed of heaven as the beloved Son of God, glorious and mighty in His person, possessed of all power in heaven and earth, the Victor over death and the grave, yet to reign in glory. Genuine faith in Him and yieldedness to His power, moves the arm of omnipotence. Key Word: Transfiguration, v. 2. Faith, v. 20. Strong Verses: 5, 20. Striking Facts: The transfiguration is the answer to v. 28 of the preceding chapter. In it, we see in miniature, the elements of the coming earthly Kingdom of Christ. Jesus in His glory (v. 2); Moses standing for believers who have passed on through death (v. 3) ; Elijah representing those who will be translated (v. 3. Cf. 1 Thess. 4:14-17); Three disciples representing Israel in the flesh at His coming; Gentiles at foot of mountain for the living nations. It was given just following the announcement which disappointed the disciples, His rejection and death, and was for their encouragement. CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Contents: Sermon on the child text. Discipline in the church. Unity in prayer. Law of forgiveness. Characters: God, Jesus, Peter. Conclusion: Those are truly great who are truly humble and good, and God is pleased with those who multiply their pardons of others, even as they have many times been pardoned by Him. Key Word: Greatness, v. 1. Forgiveness, v. 21. Strong Verses: 3, 4, 11, 19, 20, 21, 22. Striking Facts: v. 20. Where His saints are, there is the sanctuary of Christ. While as to His person He is in heaven, His Spirit is with our spirits, and He is the central figure in every gathering for prayer in His name. Not a multitude, but faith and sincere devotion on the part of worshippers, even though there be but two or three, invites His presence and the manifestation of His power among them. CHAPTER NINETEEN Contents: Christ and the divorce question. Little children blessed. The rich young ruler. Apostles' future place in the Kingdom. Characters: God, Jesus, Peter, rich young ruler. Conclusion: God Himself instituted the relationship between husband and wife, and those joined together by the ordinance of God are not to be put asunder by an ordinance of man, except for fornication. Nothing less than the almighty grace of God can enable a man taken up with the riches of this world to get into heaven. Riches, if they are under our feet, are stepping stones, but if upon our backs, are a curse. Key Word: Divorce, v. 7. Riches, v. 24. Strong Verses: 6, 9, 14, 24, 26 (b), 29. Striking Facts: vv. 16, 17. It is not implied that Jesus was not good (John 8:46; 14:30), but that He would not be called "good" by one who did not accept His deity, but looked upon Him merely as a man (Master "teacher") and put himself on the same level (v. 20). As God (v. 17) He is the expression of all good. CHAPTER TWENTY Contents: Parables of laborers in the vineyard. Jesus' death and resurrection again foretold. Ambitious requests of James and John. Healing of the two blind men. Characters: Jesus, wife of Zebedee, James, John, two blind men. Conclusion: One hour's service in the spirit of humble trust will be as abundantly rewarded as 12 hours of legal service where reward is sought as a matter of debt. The way to true greatness is to be humble and serviceable with an eye continually to the great pattern servant, Jesus, who came into the world not to be waited upon but to wait upon others and give His life a ransom. Key Word: Service, vv. 1, 27. Strong Verses: 16, 26, 27. Striking Facts: vv. 18, 19. The death of Jesus Christ was not, as some say, the result of His being the victim of circumstances too strong for Him, but was the result of His own program. He came (v. 28) to give His life a ransom. He did not die as a martyr, but as a Victor. He never foretold His death without adding that He would be resurrected. CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE Contents: The triumphant entry. Jesus' second purification of the temple. Barren fig tree cursed. Jesus' authority questioned. Parable of the two sons in the vineyard. Parable of the house-holder demanding fruit from his vineyard. Characters: God, Jesus, John, disciples. Conclusion: Jesus the King-Savior was officially offered to Israel first. He was acclaimed by an unthinking multitude who thought He would then set up His earth kingdom, but He was soon rejected by official representatives of the nation. Nevertheless His rejection by His own people turned to the riches of the Gentiles. The unbelief of sinners is their ruin. Key Word: Triumphal entry, vv. 9, 10. Jesus' authority, v. 23. Strong Verses. 13, 21, 22. Striking Facts: v. 2. A colt is a symbol of peace. In Jesus' second coming He will come upon a war horse (Rev. 19). Cf. v. 44. The flippant attitude of the people toward Jesus in His first presentation was due to their conception of Him as expressed in v. 11. When He comes in power, there will be no room for doubt of the fact that He is both King and Judge. CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO Contents: Parable of the marriage feast. Jesus' answer to the Herodians. Sadducees and Pharisees. Characters: God, Jesus, lawyer. Conclusion: The gospel call bids all to the great marriage feast. Some wickedly reject Christ's invitations. Some think to intrude in the rags of their hypocrisy (See Rom. 3:22) but the humble gladly accept and are satisfied. It is not wit and reason that makes one acceptable to God, but humble acceptance of His call and partaking of the feast He has provided. Key Word: Unworthy guests, vv. 8, 12, 18. Strong Verses: 9,21,37,38,39. Striking Facts: The invitation to the marriage feast first extended to Israel (v. 7), was greeted with violence and the King fulfilled the latter part of the verse in A. D. 70. The world-wide call then went forth (Matt. 28:16-20; v. 9) to "as many as would receive" (John 1:12). The man without a wedding garment pictures those who think to be accepted in their own righteousness rather than the righteousness of Jesus Christ Rom 10:1-3; Isa. 64:6; Phil. 3:9. CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE Contents: Jesus denounces woes upon the Pharisees for their hypocrisy. His lament over Jerusalem. Characters: Jesus. Conclusion: Nothing is more displeasing to our Lord Jesus Christ than hypocrisy, dissimulation, stage-playing in religion. Woe be to all such for their religion is vain and their ruin will be terrible. It is wholly owing to the wicked will of sinners that they are not gathered by His love under His protecting wing they "will not come to Him that they might have life." Key Word: Hypocrites, v. 13. Strong Verses: 8, 11, 12, 37, 39. Striking Facts: v. 39. There are three "untils" to be accomplished before Israel can have full blessing. 1. v. 39. 2. Luke 21: 24. Gentile world power must run its course Dan. 2:34-35. 3. Rom. 11:25-27. The elect of the Gentiles must be brought in. CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR Contents: Destruction of the temple foretold. The course of the present age outlined; its culmination in the great tribulation and followed by the return of Christ in power and glory. Parable of the fig tree and exhortation to watchfulness. Characters: Jesus. Conclusion: The course of the present age is to be marked by wars, famines, pestilences, persecutions, false Christs, and religious systems, increasing in intensity as the age nears its end, and culminating in tribulation such as the world has never seen, nor ever shall see again. Jesus Christ shall suddenly, unexpectedly and gloriously appear, coming in the clouds of heaven with His hosts. Blessed are they who cherish the "blessed hope" (Tit. 2:13) and live in hourly expectation of His coming. Key Word: End of Age, v. 3. Strong Verses: 7, 21, 27, 35, 37, 44. Striking Facts: The signs of the near return of Jesus are national (v. 6), religious (v. 11), missionary (v. 14), and Jewish (v. 32). (Fig tree a type of Israel.) CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE Contents: Parables of the wise and foolish virgins. Testing of the servants in the Lord's absence. Future testing of the Gentile nations at the Lord's return. Characters: God, Jesus, disciples. Conclusion: The hour of our Lord's second coming is very uncertain which is good reason why we should live not only in a state of habitual preparation but actual diligence in present service for Him, and engaged in works of charity for men. Those who have so lived will in that day receive the grandest degree in the universe, the "well-done" of Jesus Christ. Key Word: Christ's return, vv. 6, 19, 31. Strong Verses: 13, 29, 31, 32, 34, 40. Striking Facts: vv. 1-13. The strict application is Jewish and refers to the "Revelation" when Christ comes "with His saints" to set up His Kingdom and punish the nations. Virgins are attendants of a bride. "Bridegroom" in some translations is "bride and groom" and "marriage" in v. 10 is "marriage-feast." The virgins are professing Jewish disciples (Rev. 14:4; Psa. 45:14). In the midst of the great Tribulation, the mid-night cry will be raised. As applied to Christians the parable is a warning of the "Rapture" which precedes the "Revelation." The lamp is a type of God's Word and the oil of the Holy Spirit. The two classes distinguish between Possessors of Christianity and Professors of it. CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX Contents: Authorities plot Christ's death. Jesus annointed by Mary of Bethany. Judas sells Jesus. The last Passover. Lord's supper instituted. Gethsemane experience. Jesus before Caiaphas and Sanhedrin. Peter's denial. Characters: God, Jesus, Judas, Peter, James, John, Caiaphas, disciples. Conclusion: Having finished His work as a Prophet, Christ entered upon His work as Priest to make the great sacrifice for the remission of sin. Although wicked hearts laid the plot and put it into execution, they were but fulfilling the Scriptures and unknowingly carrying out the program for which Christ came into the world. The spotless Passover Lamb who ALONE must settle the sin question was prepared for the slaughter, not as a martyr, but as a ransom for all. Key Word: Jesus' last night, vv. 1, 18. Strong Verses: 28, 41, 39. Striking Facts: v. 26. This verse marks the end of the Mosaic dispensation. The true Paschal Lamb was Christ, and He was now ready for the sacrifice. Yet at the very hour He was offered unbelieving Jews were sacrificing useless blood in the temple. The Lord's supper which takes the place of the O. T. ceremonies is a memorial of Christ as a gift and sacrifice, a parable of the true nature of Christianity Christ becoming a part of us, and a prophecy of His future coming and glory. CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVEN Contents: Jesus delivered to Pilate. Judas' remorse. Barabbas released in Jesus' place. The crucifixion of Christ. The entombment and sealing of the tomb. Characters: God, Jesus, Pilate, Judas, Jeremiah, Simon, 3 Marys (v. 56), Elijah, Joseph, two malefactors. Conclusion: See Isa. 53:3-6, 9, 10. (It is utter ruin of language to try to draw a human conclusion to the chapter. Rather let the Scriptures themselves interpret it.) Key Word: Crucifixion, vv. 1, 35. Strong Verses: 22, 54 (b), 35. Striking Facts: Calvary's cross was the main point in the coming of Jesus into the world. His death was the object of His incarnation. He was the "Lamb of God who beareth away the sin of the world." No man took His life from Him (John 10:17-18). He whose blood was more precious than all human blood together (v. 54-b) gave His life (Matt. 28:26). The glory of heaven is not Jesus as a great ethical teacher, but Jesus, the "slain lamb." (Rev. 5:6-12; 7:10; 21:23.) CHAPTER TWENTY-EIGHT Contents: Resurrection of Jesus. Jesus in Galilee and the great commission. Characters: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, 2 Marys, disciples. Conclusion: Jesus Christ is declared to be the Son of God with power, by His resurrection from the dead (v. 18; Rom. 1:4) and the acceptance by the Father of His atoning work on the cross is thereby assured for all who will receive it. Those who would be kept in the consciousness of His presence (v. 20) must attend to that which He has appointed the carrying of the message of salvation to all men. Key Word: Resurrection, v. 6. Strong Verses: 6, 18, 19, 20. Striking Facts: The resurrection is the centre of all miraculous narratives the sun which keeps them in their orbit. It is the Waterloo of infidelity. If He did not literally rise from the grave, not only is His veracity at stake, but (1 Cor. 15) preaching is vain (v. 14); faith is vain (vv. 14, 17); the witness of the disciples is false (v. 15); we are yet in our sins (v. 17); the dead are perished (v. 18), and our state is most miserable (v 19) BUT "HE IS RISEN."
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