By Keith Leroy Brooks
CHAPTER ONE Contents: Legalism and unsound teaching rebuked. Characters: God, Christ, Timothy, Alexander, Satan, Hymenaeus. Conclusion: Witnesses of Christ must not only be charged to preach the true Gospel doctrine but charged to preach no other doctrine, for it needs no improvement, and to add the letter of the law to the doctrines of grace is an impossible mixture, leading to unprofitable jangling. Those answer the end of the law who have a good conscience toward Christ and faith unfeigned. Key Word: Vain jangling, v. 6. Strong Verses: 5, 15. Striking Facts: v. 15. The errand of Jesus Christ in the world was not to be a great teacher and reformer, but to die as a ransom for sinners of whom there are two classes the sinner who thinks himself righteous (as did Paul before converted) and the sinner who feels himself a sinner. CHAPTER TWO Contents: Exhortation to prayer. Divine order for the sexes. Characters: God, Christ, Paul, Adam, Eve, Timothy. Conclusion: Christians are to be men much given to prayer, and in their prayers having a generous concern for others as well as for themselves. They are to especially desire for those in civil authority that God will turn their hearts and direct them, making use of them for the accomplishing of His purposes. Christian women are to be modest, sober, silent and submissive as becomes their place. Woman was created in subordination to man and was never intended to usurp authority, but to be a helpmeet. Key Word: Prayer, v. 1. Women, v. 10. Strong Verses: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8. Striking Facts: vv. 5-6. A Mediator supposes a controversy. Sin had made a quarrel between God and man. Jesus Christ, a Mediator, undertook to make peace. He gave Himself a ransom voluntarily so that all mankind might partake of the common salvation. CHAPTER THREE Contents: Qualifications of elders and deacons. Characters: God, Christ, Satan. Conclusion: Those having places of authority in the church must be blameless, not lying under any scandal, watchful against Satan, moderate in all their actions, proving their ability to care for God's people by keeping a Godly and well-governed household, holding the truths of the faith in a pure conscience. Key Word: Elders, deacons, vv. 2, 8. Strong Verses: 5, 16. Striking Facts: v. 16. The mystery of Godliness is Christ. He was God manifest in the flesh (John 1:14). Being reproached as a sinner, He was raised by the Spirit and so justified. He was attended by and worshipped by angels. He is offered to the Gentiles as Savior and Redeemer. He is believed on by millions. He is exalted in glory. CHAPTER FOUR Contents: Walk of a good minister of Christ. Characters: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Paul, Timothy. Conclusion: Those are good ministers of Jesus Christ who are diligent to instil into the minds of their hearers the fundamental truths of God's Word, which will prevent their being seduced by false teachers and drawn away into the apostasy of the last days. Let them not study to advance new notions, but ever be faithful in proclaiming those saving truths which they have received of the apostles and Jesus Christ. Key Word: Good minister, v. 6. Strong Verses: 1, 8, 12. Striking Facts: vv. 1-3. Satan is a theologian and makes use of demons in the last days to lead many away into apostasy. Spiritualism clearly presented here. Two prominent points of its doctrine are seen in v. 3. Abstinence from meat is considered a condition of mediumistic power. Spiritual affinities are taught as against marriage. CHAPTER FIVE Contents: Work of a good minister of Christ. Characters: God, Christ, Paul, Timothy, Satan. Conclusion: Ministers of Jesus Christ are reprovers by office, for they are not alone to preach the Word, but correct those who are inconsistent. A difference is to be made in the reproofs according to the age and circumstances of the persons rebuked. Let them know that they are accountable to God and the Lord Jesus Christ how they have observed the duties of their office, and woe to them if they have been partial in their ministrations. Key Word: Ministerial exhortations, v. 21. Strong Verses: 6, 8, 22. CHAPTER SIX Contents: Work of the minister continued. Characters: God, Christ, Paul, Timothy, Pilate. Conclusion: The minister of Christ is to preach not only the general duties of all, but the duties of particular relations, that believers may live lives that will truly witness for Christ wherever they are. He is to endeavor after Godliness at all times himself, not making his ministry merely a trade, but a calling wherein he is content with what God allots him, fighting the fight of faith and looking for the coming of Christ, when he shall be abundantly rewarded. Key Word: Man of God, v. 11. Strong Verses: 6, 7, 10, 12, 20. Striking Facts: v. 16. Jesus Christ only as yet has triumphed over death. Immortality has to do with the body, not the soul. The believer will be given immortality at His coming, being given a body like unto His glorious body.
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