By Keith Leroy Brooks
CHAPTER ONE Contents: Apostolic greetings and exhortations to Timothy. Characters: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Paul, Timothy, Eunice, Phygelus, Hermogenes, Onesiphorus. Conclusion: The best of Christ's servants need remembrancers, and what they know, it is well to be reminded of by Godly men that their faith may be strengthened. Let them not be afraid of suffering for Christ's sake, or of owning others who are sufferers for His cause, for they are called with a holy calling, as witnesses of God's eternal purposes in Christ, and by adherence to Him in all circumstances, may be assured that He honors His testimony in and through them. Key Word: Exhortations, v. 6. Strong Verses: 7, 8, 9, 10, 12. Striking Facts: v. 10. The threefold purpose of Christ's coming is here stated. 1. To abolish death which is the result of sin. 2. To bring to light salvation through His finished work. 3. To illumine the subject of immortality, which believers are to have through Him at His return. If Jesus had not arisen in a glorified body, immortality would not have been brought to light. CHAPTER TWO Contents: Walk of a good soldier of Christ in times of apostasy. Characters: Christ, Paul, Timothy, David, Hymenaeus, Philetus, Satan. Conclusion: Those who have work to do for Christ must stir themselves up as soldiers to do it, and strengthen themselves for it in His power. They must count upon suffering, even unto death, and therefore must carefully train up others in the faith to succeed them who will approve themselves good soldiers. Key Word: Good soldier, v. 3. Strong Verses: 3, 11, 12, 13, 15, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25. Striking Facts: v. 8. "Remember Jesus Christ" raised from the dead. This is the great proof of the Christian mission, and confirmation of the truth of the Gospel. Let suffering saints remember this. His incarnation and resurrection, heartily believed, will support the Christian under all testings of the present life. CHAPTER THREE Contents: Apostasy predicted. The believer's resource, the Scriptures. Characters: Christ, Paul, Timothy, Jannes, Jambres, Moses. Conclusion: The last days of the Gospel dispensation will be perilous times, both on account of persecutions without, and corruptions within. These will be times when it will be difficult to keep a good conscience, and the believers recourse, will be the inspired Word of God, which is demonstrated to be the power of God unto salvation, able to furnish him unto al) good works. Key Word: Apostasy, vv. 1, 5, 13. Strong Verses: 1-5,12,13,16,17. Striking Facts: v. 5. The Gospel of Christ is the power of godliness (Rom. 1:16). The tendency of the apostasy of the last times will be to accept the ethical teachings of Christ, rejecting the doctrine of regeneration by the Spirit of Christ. It is no marvel that those who cling to. Christ, instead of form, will in those days, be the object of bitter persecution, (v. 12). CHAPTER FOUR Contents: Christ's faithful servant and the faithfulness of Christ to His own. Characters: God, Christ, Paul, Demas, Timothy, Luke, Mark, Tychicus, Carpus, Alexander, Prisca, Aquila, Onesiphorus, Erastus, Trephines, Eubulus, Pudens, Linus, Claudia. Conclusion: It concerns the witnesses of Christ seriously to consider the account they must give the Lord Jesus Christ of the trust reposed upon them as His representatives. Against the last days when there shall be widespread rejection of the doctrines of Christ, men grown weary of the plain Gospel and hankering for philosophies, let us faithfully preach the pure Word of God, apart from any merely human fancies, making full proof of our ministry and loving the truth of His return for His own. Key Word: Charge, v. 1. Strong Verses: 2, 3, 4, 8, 18. Striking Facts: v. 8. "Crown" is a symbol of reward in N. T. Here is a special reward promised to those who love the truth of Christ's second coming and work and long for it. It is a crown the "post-millennarian" will not receive, for He hopes to set up the millennium without the presence of the King.
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