By Keith Leroy Brooks
CHAPTER ONE Contents: Deity of Christ. Ministry of John the Baptist. Jesus announced as the Lamb of God, and the first converts to Him. Characters: God, Jesus, John the Baptist, Moses, Elias, Isaiah, Pharisees, Andrew, Simon, Philip, Nathaniel. Conclusion: The Son of God became the Son of Man that the sons of men through Him might become the sons of God. The next thing to finding Him as the Lamb of God is to find another and introduce that one to Him. Key Word: The Word, v. 1. Strong Verses: 12, 13, 14, 17, 29. Striking Facts: v. 12. To teach "believing on Christ" for salvation proves His deity. If He was a created or finite being, to teach eternal salvation by believing on Him is blasphemy. Only God can bring eternal life by belief in Himself. To experience new life by believing proves that Jesus was God manifest in the flesh. (See Jer. 17:5.) CHAPTER TWO Contents: The marriage at Cana and the first miracle of Jesus. The passover and the purification of the temple. Characters: Jesus, mother, disciples. Conclusion: Those who expect the favors of Christ must with an implicit obedience observe His orders. Those who follow Him shall fare with Him. The way of duty is the way to mercy. Key Word: Obedience, vv. 5, 16. Strong Verses: 5, 16. Striking Facts: v. 19. The ability of Christ to drive this crowd from their posts without opposition was in itself proof of His authority, but if that does not convince, the great sign, His resurrection, will settle the question. His resurrection is the Waterloo of infidelity. CHAPTER THREE Contents: Nicodemus and the new birth. The last testimony of John the Baptist. Characters: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Nicodemus, John the Baptist, Moses, John's disciples. Conclusion: Since the natural man, however gifted, moral, or refined, is absolutely blind to spiritual truth and impotent to enter the kingdom, a new birth through Christ as the channel and the Holy Spirit as the power is an absolute necessity. Heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people. The only gateway to it is Jesus. Key Word: New birth, v. 3. Strong Verses: 3, 6, 7, 16, 18, 19, 36. Striking Facts: v. 14. The bitten Israelite was healed by simply looking to the brazen serpent, not by looking at his wound, although he must of course be conscious of his condition. One look healed the bite. So one look of faith to Jesus saves. It is not the way we look, but the object we look at that heals. CHAPTER FOUR Contents: Jesus and the Samaritan woman. The indwelling Spirit. The nobleman's son healed. Characters: Jesus, Holy Spirit, John the Baptist, Pharisees, Jacob, Joseph, woman of Samaria, her husband, nobleman, his son.
Conclusion: Jesus Christ is the gift of God, the richest token of God's love,
Key Word: Living water, v. 10. Strong Verses: 10, 14, 23, 24. Striking Facts: v. 29. The divine knowledge of Jesus proves His omniscience. Jesus knows the thoughts, words and actions of all the children of men, and by the power of His Words is still revealing to men the secret sins of their hearts. CHAPTER FIVE Contents: Healing of the man at the pool of Bethesda. Jesus answers the Jews. The four-fold witness to Jesus. Characters: God, Jesus, infirm man, John the Baptist, Moses. Conclusion: Jesus Christ, the omnipotent Son of God, delights to help the helpless, and manifests His mercy to those who are willing to be helped. He who thus overrules the powers of nature on behalf of trusting souls can be no other than the Son of God, in whom the fullness of the Godhead dwells. Key Word: Healing, v. 8. Strong Verses: 23, 24, 28, 29, 39. Striking Facts: v. 18. Jesus was killed because of His claims to deity. If He was not what He claimed to be (v. 23), He was a blasphemer, but this is out of the question, since He was raised from the dead. Therefore, those who deny His deity take their stand with His murderers. CHAPTER SIX Contents: Feeding the 5000. Walking on the sea. Discourse on the Bread of Life. Peter's confession of faith. Characters: God, Jesus, disciples, boy, Moses, Joseph. Conclusion: Jesus Christ, the true Bread, is that to the soul which bread is to the body, nourishing and supporting the spiritual life. Our bodies could live better without food than our souls without Christ. Those who have received this Bread are to be the distributors of it to other hungry souls. Key Word: Bread, vv. 5, 33. Strong Verses: 27, 29, 35, 37, 39, 40, 44, 51, 63. Striking Facts: v. 27. Jesus is sealed by God the Father as the Savior of *h world. By His anointing 1:32-34. By the voice from heaven 12: 28-30. By His protection 7:28-30. By the character of His teaching 7:16-17. By the resurrection 20:19. CHAPTER SEVEN Contents: Jesus urged to go to the feast. His final departure from Galilee. Jesus at the feast of tabernacles. Prophecy concerning the Holy Spirit Characters: God. Jesus, Holy Spirit, disciples, brothers of Jesus, Moses. Pharisees, David. Nicodemus. Conclusion: It is the comfort of those who embrace Christ's doctrine that it is a divine doctrine, proven so by the blessed experience of what He promises. He is the source of the refreshing fountain of the Holy Spirit, which comes to replenish the soul that thirsts for Him, and to supply a fullness of life that overflows in blessing to other lives. Key Word: Water, vv. 37, 38. Strong Verses: 17, 37, 38, 39. Striking Facts: v. 12. Either Jesus was merely "a good man," a "deceiver" or what He claimed the divine Son of God. If He is not what He claimed, He cannot be a good man. Those who deny His deity therefore put Him on a level with the devil (Rev. 20:10). CHAPTER EIGHT Contents: The woman taken in adultery. Discourse after the feast on Jesus as Light of the world. Satan, the original liar and murderer, and the Satanic brotherhood. Characters: Jesus, adulterous woman, Moses, Pharisees, scribes, Abraham, Satan. Conclusion: Jesus was the Light of the world, the image of the invisible God. Those shall have the light of life who follow Him, being guided away from destroying error and damning sin, and having that enjoyment of God which will be to them the light of spiritual life in this world and life everlasting in the world to come. All who will have God for their Father must discover Him through the Light of the world. Key Word: Light of the world, v. 12. Strong Verses: 7, 12, 32, 36, 42, 44, 47. Striking Facts: v. 18. Jesus Christ was witnessed to by the Father. He was taught by the Father v. 28. Attended by the Father v. 38. Sent by the Father v. 42. Honored by the Father v. 54. Known by the Father v. 55. The power of Christ over the lives of men throughout the centuries demonstrates to a conclusion that He is the one sealed by the Father as the Light of the world. CHAPTER NINE Contents: Healing of the man born blind. The fault finding of unbelievers. Characters: Jesus, blind man, disciples, Pharisees, neighbors, Moses. Conclusion: The Lord Jesus Christ came into the world, not only to give light, but sight to those who could not behold light. The sight that He gives to trusting souls proves Him to be the One sent of God to be the true light of the world. Experience of His saving power is a safer teaching than reason, therefore let those whose eyes have been opened be bold to witness to a world that would explain away His power. Key Word: Light, vv. 7, 37. Strong Verses: 4, 31. Striking Facts: v. 39. Christ came into the world designedly to give sight to those that were spiritually blind, by His Word and Spirit to turn many from darkness to light. He came also that those who had a high conceit of their own wisdom, in contradiction to the divine revelation, might be sealed up in their infidelity. The Gospel is a savor of life unto life, or of death unto death. Blindness has happened to Israel. The Gentiles have seen a great light. CHAPTER TEN Contents: Discourse on the Good Shepherd. Jesus' deity asserted. Characters: Jesus, God. Conclusion: God, our great owner, the sheep of whose pasture we are by creation, has constituted His Son, Jesus Christ, to be our Shepherd. He has all that care of His people that a good shepherd has of his flock. In His care, the true believer is eternally secure, for the hand that was wounded and the hand of our Creator close in omnipotent, double grasp upon him. Key Word: Shepherd, v. 11. Strong Verses: 9, 11, 14, 27, 28, 29. Striking Verses: v. 11. Jesus as our "Good Shepherd" died to save us. As our "Great Shepherd" He lives to guide us. Heb. 13:20. As the "Chief Shepherd" He is coming back to glorify us. 1 Peter 5:3. CHAPTER ELEVEN Contents: Raising of Lazarus. Enmity of the Pharisees against Jesus. Characters: Jesus, Lazarus, Mary, Martha, disciples, Pharisees, Thomas, Caiaphas. Conclusion: Jesus Christ is the resurrection and the life the fountain of life and the head and author of the resurrection. Whoever, during life, lives by faith in Him, is born again to a heavenly life, and though the body die, yet shall it live again at His word. Key Word: Lazarus raised, vv. 23, 44. Strong Verses: 25, 26, 40. Striking Facts: vv. 5-6. Jesus' delays in answer to prayer are not necessarily denials. He may delay because He loves us, and always for His own glory. Let us not, therefore, complain because we cannot understand His dealings, but trust in Him, knowing we shall see the glory of God. (v. 40.) CHAPTER TWELVE Contents: The supper at Bethany. The triumphal entry. Jesus' answer to Greeks. Characters: Jesus, Lazarus, Mary, Martha, disciples, Judas, Philip, Andrew, Isaiah, Pharisees. Conclusion: The most plentiful and powerful means of conviction will not of themselves work faith in the depraved and prejudiced hearts of men. Many hear, but few heed. Their final judgment is reserved to the last day, and the Word of Christ will judge them then and make them answer for all the contempts they have put upon Him. Key Word: Rejection, vv. 4, 11, 19, 38, 40, 48. Strong Verses: 25, 26, 32, 35, 46, 48. Striking Facts: v. 32. The cross of Jesus is the mightiest magnet in the universe. It is Christ that draws and Christ crucified. The increase of the church was after His death. While He lived we read of thousands miraculously fed, but after His death we read of thousands added to the church through a single sermon. Is there a greater proof of His divine authority today? CHAPTER THIRTEEN Contents: Last Passover. Jesus washes disciples' feet. Betrayal foretold, also Peter's denial. Characters: Jesus, God, Judas, disciples, Peter, Satan. Conclusion: What was consistent with the dignity of the Lord Jesus Christ is much more consistent with ours, His servants. To sink is the way to rise. To serve in humility is the way to rule. Let us take heed lest Christ's condescensions to us and advancement of us, through our corrupt nature, cause us to think high thoughts of ourselves, or low thoughts of Him. Key Word: Humility, vv. 5, 14, 16. Strong Verses: 1 (b), 16, 34, 35. Striking Facts: vv. 3, 4, 5, 12, 16. Jesus "arose" from His place in glory, laid aside the garments of divine majesty. (Phil. 2:6-7.) Took the form of a "servant" (Phil. 2:7). Provides "cleansing" (John 15:3). Applies the cleansing water (Eph. 5:26). "Took His garments" again (John 17:5), and is seated. (Heb. 10:12.) CHAPTER FOURTEEN Contents: Jesus foretells His second coming and promises the Holy Spirit to believers. Characters: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Thomas, disciples, Philip, Judas. Conclusion: Jesus is the way let us follow Him. Jesus is the truth let us build with confidence upon the precious truths of His comforting promises. Jesus is the life let us learn to abide in Him, the source of spiritual life, until He comes back to receive us to the prepared mansions above. Key Word: Peace, vv. 1, 27. Strong Verses: 2, 3, 6, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 26, 27. Striking Facts: v. 16. The word "Comforter" means "one called alongside to help." The Holy Spirit is the indwelling representative of Christ on the earth. It is He who guides us into the truth concerning Christ, forms Christ's purposes in our hearts, and even prays through us. (Rom. 8:26.) CHAPTER FIFTEEN Contents: Jesus' discourse on the vine and the branches. The believer and the world. Characters: God, Jesus, disciples. Conclusion: Jesus is the true vine, in which the life of believers, as abiding branches, is hid. Abiding in Him, the believer is able to walk in purity of life, with Christ sharing in all the interests of his life, taking all burdens to Him, and drawing all wisdom and strength from Him. It is only the abiding life that bears fruit to the glory of the Father. Key Word: Abiding, v. 4. Strong Verses: 4, 5, 7, 10, 13, 14, 16, 19, 20, 26. Striking Facts: Christ proved His love to the world by laying down His life for it (1 John 3:16) in redemption work. His love to us should ever be the standard of measure of our love to others in service for Him. CHAPTER SIXTEEN Contents: Warning of persecutions. The promise of the Spirit and His three-fold work. Jesus talks of His death, resurrection and second coming. Characters: Jesus, Holy Spirit, God, disciples. Conclusion: The sending of the Holy Spirit was the fruit of Christ's purchase on the cross and an answer to His intercession within the veil a proof of the acceptance of His finished work with the Father. He is the companion of the true believer in every place and at all times, whereas Christ's corporal presence could be in but one place at a time. As to unbelievers, the Holy Spirit proves sin upon them because of their rejection of Christ, and warns of judgment. To the believer, He is the constant helper and the revealer of the things of Christ. Key Word: Holy Spirit, v. 7. Strong Verses: 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 22, 23, 27, 33. CHAPTER SEVENTEEN Contents: Jesus' prayer of intercession. Characters: God, Jesus, disciples, Judas. Conclusion: If God be our Father, we have an intercessor to appear for us continually to guarantee our safe delivery to the haven above and our keeping along the way. He prays not for the world but for those who are His, that they might be preserved in their salvation, that they might have His joy, that they might be fortified against the evils of the world, that they might be purified through His Word, that they might manifest oneness with Him, that they might be edified in Him and at last behold His glory. Key Word: Intercession, v. 9. Strong Verses: 3, 11, 17, 18, 21, 24. Striking Facts: This prayer, to which there is no "Amen" attached, is believed to be typical of that perfect intercession of our High Priest in heaven. (Heb. 7:25.) One who has the support of this prayer, as a true child of God, cannot be lost. Peter, when he fell, was kept by the intercession of Jesus. Judas (v. 12), when he fell, fell eternally, not being a true believer (John 6:70-71). CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Contents: Jesus' betrayal and arrest. Peter's denial. Jesus condemned and Barabbas released. Characters: Jesus, Judas, priests, officers, Pharisees, Peter, Malchus, Annas, Caiaphas, Pilate, Barabbas, a damsel. Conclusion: Our Lord Jesus, having put on the armor of prayer, went forth to face the great conflict with Satanic hatred and the sin of the world. Betrayed, misunderstood and denied by those of His own familiar friends, He, the perfect One, was handed over into wicked hands, to face alone the condemnation of a guilty world, that those who should believe upon Him might not be condemned. Key Word: Betrayal and arrest, vv. 2, 3. Strong Verses: 11, 37 (b). Striking Facts: v. 1. In Eden's garden, the first Adam sinned. In Gethsemane's garden, the second Adam suffered and prayed. In Eden all was delightful and bright here all was painful and dark. In Eden there was disobedience and the first Adam hid. Here there was perfect obedience, and the second Adam presented Himself as the spotless Lamb of God, ready for sacrifice. CHAPTER NINETEEN Contents: Pilate brings Jesus before the multitude. The rejection of the Savior and the crucifixion. His entombment. Characters: Jesus, Pilate, soldiers, Jesus' mother, His aunt, wife of Cleophas, Mary Magdalene, Joseph, Nicodemus. Conclusion: Only Scripture itself can conclude this scene. Isa. 53 (whole chapter). Key Word: Crucifixion, v. 18. Strong Verses: 4 (b), 17, 18, 30. Striking Facts: The death of Jesus fulfilled every sacrificial ceremony of the Old Testament. He was the "passover lamb." As the blood of the Old Testament sacrifice was sprinkled seven times (Num. 19:1-10), so there was a seven-fold sprinkling of the blood of Jesus in His crucifixion. 1. Scourged 19:1. 2. Thorns 19:2; 3-4. Each hand pierced. 5-6. Each foot pierced. 7. The spear thrust v. 34. CHAPTER TWENTY Contents: Resurrection of Christ. Characters: Mary Magdalene, Peter, John, two angels, Jesus, disciples, Thomas. Conclusion: He who gave His life as a ransom resumed His life again by the mighty power of God, proving the acceptability of His sacrifice as a satisfaction for sin, with the Father, and offering to all who should trust in Him, the peace of God that passes all understanding. Key Word: Resurrection, v. 14. Strong Verses: 21, 29 (b), 31. Striking Facts: v. 31. This verse defines the purpose of God's Word the demonstrating of the deity of Jesus Christ and the efficacy of His salvation. CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE Contents: The risen Christ surprises the disciples and directs their fishing. Peter given opportunity to reaffirm His allegiance to Christ. Characters: Jesus, disciples, Peter, Thomas, John. Conclusion: In those disappointments which to us are very grievous, our Master often has designs that are very gracious. They are happy and successful in their work who know how to take hints from Him, for nothing can be lost but much gained by following His orders. Before Christ can commit His sheep to our care, He would have us examine the love of our hearts toward Him. If we would try whether we are true disciples of His, let us ask ourselves the question, "Do we really love Jesus?" Key Word: Service (v. 6) and love (v. 15). Strong Verses: 15, 16, 17. Striking Facts: v. 25. The truth about Jesus Christ could never be exhausted. Jesus never spoke an idle word nor did an idle thing. He wrought probably thousands of miracles of which we have no record. All that is needful for our salvation is written. The ages of eternity will reveal the wonders of the life of the Son of God.
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