By Keith Leroy Brooks
CHAPTER ONE Contents: Resurrection ministry of Christ. The apostolic commission. Promise of the Lord's second coming. Waiting for the coming of the Spirit. Characters: God, Jesus, Spirit, Luke, Theophilus, John the Baptist, disciples, Mary, Peter, David, Judas, Joseph, Matthias. Conclusion: Waiting on God for the anointing of the Spirit is the great condition of spiritual blessing and fullness of power. Those whom Jesus Christ employs as His witnesses He will qualify for it by a better spirit than their own the Holy Spirit, His representative. Key Word: Tarrying, vv. 4, 8, 14. Strong Verses: 7, 8, 11. Striking Facts: v. 11. This is one of the most definite promises of the second coming in the Scriptures. This "same Jesus" not another (John 14:16), is coming "in like manner" as He went up in the clouds visibly. This could not have been fulfilled in the coming of the Spirit at Pentecost. CHAPTER TWO Contents: Holy Spirit's coming on day of Pentecost. The gospel given to the Jews. Peter's great sermon on the resurrected Christ, and the conviction of the people. Characters: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, disciples, Peter, Joel, David. Conclusion: Upon Jesus Christ's return to heaven, He poured forth the Holy Spirit upon His own, proving His arrival there as the crucified Lamb of God, and distinguishing His followers as messengers from heaven. The fullness of the Holy Spirit is necessary to a true understanding of the Scriptures and to the presenting of Jesus the Christ in convicting power to unsaved men. Key Word: Holy Ghost, v. 4. Witnessing, v. 14. Strong Verses: 21, 23, 24, 33, 36, 38, 39. Striking Facts: vv. 32-34. Three conclusive proofs are here given that Jesus Christ arose from the dead. 1. He was seen by the disciples. 2. The Holy Spirit has come upon men, and this promise was conditioned by Jesus upon His resurrection. 3. The prophecies declared He must not see corruption. CHAPTER THREE Contents: The lame man healed at the temple gate. Characters: God, Jesus, Peter, John, lame man, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Pilate, Moses, Samuel. Conclusion: The hand of compassion, extended by Spirit-filled men, in the name of Jesus Christ, the risen Lord, is fraught with power to lift men heavenward. The cures of Christ are visible to all let men therefore know that He who was crucified was none other than the Prince of Life. Key Word: Power of Christ, vv. 8, 12, 16. Strong Verses: 15, 18, 19, 26. Striking Facts: v. 15. They preserved a murderer, a destroyer of life, and thought to destroy the Saviour, the author of life. But God raised Him from the dead, proving that in fighting against Jesus, they were fighting against God. The doctrine of Jesus Christ was thereby confirmed, and the reproach of His sufferings was rolled away. CHAPTER FOUR Contents: The first persecution. Peter's address to the Sanhedrin. Preaching in Jesus' name forbidden. Christians again filled with the Spirit. State of the Church at Jerusalem. Characters: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Peter, priests, captain, Sadducees, elders, scribes, Annas, Alexander, lame man, John, David, Herod, Pilate, Moses. Conclusion: The more resolute are Christ's servants to witness of Him, the more spiteful will be the agents of Satan therefore, let Satan's agents be ever so spiteful, Christ's witnesses must be resolute, for the Holy Spirit may be counted upon to enable them to do their part. Persecution gives wings to the truth. Key Word: Persecution, vv. 3, 29. Strong Verses: 11, 12, 20, 31. Striking Facts: v. 12. Those are eternally undone who do not take shelter in the name of Jesus Christ and make it their refuge and strong tower. Only by embracing Him and Him only, receiving His doctrine, is there salvation for any. CHAPTER FIVE Contents: Sin and death of Ananias and Sapphira. The second persecution and answer of apostles to their persecutors. Warning of Gamaliel. Apostles beaten. Characters: God, Holy Spirit, Ananias, Sapphira, apostles, Satan, Peter, priest, Sadducees, officers, Gamaliel, Theudas. Conclusion: Beware of going to greater length in profession than the inner life will stand being ambitious to be counted religious and liberal while secretly cherishing selfish motives-^for this is lending oneself to Satan and lying, not merely to men, but to the Holy Ghost, a great affront to God. Never does good work go on in the name of Jesus Christ but it is met with opposition, for Satan, the destroyer of men, will ever be an adversary to those who are benefactors to men. We may cheerfully trust God with our safety, so long as we keep close to the will of God and trust in Christ our leader. Key Word: Lying (to Holy Ghost), vv. 3, 9. Persecution, vv. 18, 33, 40. Strong Verses: 29, 31, 32, 39, 42. Striking Facts: v. 31. God has invested Christ with the highest dignity and entrusted Him with the highest authority. It is He alone who is authorized to give repentance and remission to men. The new heart is His work, the broken spirit a sacrifice of His providing, the putting away of sin His task alone. CHAPTER SIX Contents: The first deacons. Third persecution. Stephen before the council. Characters: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, apostles, Stephen, Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, Nicolas, priests, Moses, elders, scribes. Conclusion: Those who are called to preach the Word of God must not neglect this special ministry for church activities that should be carried on by others. Those engaged in the work of Christ's church regardless of how menial may be their task, must be free from scandal, men that can be trusted, possessed of discretion and filled with the Holy Ghost. Key Word: Deacons, v. 3. Strong Verses: 4. CHAPTER SEVEN Contents: Address of Stephen before the council. Stephen martyred. Characters: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Stephen, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Pharaoh, Moses, Pharaoh's daughter, Aaron, Solomon, Saul. Conclusion: Those who are filled with the Holy Ghost and the Word of God cannot but speak boldly against sin, and they will be made fit for anything, either to act for Christ or to suffer for Him. As their afflictions for Christ abound, their consolation in Him may yet more abound. Let us as we witness look constantly to Christ that we may be ever set above the fear of man. Key Word: Testimony, v. 1. Martyrdom, v. 59. Strong Verses: 52, 55, 56. Striking Facts: v. 56. Col. 3:1 tells us when Jesus ascended, He sat down in heaven. Stephen sees Him standing. He stood to welcome to heaven the first martyr. He will stand again when the hour of the rapture of the Church is at hand. CHAPTER EIGHT Contents: Saul persecuting Christians. The first missionaries. The case of Simon, the sorcerer. Philip and the Ethiopian. Characters: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Saul, Stephen, Philip, Simon, apostles, Peter, John, angels, Ethiopian, Isaiah. Conclusion: Where Jesus Christ is preached and the gospel is embraced, Satan is forced to quit his hold of men, and those are restored to their right mind who, while they were blinded by Satan, were distracted and dissatisfied. The bringing of Christ's gospel to any place or individual is a matter of great joy to that place or person. Key Word: Preaching Christ, vv. 4, 5, 12, 25, 35, 40. Strong Verses: 4, 20, 37. Striking Facts: v. 37. A short but comprehensive confession of faith. The deity of Jesus Christ is the principal doctrine of Christianity, and those who believe it with all their hearts and confess it are to be baptized and only those. CHAPTER NINE Contents: Conversion of Saul of Tarsus. Paul preaches and visits Jerusalem and returns to Tarsus. Peter heals Aeneas. Tabitha raised from the dead. Characters: Jesus, Holy Spirit, Saul, disciples, high priest, Ananias, Judas, Barnabas, Peter, Aeneas, Dorcas, Simon. Conclusion: There is no need to despair of the conversion of those who commit the worst outrages against Christianity, for the power of the Lord Jesus is able to break down the stubborn will of one who is at the same time chief of legalists and chief of sinners. God chooses the instruments He would employ in His service, and is able to fit them for His designs by the power of His Spirit. Key Word: Saul, v. 1. Strong Verses: 5. Striking Facts: v. 20. One who has been filled with the Holy Ghost is sure to preach Christ, that He is the Son of God. CHAPTER TEN Contents: Peter opens the gospel door to the Gentiles. Cornelius sends for Peter and Peter goes to Caesarea. Peter's sermon to Gentiles in Cornelius' house. Holy Spirit comes upon Gentile believers. Characters: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Cornelius, angel, Peter, Simon, 3 messengers, John. Conclusion: In Jesus Christ, neither circumcision nor uncircumcision availeth anything, for by His finished work, the door of the gospel has been opened to "whosoever believeth." Whatever nation one may be of, though far remote from the seed of Abraham, though ever so despicable, that will be no prejudice to him, if he will receive God's appointed sacrifice for the remission of sins. Key Word: Gentiles called, vv. 34-35. Strong Verses: 15, 34, 35, 43. Striking Facts: vv. 42-43. All men shall be accountable to Jesus Christ as Judge if they will not receive Him as Savior. He alone determines the everlasting condition of all men at the great day. Those who believe in His Name may rest assured that there will be no condemnation for them. CHAPTER ELEVEN Contents: Peter vindicates his ministry to the Gentiles. Name "Christians" first applied at Antioch. Characters: Jesus, Spirit, Peter, angel, John, Stephen, Barnabas, Saul, Agabus, Caesar. Conclusion: As Christians travel the Gospel spreads, and where God's Word takes root, the hand of the Lord goes with it to give the tokens of His good will and the evidences of His work among them by the Holy Spirit. Key Word: Antioch Christians, vv. 22, 26. Strong Verses: 23. Striking Facts: v. 26. The name "Christians" cannot be, as some claim, a nickname. The Holy Spirit would not draw attention to the epithets of a jeering crowd and let it pass down the centuries as their accredited name. The name was certainly divinely chosen, for it puts emphasis on "Christ" (anointed One) rather than the human name of our Lord, in which case we would have been called "Jesuits." CHAPTER TWELVE Contents: Persecutions of the church and arrest of Peter. Prayer for his deliverance and his miraculous release. Death of Herod. Characters: Jesus, Herod, James, Peter, 2 soldiers, angel, Mary, Mark, Rhoda, Blastus, Barnabas, Saul. Conclusion: Times of public distress and danger should be especially praying times for the church. However God's people are surrounded, there is always a way open heavenward, nor can the strongest bars intercept His power. God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think. Key Word: Delivered, v. 11. Strong Verses: 5. CHAPTER THIRTEEN Contents: Paul and Barnabas called. Satanic opposition from a sorcerer. Paul's sermon in the synagogue at Antioch. Opposition from Jews. Paul and Barnabas turn to Gentiles. Characters: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Barnabas, Simeon, Lucius, Manaen, Herod, Paul, Bar-jesus, Sergius Paulus, Satan, Mark, Saul, David, John the Baptist, Abraham, Pilate. Conclusion: Those who have been separated to Christ and the Holy Ghost will have the presence of the Holy Ghost with them to strengthen them, carry forward their work and give success to the Word preached. Those thus called may venture upon the stormy sea of persecution for Christ's sake as if it was a quiet harbor, having great joy in the sowing of the Word and confidence that He will bless it to His own glory. Key Word: Word published, vv. 5, 44, 49. Strong Verses: 26, 38, 39, 47. Striking Facts: v. 33. The resurrection of Jesus Christ was the great proof of His being the Son of God with power, and was the confirmation of all that was prophesied about Him, and the ratification of His divine commissions. His resurrection is proven v. 31. CHAPTER FOURTEEN Contents: Work of the Gospel at Iconium, Derbe, Lystra. An impotent man at Lystra healed. Paul stoned. Elders appointed in the churches. Characters: God, Paul, Barnabas, impotent man, priest of Jupiter. Conclusion: Those who speak boldly in the Lord need not think it strange, if the preaching of the Gospel occasions divisions, nor be offended by the insults heaped upon them by embittered and convicted spirits. They shall be made strong in the Lord and in the power of His might, and God shall confirm their testimony in granting wonders to be done by their hands. Key Word: Giving testimony, v. 3. Strong Verses: 22. Striking Facts: v. 15. There is only one man who can, without idolatry, be worshiped Jesus, the Christ who was "God manifest in the flesh." "Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and Him only." CHAPTER FIFTEEN Contents: The council at Jerusalem and the question of circumcision. Paul's second missionary journey. Silas chosen. Characters: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Moses, Paul, Barnabas, apostles, elders, Pharisees, Peter, James, Simeon, David, Judas, Silas, Mark. Conclusion: Those who are ever so well taught have need to stand upon their guard that they be not untaught again, and having known liberty in Christ Jesus should again be brought into bondage to law which cannot save. In a multitude of counsellors there is safety and satisfaction if the counsellors are men whom God has approved and who are instructed in His Word. When serious differences in regard to God's Word arise, let men of God come together in solemn meeting for prayer and mutual advice. Key Word: Council, vv. 6, 25. Strong Verses: 11, 14, 18. Striking Facts: v. 14. This is one of the most important passages in the New Testament, stating the divine program for the church in this dispensation. It is not the conversion of the world through the different agencies of reform, but the taking out of the world of an elect people who shall make up the Body or Bride of Christ. The Gospel everywhere calls out some, but it never, in any place, has been known to convert all, and nothing of this order is to be expected in this age. The work of the church is soul winning. CHAPTER SIXTEEN Contents: Paul finds Timothy. Paul's Macedonian vision. The first convert in Europe. Demons cast out of a damsel. Paul and Silas beaten. Conversion of the Philippian jailer. Characters: Jesus, Holy Spirit, Paul, Timothy, Lydia, a damsel, Silas, prison keeper, magistrates, sergeants. Conclusion: The movements of God's servants and the dispensing of the means of grace by them are in a particular manner under a divine guidance and direction, and those who are under the check and conduct of the Spirit, though they be called upon to suffer much for Jesus' sake, may be sure God will in some way get glory to Himself by their testimony and persecutions. Key Word: Called (v. 10) and kept (vv. 25, 27). Strong Verses: 31. Striking Facts: v. 31. Here is the sum of the whole Gospel, the covenant of grace in a nutshell. It is the only way to salvation. Admit the record that God has given in His Gospel concerning His Son, assent to it as faithful and worthy of acceptation, receive Jesus Christ as He is offered to us in the Gospel, and give up yourself to be saved and ruled by Him. CHAPTER SEVENTEEN Contents: Founding of church at Thessalonica and the Jewish opposition. Paul and Silas at Berea. Paul at Athens and the sermon from Mars' hill. Characters: Christ, Paul, Silas, Jason, Caesar, philosophers, Dionysius, Damaris. Conclusion: The doctrine of Christ does not fear a scrutiny, but will be borne out fully by the light of all Scripture. Those who reason from the Scriptures concerning "Christ crucified" may expect not only that God will incline some to make use of the means of grace by searching the Scriptures for themselves, but that the enmity of the restless agents of Satan will be aroused. Nevertheless, by seeking to extinguish the divine fire, enemies will but spread it the farther a ad faster. Key Word: (Scriptural) Reasoning, vv. 2, 11, 22. Strong Verses: 11, 24, 25, 26, 28, 31. Striking Facts: v. 3. The scope of all preaching is to point to Jesus Christ as the One who made atonement and was resurrected for the justification of all who will believe. Jesus must be the subject of all preaching, and our business is to bring people to acquaintance with Him. CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Contents: Paul at Corinth. The careless Gallio. Paul takes a Jewish vow. Apollos at Ephesus. Characters: Jesus, Paul, Aquila, Priscilla, Claudius, Silas, Timothy, Justus, Crispus, Gallio, Sosthenes, Apollos, John the Baptist. Conclusion: Let the Gospel be propagated, not by force, but by fair argument, meeting the reasonings of sinners with ready answers from the Scriptures. It is always our duty to testify with all solemnity to Christ's deity, especially where men speak reproachful!?; of Him, thus making ourselves clean from the blood of their souls. Those who have Christ with them need not shrink from pleading the cause of heaven with boldness. Key Word: Testifying (v. 5) and reasoning (vv. 4, 19). Strong Verses: 9, 10. Striking Facts: vv. 5, 28. Too much cannot be said of the necessity, in our preaching or witnessing, of preaching "not ourselves, but Christ Jesus, the Lord," teaching men from the Scriptures the great fundamental doctrine of His deity. CHAPTER NINETEEN Contents: Paul at Ephesus. Disciples of John the Baptist become Christians. Paul in the synagogue and in the school of Tyrannus. Paul's miracles. Uproar of the silversmiths. Characters: Jesus, Holy Spirit, Apollos, Paul, John the Baptist, Tyrannus, Sceva, his seven sons, Timothy, Erastus, Demetrius, Gaius, Aristarchus. Conclusion: Let Christ's witnesses speak undauntedly with holy resolution, as those who have not the least doubt of the things they speak of, nor the least distrust of the power of Him they speak from, nor the least dread of those they speak to. While some will oppose the Gospel because it calls many off from their sinful employments, it will lead many to true contrition for sin and confession of Christ. Key Word: Disputing and persuading, v. 8. Strong Verses: 18. Striking Facts: vv. 10, 20. The Gospel is Christ's Word. To preach from the Scriptures without preaching Christ is to miss the result in v. 20, the prevailing mightily in the hearts of men. It is Christ in our preaching Who goes on conquering and to conquer. CHAPTER TWENTY Contents: Paul goes to Macedonia and Greece. His visits at Troas, Miletus. Paul's conference with the Ephesian elders. Characters: Jesus, Holy Spirit, Paul, Sopater, Aristarchus, Secundus, Gaius, Timothy, Tychicus, Trophimus, Eutychus, elders. Conclusion: As witnesses of the grace of God through Jesus Christ, we ought not to hold our lives of any account to ourselves in comparison with accomplishing our course and declaring the whole counsel of God. Being ourselves made pure by the blood of the Son of Man, it behooves us to make ourselves pure from the blood of the sons of men. Key Word: Testifying, vv. 21, 24. Strong Verses: 20, 24, 27, 28, 32, 35. Striking Facts: v. 28. The priceless cost of redemption is here seen the blood of God. See 1 Tim. 3:16. Christ's deity is thereby asserted. His blood was of infinite value being God's blood. CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE Contents: Holy Spirit forbids Paul to go to Jerusalem. Paul goes to Jerusalem. Paul takes a Jewish vow. Seized in the temple by the Jews and bound with chains. Characters: Paul, Holy Spirit, Philip, his four daughters, Manson, James, Moses, Trophimus, police captain. Conclusion: Disregard of any details of the leading of the Holy Spirit leads into a multitude of difficulties that might have been avoided. God often protests the most devoted acts of some of His servants, even acts of self sacrifice, and would save them from bringing their greater usefulness to an abrupt end; nevertheless He is able to overrule their mistakes and bring good out of them to men and glory to Himself. Key Word: Warnings disregarded, vv. 4, 11, 14. Strong Verses: 13. Striking Facts: v. 36. As men cried "Crucify Him" and "away with Him" at Christ Himself, though they could not say what evil He had done, so they will often treat His ambassadors and desire to chase them out of the world. CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO Contents: Paul's defense before the multitude. Recounts his conversion. Characters: God, Jesus, Paul, Ananias, chief captain. Conclusion: God's servants who are set upon with rage and fury because of their teachings concerning Christ cannot offer a better defense of their doctrine than to relate their own vital experience with the saving power of Jesus Christ. Christianity is not an argument but a life. Key Word: Experience, v. 3. Strong Verses: 16. Striking Facts: v. 14. There is a three-fold preparation for the service of Christ. 1. To know His will. 2. To have a vision of Christ, the Just One, crucified. 3. To hear His voice. CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE Contents: Paul before the Sanhedrin. The conspiracy to kill Paul and its defeat. Paul sent to Felix. Characters: God, Jesus, Paul, Ananias, Pharisees, Sadduces, Paul's sister's son, centurion, chief captain, Lysias, Felix. Conclusion: Many are the troubles of the righteous, but some way or other, the Lord delivereth them out of them all. God is able to bring the hidden things to light and make conspirators' own tongues betray them, and above all to make the persecutions of His servants to turn to the wider spread of the Gospel. Key Word: Dissension (v. 7) and conspiracy (v. 13). Strong Verses: 11. Striking Facts: It is the will of Christ that His servants should often suffer with Him, but in their trials He would have them to be "cheerful," and in the consciousness of His presence, how can one be otherwise? If He is with us, all secular events will be ordered to give opportunity to witness for Christ. CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR Contents: Paul accused before Felix, and his defense. Characters: Ananias, elders, Tertullus, Felix, Paul, Lysias, Drusilla, Festus. Conclusion: Every false cause can find men of sharp wits to plead it. The truest Christian life is no fence against the hatred of the rejectors of Christ (John 15:18), but if God's servants can speak with the language of a clear conscience, they need have no fear. "The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them." Key Word: Accused, v. 2. Strong Verses: 16. Striking Facts: v. 14. It is nothing new for the Scriptural and right way to worship to be called "heresy." Jesus Christ Himself was called a heretic. CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE Contents: Paul before Festus. His appeal to Caesar. Characters: Jesus, Festus, high priest, Paul, Caesar, Agrippa, Bernice. Conclusion: It is nothing for the most excellent ones of the earth to have all manner of evil said against them falsely for Christ's sake and to be represented even in courts as odious and harmful to society. Nevertheless God is able to make men's worldly policies serve His own purpose (Psa. 76:10), and when enemies think to block the gates of the Gospel, He is able to open them wider. Key Word: Falsely accused, vv. 5, 7. Strong Verses: 11. Striking Facts: v. 19. What Paul affirmed concerning Jesus Christ, that He is alive, is a matter of such vast importance, that if it be not true, we are all undone. Yet many men today treat the subject slightly as did this Roman. CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX Contents: Paul's defense before Agrippa. Characters: God, Jesus, Paul, Agrippa, Satan, Festus, Bernice, Caesar. Conclusion: When God's servant is given a chance to speak for himself, it is well if he may speak for Christ instead, nor need he be ashamed of the Gospel of Christ in any company. Though they answer with scorn and contempt, it is certain that God will in some way use the testimony for I glory. Key Word: Defense, v. 1. Strong Verses: 8, 18, 28, 29. Striking Facts: v. 23. Three great Gospel fundamentals to be continually emphasized. 1. That Jesus Christ was appointed to suffering and the cross. 2. That He should be the chief of the resurrection, making way for the resurrection of the saints. 3. That He arose to show a light to those in darkness, and by the power of His resurrection to give convincing proof of the truth of His doctrine. CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVEN Contents: Paul sent to Rome. The hurricane. God's assurance to Paul in the storm, and his safe landing. Characters: God, Jesus, Paul, Julius, centurion, angel, Caesar. Conclusion: Worldly men insist on being guided by human prudence, but the Christian who is in communion with Jesus, the great Pilot, may know more about sailing than any unpraying Captain could ever know. Since God has promised to be faithful to His own in the storms, let them be cheerful in the storms, knowing that while He has work for them to do, no difficulty can get in the way. Key Word: Storm, v. 14. Strong Verses: 23, 25. Striking Facts: What Paul was in the ship, Christians should be in the world. If Christ is the senior member of our firm, we shall be able in the midst of the storms of earth to take upon ourselves great responsibilities, and by the power of prayer to save many a situation to the glory of God. CHAPTER TWENTY-EIGHT Contents: The landing at Melita. Miracle of the viper's bite. Healing of Publius' father. Paul's arrival at Rome and his ministry there to the Jews. Paul turns to the Gentiles. Characters: Jesus, Holy Spirit, Paul, Publius, Captain, Centurion, soldier, Caesar, Moses. Conclusion: Wherever in the providence of God the Christian is put, he is placed there to do a work for God and to represent Jesus Christ. Blessing may come to thousands out of seeming calamity that befalls God's true servants. God's ways are past finding out, but let His servant be confident always in His promises and ready to do every good work wherever the waves of events may land him. Key Word: Healing (v. 9) and teaching (v. 31). Strong Verses: 25, 26, 27, 28. Striking Facts: v. 31. Paul stuck to his text "Jesus Christ" to the end. Let those who are tempted to diverge from that which is their main business to "preach not ourselves but Christ" ask themselves of what concern it is to Jesus Christ and His kingdom, to preach anything but HIM.
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