By Keith Leroy Brooks
CHAPTER ONE Contents: Israel in Egypt and their bondage. Characters: Joseph, Pharaoh, Shiprah, Puah. Conclusion: God's providences may at times seem to thwart His promises that His peoples' faith may be tried and His power the more magnified. In their persecutions, He will sustain all who trust Him. Key Word: Bondage, v. 14. Strong Verses: 17,20,21. Striking Facts: It has been the policy of the persecutors of Israel throughout the centuries to represent them as a dangerous people, hurtful to provinces and untrustworthy, as a pretense for barbarous treatment. God's counsels stand and they still increase. CHAPTER TWO Contents: Deliverer prepared for Israel. Moses' birth, boyhood and marriage. Characters: Levi's daughter, Pharaoh's daughter, mother of Moses, sister, Moses, Pharaoh, seven daughters of priests, shepherds, Reuel, Zipporah, Gershom. Conclusion: When men are plotting the ruin of God's people, God is planning His peoples' salvation. One apparently marked for obscurity and poverty may be destined to rise before the world to show God's power. Even enemies may be used to carry out God's purposes. Key Word: Moses, v. 10. Strong Verses: 24, 25. Striking Facts: Moses is a striking type of Christ. Rejected by Israel, he turns to the Gentiles. In his rejection, he takes a Gentile bride, then later appears as Israel's deliverer and is accepted. CHAPTER THREE Contents: Moses called as deliverer. The burning bush. Characters: Jethro, Moses, angel. Conclusion: Those qualified for great service may expect for a time to be confined to obscurity for special preparation and the vision of God's purpose. If God gives opportunity and heart to serve Him, it is an ernest of His power to accomplish the work. Key Word: Deliverance, vv. 8, 10. Strong Verses: 7, 12, 14. Striking Facts: The burning bush pictures Israel in the furnace, yet never consumed. God's relations with Israel are eternal, v. 15. CHAPTER FOUR Contents: Moses' objections. Unbelief of the people and Moses' lack of eloquence. Return to Egypt. Message delivered to elders. Characters: God, Moses, Aaron, Jethro, Zipporah, elders. Conclusion: Unbelief refuses to believe God because it does not find in self a reason for believing. With God, the merest stammerer may prove an efficient minister, neither need he be uneasy as to the reception of the message. Key Word: Spokesman, v. 16. Strong Verses: 11, 12, 31. Striking Facts: The rod, symbol of power in Christ's hand, was not wrenched away from Moses, but cast down by Moses. It remained a serpent only while out of his hand. The rod, temporarily out of Christ's hand, will soon be taken up again and Satan's power will be over. CHAPTER FIVE Contents: Moses' first contest with Pharaoh. Characters: Moses, Aaron, Pharaoh, taskmasters. Conclusion: God, in coming toward His people in mercy may sometimes employ strange methods so that people will think themselves ill-treated. God suffers it to be so that we may learn to cease from man and cease depending on second causes. Key Word: Burdens, v. 4. Strong Verses: 3. Striking Facts: Those called to public service for Christ may expect to be tried, not only by the proud threats of enemies, but the unjust, unkind censures of friends who judge by outward appearances. CHAPTER SIX Contents: Jehovah's answer to Moses' first prayer. Covenant renewed. Families of Israel. Moses' commission renewed. Characters: God, Moses, Pharaoh. Conclusion: Man's extremity is God's opportunity of helping and saving. God's covenants are as firm as the power and truth of God can make them and we may venture upon all His promises. Key Word: Covenant, v. 4. Strong Verses : 3, 6, 7, 8. Striking Facts: v. 12. Disconsolate spirits often cause us to put from us the comforts we are entitled to in Christ and we stand in our own light. If we indulge in fretfulness, we lose the comfort of His word and must thank ourselves if we go comfortless. CHAPTER SEVEN Contents: Contest with Pharaoh. First plague. Water turned to blood. Characters: God, Moses, Aaron, Pharaoh, magician. Conclusion: We see God's almighty power, the unstability of all things under the sun and the changes we may meet with in them. What is water today may be blood tomorrow. Sin turns man's comforts into crosses. Key Word: Smitten (waters), vv. 1, 17. Strong Verses: 1,5,17. Striking Facts: Satanic resistance to God's testimony of His Son is often offered by those who have "a form of godliness without the power thereof." The magicians finally failed, proving (8:7) their tricks "lying wonders" (Rev. 13:15). CHAPTER EIGHT Contents: Plagues of frogs, lice, flies. Pharaoh's compromising offer. Characters: God, Moses, Pharaoh, Aaron. Conclusion: If God be against us, all creatures can be made to be at war with us. God can, as He pleases, arm the smallest parts of creation against men. He may choose contemptible instruments to defeat one, that He might magnify His own power. Key Word: Smitten, v. 2. Strong Verses: 1, 2, 19. Striking Facts: Pharaoh's compromises are types of those Satan makes with the Christian. "Be a Christian but stay in Egypt, or at least, don't be so narrow as to come out entirely from the world." CHAPTER NINE Contents: Plagues of murraine, boils and hail. Characters: God, Moses, Pharaoh, Aaron. Conclusion: The creature is made subject to vanity by reason of man's sins, liable to serve man's wickedness or share his punishment. When judgments are abroad, they may fall both on righteous and wicked but they are not the same to one as the other in the final reckoning. Key Word: Smitten, vv. 27, 15. Strong Verses: 5. Striking Facts: v. 12. The Lord hardened his heart. Before this, Pharaoh; hardened his own heart, resisting God's grace. There is a time when God gives one up to their own reprobate mind. Wilful hardness is sooner or later punished with judicial hardness. If men persist in shutting their eyes, God will close them. CHAPTER TEN Contents: Plagues of locusts and darkness. Characters: God, Moses, Aaron, Pharaoh. Conclusion: God's terms of reconciliation are fixed and cannot be disputed or lowered. Men must meet the demand of God's will or God will permit their delusions and answer them according to their sin. Key Word: Smitten, v. 21. Strong Verses: 12, 17, 25. Striking Facts: v. 11. Godly men make a subtle compromise if they desire for their children, a position in the world, or (v. 24) if they fail to consecrate all their possessions along with themselves to Christ. CHAPTER ELEVEN Contents: Last plague. Death of firstborn prophesied. Characters: God, Moses, Aaron, Pharaoh. Conclusion: Persistent enemies of God and His people will be made to fall under at last and those who have approved themselves, will look great in the eyes of those who have viewed them with contempt. Key Word: Death, vv. 1, 5. Strong Verses: 3, 7. Striking Facts: In some way, God will always redress the injured, who in humble silence, commit their cause to Him, and in the end, they will not be losers by their adherance to Christ. CHAPTER TWELVE Contents: Deliverance for Israel through the Passover. Characters: God, Moses, Aaron, Pharaoh. Conclusion: Deliverance for the believer is based entirely upon the shedding of the blood of a divinely appointed substitute and its application to the heart once for all. If death has taken place for us, it cannot come to us. Key Word: Passover, v. 13. Strong Verses: 2, 13, 14. 27. Striking Facts: v. 8. Secured by the blood, the believer feeds on the Person of the Lamb of God, roast with fire, not raw. If Christ is not seen as the One subjected to the fires of God's wrath against sin, one cannot feed upon Him. He cannot be an example if He is not first an atoning sacrifice. CHAPTER THIRTEEN Contents: Firstborn set apart for Jehovah. Directions for feast of unleavened bread and consecration of males. Characters: God, Moses, Joseph. Conclusion: The believer should retain remembrance of God's great deliverance and to impress it on the heart, should use the appointed means for preserving remembrance. So, under the Gospel, Christ said, "This do in remembrance of me." Key Word: Remember, v. 3. Strong Verses: 9, 16, 21, 22. Striking Facts: That which by God's special mercy has in Christ been spared to us should be peculiarly dedicated to God's honor. God who is first and best should have our first and best. CHAPTER FOURTEEN Contents: God's power exerted to redeem Israel. Passing the Red Sea. Characters: God, Moses, Pharaoh, angel. Conclusion: The believer cannot go ahead in the strength of Christ until he has learned to stand still in his own helplessness. God can then place Himself between us and our circumstances and wonderfully deliver. Key Word: Saved, v. 30. Strong Verses: 13, 14, 19, 30, 31. Striking Facts: By the blood, God comes between us and our sins. By His presence, if we will permit, He will come between us and every overcoming circumstance. The cross separates from sin; the cloud from circumstances. CHAPTER FIFTEEN Contents: The song of the redeemed. Characters: God, Moses, Miriam. Conclusion: Those who love God triumph in His triumphs and what is His honor is their joy. Our first thought should be to give glory to God. Key Word: Triumph, v. 1. Strong Verses: 2, 6, 7, 18. Striking Facts: Bitter waters (v. 23) in the path of God's leading, remind us of the trials that come to God's people for their edification, not punishment. The tree (cross, Gal. 3:13) cast into the bitter waters, will make them all sweet. CHAPTER SIXTEEN Contents: Murmuring of the people. Manna and quails given by God. Characters: God, Moses, Aaron. Conclusion: The believer is apt to forget a thousand mercies in the presence of one trifling privation. God is longsuffering. Better to be in a desert with God than in the brick kilns of Egypt with Pharaoh. Key Word: Murmuring, v. 2. Strong Verses: 4, 7, 12. Striking Facts: Jesus, the Bread of Life (John 6) is the true wilderness bread for believers, ministered by the Spirit through the Word. Christ may be partaken of unreservedly but we have no more of Him than faith appropriates, v. 16. CHAPTER SEVENTEEN Contents: Smitten rock at Meribah. Characters: God, Moses, Joshua, Aaron, Hur. Conclusion: Fed by the Bread of Life; refreshed by the Water of Life (John 7:37) means victory for the believer in every conflict with the world, the flesh and the devil. Key Word: Jehovah-nissi (The Lord our banner), v. 15. Strong Verses: 7, 15. Striking Facts: Christ is the Rock (1 Cor. 10:4) He was smitten, and resulting from His finished work was the outpouring of the Holy Spirit giving power to all those who believe. CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Contents: Moses joined by his wife and children. Judges selected to solve the problems of the people. Characters: God, Moses, Aaron, Jethro, Zipporah, Gershom, Eliezer. Conclusion: Telling of God's wondrous works is good to the use of edifying What we have the joy of, let God have the praise of, thereby confirming others to faith and encouraging them to real worship. Key Word: Told, v. 8 (testimony). Strong Verses: 8, 9, 10. Striking Facts: It will be noticed (Num. 11:14-17) that God ignored Jethro's counsel and his man-made organization, putting in its place, His own order (v. 18). We are not called to service on the ground of our ability, but Christ's ability. Phil. 4:13. CHAPTER NINETEEN Contents: Israel at Sinai and the preparation for receiving the law. Characters: God, Moses, Aaron. Conclusion: Humble reverence should possess the minds of those who draw near to God for we are sinners in the presence of a holy and righteous Judge; mean creatures before the Mighty Creator. Key Word: Ready, vv. 11, 15. Strong Verses: 5, 6. Striking Facts: (Cp. 1 Pet. 2:9; Rev. 1:6; 5:10 with Ex. 19:5). Note that what under law, was conditional, under Grace is freely given in Christ to every believer. Note also that God did not impose law until it was proposed and accepted by man. CHAPTER TWENTY Contents: Ten commandments delivered to Moses at Sinai. Characters: God, Moses. Conclusion: A holy and righteous God has holy and righteous standards. Those who love God will constantly endeavor to live as He requires, enabled by the Holy Spirit. Key Word: Commands, v. 6. Strong Verses: 3-17. Striking Facts: Law proposes life and righteousness as the end to be attained by keeping it, but proves at the outset that man is in a state of death (Rom. 5:20; 7:7, 13; 3:20). Life and righteousness cannot come by that which only curses, but only through the grace of God in Christ. CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE Contents: Laws concerning servants. Injuries to the person. Characters: God, Moses. Conclusion: The great God of heaven stoops to take interest in the detail affairs between man and man and makes regulations even as to the loss of a tooth. Key Word: Judgments, v. 1. Strong Verses: 12. Striking Facts: God who gives and maintains life, by His law would protect it. CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO Contents: Judgments on rights of property; crimes against humanity. Characters: God, Moses. Conclusion: Man's attitude to his fellow man will be based on his attitude to God and His law. Key Word: Judgments, 21:1. Strong Verses: 29, 30, 31. Striking Facts: One is struck by the number of things we are told NOT to do. These negative commands reveal human nature to itself. All is changed in the New Testament through Christ's sacrifice. CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE Contents: Judgments on the national feasts. Instructions concerning the conquest of Canaan. Characters: God, Moses. Conclusion: God's angels will keep the believer in the way, though it lay through the enemy's country and will bring him into the place God has prepared. A precept of obedience goes with every promise. Key Word: Judgments, 21:1. Strong Verses: 7, 12, 20, 22, 25. Striking Facts: Familiarity with idolaters is forbidden (32, 33). The believer by familiar converse with false worshippers, is often drawn into worship with them and his detestation of sin wears off. CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR Contents: Order of worship prescribed, pending the building of the tabernacle. Characters: God, Moses, Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, elders, Joshua, Hur. Conclusion: The unapproachable glory of God tells a sinner to keep off, but the altar shows him how he can feast and worship in God's presence. Key Word: Worship, v. 1. Strong Verses: 8, 17. Striking Facts: We never hear "draw near" (Heb. 10:22) from the shadows of the law. For Christ's work was not then done which entitled the sinner to draw near. Law always says "worship afar off." CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE Contents: Moses in the mount; first directions concerning the tabernacle. Characters: God, Moses. Conclusion: The only way for God and man to meet is in the precise way and place which He has appointed (v. 22). When a righteous God and a ruined sinner meet on a blood-sprinkled platform, all is well. (1 Pet. 1:18, 19). Key Word: Pattern, v. 9. Strong Verses: 22. Striking Facts: The tabernacle in every detail foreshadows Christ. Gold is a type of deity; silver of redemption; brass of judgment; blue of heavenly origin; purple of royalty; scarlet of atonement, etc. CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX Contents: Further directions regarding the tabernacle. Characters: God, Moses. Conclusion: The wonders of God's presence are known only to those, who by the proper ceremonies, have come inside the curtains of His grace. The natural man is screened out from the things of the Spirit. Key Word: Fashion (pattern), v. 30. Strong Verses: 30. Striking Facts: We as Christ's followers have here no continuing city, being strangers and pilgrims through this world to a better land, having a moveable tabernacle. The presence of God is not tied to any place. CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVEN Contents: Directions about the brazen altar and the court. Characters: God, Moses, Aaron. Conclusion: Sinful man dare not approach God (at the ark) Heb. 9:8; but God approaches man as a sinner through Christ (brazen altar). There were blood prints all the way from the ark to the altar. Redeemed on that path, the sinner is safe in the courts of God. Key Word : Pattern, 25:9. Strong Verses: 20. Striking Facts: In Jesus, God comes down in grace to the sinner. In Jesus the sinner is brought up in righteousness to God. These are our only grounds of standing before God. CHAPTER TWENTY-EIGHT Contents: Directions about the priesthood. Characters: God, Moses, Aaron, Nadab, Eleazar, Ithmar. Conclusion: The believer need never fear God has forgotten him for the Great High Priest bears the names of His own on His breast before God, presenting them as "those accepted in the beloved." Key Word: Ministry, v. 1. Strong Verses: 29,41. Striking Facts: Every true believer, through identification with Christ, is an earthly priest of God's family (Rev. 1:8) properly clothed for the work, (Rev. 19:7, 8), and should be duly consecrated and sanctified for his work of testimony. CHAPTER TWENTY-NINE Contents: Consecration of the priests and the offerings. Characters: God, Moses, Aaron, Aaron's sons. Conclusion: Those representing God should be set apart in solemn consecration. All their service must be based on the ground of the burnt offering. Key Word: Consecration, v. 26. Strong Verses: 18, 45, 46. Striking Facts: Consecration means "to fill the hand." It is not the believer filling God's hand. In the arms of Aaron's sons were put the parts of the sacrifice which speak of the inherent richness and power of Christ. This was their acknowledgment that the power for service was not in themselves, but in another. This is consecration. CHAPTER THIRTY Contents: The altar of incense and the brazen laver. Characters: God, Moses, Aaron. Conclusion: (See Psa. 141:2). The prayer of a contrite believer ascends as a fragrant cloud to God. (Prov. 15:8). Key Word: Incense (worship), v. 7. Strong Verses: 30. Striking Facts: Fire under the incense altar brought out the fragrance (Rom.8: 26, 27). The fire was from the blood-sprinkled altar (Heb. 10: 19, 20).Their prayers were based on the intercession of a priest (Rom. 8:34). CHAPTER THIRTY-ONE Contents: The tabernacle and its workmen. Sabbath made a sign between God and Israel. Characters: God, Moses, Bezaleel, Aholiab. Conclusion: When God gives a commission, He will, in some measure give the qualifications according as the service is. When God has work to be done, He will not be without instruments. Key Word: Workmanship, v. 3. Strong Verses: 3, 17. Striking Facts: When Christ sent His apostles to rear the Gospel tabernacle He poured out His Holy Spirit upon them to enable them to speak with power the wonderful works of God. CHAPTER THIRTY-TWO Contents: The broken law; Israel worships a golden calf. Intercession of Moses. Characters: God, Moses, Aaron, Joshua. Conclusion: It is a great sin to make gold, or anything else, a god, as those do who let it become a supreme object of their affections, taking the place of God in any degree. Key Word: Great Sin, v. 30. Strong Verses: 26, 29, 32. Striking Facts: Moses typified Christ, who went above (Acts 1:9) telling the people to tarry. In His absence, some forget his promised return (John. 14:3; Acts 1:11) and make themselves gods (2 Tim. 3:1-4; 4:3-4; Matt. 24:12) denying His return (2 Pet. 3:3-4; Matt. 24:48, 49). Jesus will come unexpectedly (Matt. 25:13) punishing evil doers (2 Thess. 2:7, 8) who are naked (Rev. 6:16, 17) and gathering the true to Himself (1 Thess. 4:13-18). CHAPTER THIRTY-THREE Contents: The journey to be resumed. God's presence assured. Characters: God, Moses, Joshua. Conclusion: God's special presence with us in the wilderness by His Spirit and grace to direct, defend and comfort, is the surest pledge of His acceptance of us. The bitter fruit of sin in the believer is the lost sense of His presence, which will cause any true believer to lament. Key Word: Presence, v. 14. Strong Verses: 11,14,20. Striking Facts: Moses, as a prince who had power with God, was a type of Christ the great Intercessor whom the Father heareth always. Through His intercession, we obtain constant assurance of the blessings of salvation. CHAPTER THIRTY-FOUR Contents: Second tables of the law. The new vision and commission. Characters: God, Moses, Aaron. Conclusion: (12-17). We cannot expect the benefit of God's promises unless we make conscience of His precepts. God's name is "Jealous" and we cannot worship Him aright if we do not worship Him alone. Key Word: Tables of testimony, v. 29. Strong Verses: 6, 7, 14, 29. Striking Facts: The shining of Moses' face was a great honor to him but nothing compared to the glory which excelled. We read of Jesus, that not only His face shone, but His whole body and His raiment was glistening Luke 9:29). CHAPTER THIRTY-FIVE Contents: People instructed as to the tabernacle. The gifts of the peoplefor the work. Characters: God, Moses, Bezaleel, Aholiab. Conclusion: God loves a cheerful giver and is best pleased with a free-will offering. Our gifts are our acknowledgment that we receive all fromHim and dedicate all to Him. Key Word: Gifts, v. 5. Strong Verses: 21, 29. Striking Facts: If we cannot do what others do for God, we are not to sit still and no nothing. Though our offering gains us no reputation with men, if given according to ability, it does not fail of acceptance with Him. (2 Cor. 8:12). CHAPTER THIRTY-SIX Contents: The tabernacle work begun. The curtains, coverings, sockets, bars, vail. Characters: God, Moses, Bezaleel, Aholiab. Conclusion: The talents with which God has entrusted the believer are not to be laid up but laid out. Have your tools ready and God will find you work. Key Word: Work, v. 1. Strong Verses: 1, 5, 6. Striking Facts: Precious souls redeemed by Christ are the material of the Gospel tabernacle. (1 Pet. 2:5). Those called to the building of this house are those whom God has in some measure made fit for the work. Ability and willingness are the two things to be regarded in the call of the Christian worker. CHAPTER THIRTY-SEVEN Contents: Making of the ark, mercy seat, table, candlestick, altar. Characters: Bezaleel. Conclusion: As the workmen were to take great care to make all according to God's pattern, so the believer should have respect to all the light God gives, even to every iota and tittle of His commandments. God delights in sincere obedience and keeps exact account of it. Key Word: Work, 36:1. Strong Verses: 6, 9. Striking Facts: Jesus Christ, the great propitiation, has made reconciliation for the believer, restoring communion with God. From the mercy seat, He accepts us and teaches us, and under the shadow of the Spirit we are safe. CHAPTER THIRTY-EIGHT Contents: Altar of burnt offering, laver, court, gate. Characters: God, Moses, Bezaleel, Aholiab, Ithamar. Conclusion: Same as chap. 37. Key Word: Work, v. 1. 36:1. Strong Verses: 21. Striking Facts: On the altar of burnt offering all the sacrifices were made. The altar is a type of Calvary's cross on which Christ, our whole burnt offering, offered Himself without spot to God (Heb. 9:14). CHAPTER THIRTY-NINE Contents: Garments for Aaron. Characters: God, Moses, Aaron. Conclusion: All believers are spiritual priests and their service-clothes are provided (Rev. 19:8). All who converse with them should be able to see that they are properly clothed as God's representatives. Key Word: Garments, v. 1. Strong Verses: 42, 43. Striking Facts: Christ, our High Priest, in undertaking the work of man's restoration, wore the clothes of service the gifts and graces of the Holy Spirit, which He had without measure. CHAPTER FORTY Contents: Tabernacle set up. God's glory manifested. Characters: God, Moses, Aaron. Conclusion: God will dwell with those who prepare Him a habitation. Where God has a throne and an altar in the heart, there is a living temple in which the Spirit will be manifested. Key Word: Finished, v. 33. Strong Verses: 17, 34, 38. Striking Facts: What the glory cloud was to the tabernacle, the Holy Spirit is to the Church and the temple, which is the believer's body. (1 Cor. 6:19).
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