By Keith Leroy Brooks
CHAPTER ONE Contents: Ministry of John the Baptist. Baptism and temptation of Jesus and His first Galilean ministry. Demons cast out, sickness healed, leprosy cured. Characters: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, John the Baptist, Satan, Simon, James, man with demons, Simon's mother-in-law, leper. Conclusion: The deity of Jesus Christ is fully attested by the seal of the Father from heaven, His victory over Satan, His authority to call men, and His power over evil spirits and all manner of diseases. Key Word: First ministry, vv. 1, 14, 21, 32. Strong Verses: 11, 17. Striking Facts: v. 35. There is no conflict between the fact of the deity of Christ and His dependence upon the Father in prayer. His prayer life on earth was the manifestation of His perfect communion with the Father before He came into the world. The fact that Jesus never asked anyone to pray FOR Him, is a further proof of His deity. He was superior to all human intercession. CHAPTER TWO Contents: Healing of the palsied man. Call of Matthew. Parable of the cloth and bottles. Jesus, Lord of the Sabbath. Characters: Jesus, Paralytic, Matthew, David, Alphaeus. Conclusion: Jesus Christ was sent to a sinful world for the healing and saving of such as will acknowledge their need of salvation and put their trust in Him. He has authority to forgive sin, which strikes at the root of diseases and either cures or alters their property. True faith in Him will overcome all obstacles and bring deliverance. Key Word: Power of Christ, vv. 10, 28. Strong Verses: 10 (a), 17, 27, 28. Striking Facts: v. 7. (Cf. John 10:33.) Jesus was logically either a blasphemer or "God manifest in the flesh." The miracle He performed immediately proved that it was not He who was the blasphemer, but His accusers. CHAPTER THREE Contents: Jesus heals a withered hand on the Sabbath. Multitudes healed. The twelve chosen. The unpardonable sin. Characters: Jesus, Holy Spirit, Satan, disciples, man with the withered hand, Mary, Jesus' brothers. Conclusion: Those who are bound by disease and evil spirits are the special object of Jesus' compassion and may find complete deliverance in Him, do they but stretch out the hand of faith toward Him. Those are obstinate indeed in their unbelief, who set themselves against being convinced of the power of Christ by trying to explain it away, or attributing it to the devil. All such are sinning against their last remedy. Key Word: Healing (vv. 2, 10), Calling (v. 13). Strong Verses: 28, 29, 35. Striking Facts: Blaspheming the Holy Ghost is attributing to the devil the work which Christ did by the power of the Holy Ghost. Many of those who reviled Christ on the cross found mercy and Christ Himself prayed for them, but to blaspheme the Holy Ghost is unpardonable. CHAPTER FOUR Contents: Parable of the sower. Parable of the candle. Parable of the mustard seed. Jesus stills the storm. Characters: Jesus, Satan, disciples. Conclusion: The present age is a time for missions and testimony to the salvation offered in the Word of God. The message will be variously received because of Satanic opposition, but many will prove good soil for the Divine seed and will bring forth fruit by the power of God. Key Word: Kingdom parables, vv. 2, 11, 26, 30. Strong Verses: 24, 25. Striking Facts: vv. 38, 39. He who slept the sleep of human exhaustion arises and rebukes the elements. What manner of man is this? It is the Godman truly man, but God manifest in the flesh. CHAPTER FIVE Contents: The maniac of Gadara. Woman with issue of blood healed. Daughter of Jairus raised from the dead. Characters: Jesus, disciples, demoniac, sick woman, Jairus, his daughter. Conclusion: The power of Christ over evil spirits, over incurable physical ailments, and over death itself, demonstrates to a conclusion His deity and puts honor upon the simple faith that comes to Him. Those who by faith are healed of Him, may go in peace and should go to witness of His power and grace. Key Word: Powerful Christ, vv. 19, 29, 42. Strong Verses: 19, 34, 36 (b). Striking Facts: v. 7. Even devils believe in the deity of Christ and tremble before Him. Demons know that by His Word they will ultimately be sent to chains of eternal darkness. CHAPTER SIX Contents: The twelve sent out to preach. Murder of John the Baptist. The 5000 fed. Jesus walks on the sea. Jesus heals many at Gennesaret. Characters: Jesus, disciples, Herod, Herodias, her daughter, John the Baptist, Mary, Joses, Juda, Simon, Elias. Conclusion: The divine authority of Christ is ratified by the divine wisdom which He displayed in all His teaching and the divine power which He manifested in imparting power to others for service, in overcoming all laws of nature for the relief of men and in dispelling by His mere Word or touch all manner of diseases. Key Word: Mighty works, v. 2. Strong Verses : 50 (b). Striking Facts: vv. 3, 7, 41, 48. Jesus the carpenter was the Controller of the universe. Jesus the son of Mary was Jesus the Son of God. CHAPTER SEVEN Contents: Jesus rebukes Pharisees. Healing of daughter of Syrophenician woman and a deaf and dumb man. Characters: Jesus, Pharisees, scribes, disciples, Syrophenician woman, her daughter, deaf man, Isaiah. Conclusion: It is worshipping God in vain to rest in the outside of religious exercises when the heart is not right with God. Our first care should be the washing of the heart from wickedness which makes us odious to God, rather than ceremonial washing. Christ never puts any away from Him who fall at His feet in humble faith, and give themselves up to be ruled by Him. Key Word: Traditionalism (v. 3), Healing (26, 27). Strong Verses: 37 (b). Striking Facts: v. 37. This verse shows what the whole world will say when Christ's mediation is completed and He comes to receive His own. CHAPTER EIGHT Contents: 4000 fed. Meaning of leaven explained. Blind man outside Bethsaida healed. Peter's confession of faith. The value of a soul. Characters: Jesus, Peter, disciples, Satan, blind man, Pharisees. Conclusion: The bounty of Christ is inexhaustible and He will supply the needs of the body if with it we glorify Him. It is provoking to Him when we are overwhelmed with present distrust, because we so soon forget what we have seen of His goodness in supplying our needs in days past. Key Word: Our Provider, vv. 8, 17, 18. Strong Verses: 29, 34, 36, 38. Striking Facts: v. 31. The death of Jesus was clearly not one of defeat, but of victory. He was not a martyr but a divinely appointed sacrifice. "Christ that died" would make no gospel if we could not add "And is risen again." His resurrection proves that He was "the Christ" (v. 29) and that His atoning work is accepted of God and sufficient for all who believe. CHAPTER NINE Contents: The transfiguration. The powerless disciples and the mighty Christ casting out a demon. The dispute over who should be greatest. Jesus' rebuke of sectarianism. Solemn warning of hell. Characters: God, Jesus, Moses, Elijah, Peter, James, John, disciples, a father, his son. Conclusion: Since God has from the open heavens owned Jesus Christ as His beloved Son, we should give ourselves to be ruled by His Word, to be yielded to the mighty working of His power in us and through us and to resemble Him in the spirit of humble service to men. Key Word: Transfiguration (v. 2), Mighty Christ (v. 19). Strong Verses: 7, 23, 35 (b), 41, 42, 43, 50. Striking Facts: The transfiguration fulfills the promise of Jesus to reveal Himself in His coming kingdom (v. 1) ; teaches us that He was exalted far above Moses (law) and Elijah (prophets) (v. 4); was intended to raise the hopes of the disciples in view of His coming death (v. 30), and warns us against seeking to any other than the Son of God (v. 7). CHAPTER TEN Contents: Jesus' law of divorce. The blessing of little children. The rich young ruler. The desire of James and John to be first. Bartimeus receives his sight. Characters: Jesus, James, John, Peter, disciples, rich young ruler, Bartimeus, Moses, Pharisees. Conclusion: Marriage is a divine institution and therefore to be religiously observed. The bond which God has tied is not to be lightly untied. The kingdom of God can be received into the heart only with humble resignation like that of a little child, to Jesus. Those who put their affections in the wealth of the world cannot put a right value on Christ and His grace and will therefore come short of His kingdom. Those who having received Christ, would be greatly honored hereafter and honorable now, are those who are the most useful to men. Key Word: Divorce (v. 2), Riches (v. 24), Greatness (v. 44). Strong Verses: 9, 14 (b), 15, 25, 29, 30, 31, 44, 45. Striking Facts: v. 18. Jesus' object was not to infer that He was not good, for the Scriptures plainly teach His goodness, above all men, but to raise the man's view of His person. The ruler had called Him "Master" (teacher) and looked upon Him merely as a great man, on the same plane with himself (v. 20). Jesus was God, but until His divinity was acknowledged He could not accept the title "good." CHAPTER ELEVEN Contents: Official presentation of Jesus as King. The barren fig tree. Purifying of the temple. The prayer of faith. Jesus' authority questioned. Characters: Jesus, Peter, disciples, John the Baptist, David. Conclusion: The Lord Jesus, in accordance with the Scriptures, presented Himself as King-Savior at Jerusalem where He displayed His Kingly authority by cleansing the temple. He came seeking fruit of Israel, and gave the sign of their doom knowing His coming rejection by them. Key Word: Triumphal entry, v. 9. Strong Verses: 22, 23, 24, 25. CHAPTER TWELVE Contents: Parable of householder demanding fruit from his vineyards. The tribute question. Jesus answers the Sadducees. The great commandments. The widow's mite. Characters: Jesus, Holy Spirit, Caesar, David, widow, disciples, Sadducees, Herodians, Pharisees, Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob. Conclusion: Because Christ, God's only Son, made His demands with more authority than any prophet had done, men were enraged against Him and determined by some method to entangle Him and put Him to death. To the last He confounded the wise of the world with His wisdom and set the seal of His favor upon the humble, trusting worshipper. Key Word: Rejected Lord, vv. 6, 10, 13. Strong Verses: 10, 17, 30, 31. Striking Facts: Jesus knew there could be no obstruction to His exaltation. He is the foundation stone of the Church, will be the smiting stone destroying the Gentile world powers at His coming and will yet be set as heaven's King the headstone of the corner. CHAPTER THIRTEEN Contents: The course of the present age its culmination in the great tribulation and the Second coming of Christ. Parable of the fig tree. Characters: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Daniel, Peter, James, John, Andrew. Conclusion: The end of the age will be marked by religious apostasy (v. 6), wars and rumors of wars (v. 7), upheavals among kingdoms (v. 8), earthquakes, famines, and trouble (v. 8), the publishing of the gospel in all nations (v. 10), disregard of law (v. 12), and manifestations of hatred toward the preachers of the gospel (v. 13). The age will culminate in a time of trouble such as the world has never known (v. 19), and will end in the glorious appearing of the Christ in the clouds (v. 26). Let it be our care that whenever He will come He may find us at our duty, ready to meet Him. Key Word: Signs of the times, vv. 4, 29. Strong Verses: 13, 26, 27, 31, 33, 35, 36. Striking Facts: vv. 28-30. The fig tree is a type of Israel. When Israel again starts to bud as a nation, after hundreds of years in dispersion, we may be sure Christ's coming is near. The word "generation" in v. 30 is literally "race." The nation of Israel has a promise here that it will be preserved until these things are fulfilled. Israel is even now budding His coming is therefore "even at the doors." CHAPTER FOURTEEN Contents: The plot against Jesus. Jesus annointed by Mary. The last Passover. The Lord's supper instituted. The Gethsemane experience. Peter's denial. Jesus delivered to the authorities. Characters: God, Jesus, Mary, Judas, Peter, James, John, disciples, Caiaphas, Chief Priest, maid. Conclusion: Our Lord Jesus, betrayed into the hands of the violent by His own familiar friend and led away by wicked hands to His death, consecrated Himself to that purpose, for which He came into the world the redemption of mankind by the blood of the cross. A great part of the load of sorrow He bore was that occasioned by His betrayal and denial by those close to Him. Key Word: Jesus' last night. Strong Verses: 24, 36, 38. Striking Facts: vv. 32-35. What "hour" and "cup" was He seeking to be delivered from? Does He pray for deliverance from the cross the very purpose for which He had come into the world? (John 12:27.) Heb. 5:7 states that His prayer was heard and answered. Luke 22:44. Mark 14:34 shows that Satan was attempting to kill Him before He could accomplish His purpose and Luke 22:43 gives the answer. He was saved from death in Gethsemane. When the hour of the cross comes, He wants no angels or defenders and rebukes Peter for trying to defeat God's plan. Matt. 26:52, 53, 56. CHAPTER FIFTEEN Contents: Jesus before Pilate. Barabbas set free instead of Christ. The crucifixion. Characters: God, Jesus, Pilate, Simon, Barabbas, Centurion, Joseph, 2 thieves, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of Joses. Conclusion: 1 Pet. 2:24; Isa. 53:5, 9, 10. (Only God's own Word can form the conclusion of this scene.) Key Word: Crucifixion, v. 24. Strong Verses: 39. Striking Facts: v. 38. Why was the veil rent from the top down? It was rent from heaven, not earth. Christ having made atonement and glorified God, the way into the holy of holies was now made manifest. Heb. 9:8, 24; 10:19-22. CHAPTER SIXTEEN Contents: Resurrection and ascension of Jesus. Characters: God, Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Peter, disciples, Mary the mother of James and Joses, young man (an angel). Conclusion: Jesus who was crucified in weakness, lives in power and appears in the midst of the praises of the heavenly host as the "Lamb that was slain" (Rev. 5:6). Let the message be declared to all persons in every land that they might be saved from the guilt and power of sin and prepared to meet Him at His coming. Key Word: Resurrection, v. 16. Strong Verses: 6, 15, 16. Striking Facts: v. 7. "And Peter." Peter denied Jesus just before He died. Jesus owned Peter just after His resurrection. Peter's grasp of Christ relaxed. Christ's grasp of Peter was still tight. Peter lost consciousness of Jesus' love but that did not change Jesus. "Nothing shall be able to separate you from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus."
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