By Keith Leroy Brooks
CHAPTER ONE Contents: Moses commanded to take census. Characters: God, Moses, Aaron. Conclusion: The Lord knows all those that are His (2 Tim. 2:19) by name (Phil. 4:3) and even the hairs of their heads are numbered. To all others He will say "I never knew you." Key Word: Numbered, v. 2. Strong Verses: 54. Striking Facts: None under 20 years old were listed for military service. In compassion for their tender years God would not have them to bear arms. Nor were any to be numbered who were through any bodily infirmity, rendered unfit for war. CHAPTER TWO Contents: Order of the host and arrangement of the camp. Characters: God, Moses, Aaron. Conclusion: God is a God of order and not confusion, thus the camp of the saints should be compact, everyone knowing and keeping his God appointed place. Key Word: Camp, v. 3. Strong Verses: 34. Striking Facts: The chapter furnishes an illustration of the movable state of Christ's people in the world, "strangers and pilgrims." At the same time it is a military state our life is a warfare, as "good soldiers of Jesus Christ." CHAPTER THREE Contents: Order of the host; placing of the Levites. Characters: God, Moses, Aaron. Conclusion: Having gifts differing according to the Grace given us if ministry, let us wait on our ministering (Rom. 12:7). God has a place of definite service for each of His children. Key Word: Levites, v. 6. Strong Verses: 13. Striking Facts: The Church is called "the church of the firstborn" which is redeemed not as the firstborn of the Israelites, with silver and gold, but ransomed with the precious blood of Christ. CHAPTER FOUR Contents: The service of the Kohathrites, Gershonites and Merarites. Characters: God, Moses, Aaron. Conclusion: There is a service appointed to each of God's people in connection with His Church, and no matter how obscure the place it is important in God's program. Key Word: Service, v. 4. Strong Verses: 49. Striking Facts: v. 3. They were not employed until 30 years old. This is not obligatory on Gospel ministers, but gives us a suggestion that ministers should not be novices but should be men of steadiness, and ripeness of judgment, knowing Christ well. CHAPTER FIVE Contents: Defilement of the camp. Characters: God, Moses. Conclusion: The purity of the church must be as carefully guarded as the order of it and it is for the edification of it that those who are openly and incorrigibly vicious should be cut off from communion until they repent. Key Word: Defilement, v. 2. Strong Verses: 3. Striking Facts: All wives should learn from the "jealousy offering" to guard against giving any occasion for suspicions of their chastity to abstain from all appearance of evil. Husbands should learn not to entertain causeless or unjust suspicions of their wives. CHAPTER SIX Contents: The Nazarite laws. Characters: God, Moses, Aaron. Conclusion: The Christian should be a true Nazarite, fully consecrated to God and separated from the things of this world, thus securing the special blessing of God. Key Word: Separation, v. 2. Strong Verses: 24,25,26. Striking Facts: The Nazarite type found a perfect fulfillment in Jesus who was "holy, harmless, undefiled and separate from sinners" (Heb. 7:26) and allowed no mere natural claims to divert Him. CHAPTER SEVEN Contents: The gifts of the princes. Characters: God, Moses, princes. Conclusion: The great men should with their wealth and power uphold the work of God and should make conscience of being devout because of their great influence. Key Word: Offering, v. 3. Strong Verses: 89. Striking Facts: Observe that the offerings of the princes were identical yet each is separately recorded by the pen of inspiration, showing how God takes notice of every whole-hearted gift. Mark 12:41-44. CHAPTER EIGHT Contents: Cleansing of the Levites for the ministry of the tabernacle. Characters: God, Moses, Aaron. Conclusion: All Christians, and especially ministers, should cleanse themselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of the Lord. Those who bear the vessels of the Lord must be clean. Key Word: Cleanse, v. 6. Strong Verses: 21, 22. Striking Facts: It is a great kindness to the Church that God has appointed overseers to go before the people in the things of God and religious worship. When Christ ascended, He supplied the gifts for His work (Eph. 4:8-12). CHAPTER NINE Contents: Law of the Passover; the guiding cloud. Characters: God, Moses, Aaron. Conclusion: Those who by circumstances are compelled to absent themselves from God's ordinances, may expect the favor of God's grace under their afflictions, and those who of choice absent themselves may justly expect the tokens of God's displeasure. Key Word: Passover, v. 2. Strong Verses: 8, 18. Striking Facts: As it was safe and pleasant going for Israel when led by the cloud, token of God's presence, so there is peace for the Christian who has set Christ, the Great Shepherd, before him. CHAPTER TEN Contents: The first march of the camp. Characters: God, Moses, Aaron's sons. Conclusion: Those who have given themselves up to the leading of God's Word and Spirit, steer a safe course and so long as they walk in fellowship with their Guide, they need not fear losing the way. Key Word: Journeying, v. 13. Strong Verses: 33, 34. Striking Facts: Those who through Christ, are bound for the heavenly Canaan should invite and encourage their friends to go along with them. CHAPTER ELEVEN Contents: Complaints about the manna and the consequences. Characters: God, Moses, Eldad, Medad, Joshua. Conclusion: Though God graciously gives us leave to complain to Him when there is cause, yet He is justly provoked if we are fretful when there is no cause and especially when we have been surrounded with His special favors. Key Word: Complaining, v. 1. Striking Facts: Unconverted church members with no healthy appetite for the Bread of God, the things of Christ, will clamor for things pleasing to the flesh in the work and way of the church. CHAPTER TWELVE Contents: Murmuring of Miriam and Aaron and the consequences. Characters: God, Moses, Aaron, Miriam. Conclusion: We have reason to be exceedingly cautious of saying or doing anything against the servants of God, for God will plead their cause if they are true servants and will reckon with the critic. Key Word: Criticism, (speaking against), v. 1. Strong Verses: 3, 8. Striking Facts: There are seasons when it is decidedly out of place to criticize the leaders of the people. This affront was ill-natured and ill-timed, when the people were disposed to mutiny and had given Moses much vexation with their murmurings. CHAPTER THIRTEEN Contents: Spies sent into Kadesh-barnea, and their report. Characters: God, Moses, Caleb, Joshua. Conclusion: Faith looks at difficulties through God but unbelief looks through difficulties at God. All things are possible, if but promised, to him who believes. Key Word: Searching, v. 25. Strong Verses: 27, 30. Striking Facts: Many Christians are forever getting frightened at these tremendous giants in the land who make them feel like grasshoppers. Giants cannot stand in the way of Christ's work if His people will be valiant in His strength. CHAPTER FOURTEEN Contents: Murmuring over the spies' reports and the consequences. Characters: God, Moses, Aaron, Caleb, Joshua. Conclusion: All the dangers that we are in are from our own distrust. We would succeed against all enemies if we did not make God our enemy. We are excluded from God's blessing only by excluding ourselves. Key Word: Murmured, v. 2. Strong Verses: 8, 9, 18. Striking Facts: vv. 13-19. The best pleas in prayer are those taken from Christ's honor. The more danger there is of others reproaching Christ's power, the more desirous we should be to see it glorified. CHAPTER FIFTEEN Contents: Burnt and free will offerings. Characters: God, Moses, man who broke Sabbath. Conclusion: Sins committed ignorantly must have atonement made for them, for although God is very merciful with the ignorant, their ignorance cannot justify them. The presumptuous sinner invites severe judgments. Key Word: Offerings, v. 3. Strong Verses: 30. Striking Facts: v. 35. God is jealous for the honor of His Sabbaths and will not hold men guiltless who profane them. God gave this exemplary punishment as a standing warning against presumptuous disregard of His holy day. CHAPTER SIXTEEN Contents: The gainsaying of Korah. Characters: God, Moses, Aaron, Korah, Dathan, Abriam. Conclusion: Proud and ambitious men projecting their own advancement by thrusting themselves into a place to which God has not appointed them, hurry on to a shameful fall. Key Word: Murmur, v. 11. Strong Verses: 26, 48. Striking Facts: Men who have been true to Christ need not fear being slurred by others. Men who are most serviceable are often abused most shamefully. CHAPTER SEVENTEEN Contents: Aaron's rod that budded. Characters: God, Moses, Aaron. Conclusion: Fruitfulness is the best evidence of a divine call. The plants of God's setting will nourish. Key Word: Chosen, v. 5. Strong Verses: 8. Striking Facts: The budding rod is a type of Christ, who in His resurrection was owned of God as High Priest. All other authors of religion have died. Christ alone is exalted as High Priest. CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Contents: Regulations concerning maintenance of the priests. Characters: God, Moses, Aaron. Conclusion: We are to value as a great gift of divine bounty those called to be serviceable to us in the work of the church. Key Word: Given, v. 6. Strong Verses: 6, 12, 20. Striking Facts: God orders that Christ's ministers should be well recompensed that they might be the more entirely addicted to their ministry and not be disturbed in it by worldly care. CHAPTER NINETEEN Contents: The ordinance of the red heifer. Characters: God, Moses, Aaron, Eleazer. Conclusion: The believer needs constant cleansing from defilement contracted in his pilgrim walk through the world. Key Word: Unclean, v. 7. Strong Verses: 2. Striking Facts: Water typifies the Spirit and the Word. The Spirit uses the Word to convict the believer of some sin allowed. Thus convicted, he remembers that the guilt of his sin has been met by the sacrifice of Christ, therefore instead of dispairing, he judges and confesses the sin and is forgiven and cleansed. (1 John 1). CHAPTER TWENTY Contents: Water from the rock and Moses' sin. Characters: God, Moses, Aaron, Miriam, Eleazar, King of Edom. Conclusion: God is able to supply His people with necessaries even in their greatest straits and in the utmost failure of second causes. Key Word: Complaint, v. 3. Strong Verses: 12. Striking Facts: cf. vv. 8 and 10. Moses and Aaron varied from their commission and assumed too much glory themselves. The nearer one is to God, the more offensive are their sins. God judges not as man judges. CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE Contents: Victories of Israel; the serpent of brass. Characters: God, Moses, Aaron, Arad, Sihon, Og. Conclusion: Those who cry without cause will be given just cause to cry and they will be compelled to receive their course from God in God's way. Key Word: Sinned, v. 7. Strong Verses: 9, 34. Striking Facts: Serpent here, a symbol of sin judged; brass speaks of divine judgment. The brass serpent becomes a type of Christ "made sin for us" (2 Cor. 5:21; John 3:14-15) in bearing our judgment. CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO Contents: Balaam's visit to Balak and the strange warning on the way. Characters: God, Balak, Balaam, Angel of Jehovah. Conclusion: The enemies of God's people are restless and unwearied in their attempts, but He who sits in heaven laughs at them and often uses "foolish things to confound the wise." Key Word: Balaam, v. 5. Strong Verses: 12, 38. Striking Facts: When Satan tempted our first parents to sin he employed a subtle serpent, but when God would convince a hireling prophet, He employed a silly ass. CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE Contents: Balaam blesses instead of curses Israel. Characters: God, Balaam, Balak. Conclusion: Those who have the good will of heaven may expect the ill will of hell but God will not suffer real injury done to His people and what is done against them He takes as done against Himself and reckons accordingly. Key Word: Blessed, v. 11. Strong Verses: 8, 12, 21. Striking Facts: He who made man's mouth knows how to manage it. God can extort a confession of his overruling power from wicked men to the confusion of many, if He chooses. CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR Contents: Balaam foretells prosperity for Israel. Characters: God, Balaam, Balak. Conclusion: Those who oppose God and His people will sooner or later be made to see themselves wretchedly deceived. Key Word: Latter days, v. 14. Strong Verses: 13, 17. Striking Facts: v. 17 is an illustrious prophecy of Christ who is coming to reign in great glory, not only over Israel but over all men. CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE Contents: Sin of Israel with daughters of Moab. Characters: God, Moses, Zimri, Phinehas, Cozbi. Conclusion: God's people are more endangered by the charms of a smilingworld than by the terrors of a frowning world. The daughters of Moab have conquered many strong men who could not be conquered by the sword. Key Word: Whoredom, v. 1. Strong Verses: 12, 13. Striking Facts: Phinehas, v. 11, is pronounced his country's patriot and best friend. To be zealous for Jesus Christ is the best service we can do for the people. CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX Contents: The new generation of Israel numbered. Characters: God, Moses, Eleazar, Caleb, Joshua. Conclusion: God is faithful to His threatenings as well as to His promises. Millions may fall to the ground, but His Word cannot fall. Key Word: Numbered, v. 64. Strong Verses: 64, 65. Striking Facts: v. 65. (Save Caleb and Joshua). The arrows of death, though they fly in the dark, do not fly at random but are directed to the mark intended, and no other. CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVEN Contents: The law of inheritance. Joshua appointed Moses' successor. Characters: God, Moses, Eleazar, daughters of Zehophehad, Joshua. Conclusion: The minister of Christ should concern himself in his prayers and endeavors for the rising generation, that work may flourish and the interest of the kingdom be maintained and advanced after he is gone. Key Word: Appointment (set over), v. 16. Strong Verses: 16, 17. Striking Facts: Moses' attitude to his successor confirms his character as the meekest man on earth. He thought not for the advancement of his own family but yielded gladly to God's will in the matter. CHAPTER TWENTY-EIGHT Contents: The order of offerings. Characters: God, Moses. Conclusion: God asks of all His children continual offerings, v. 3, which intimates that we are to "pray without ceasing" on the ground of Christ's sacrifice, and at least, every morning and evening, v. 4, we are to offer solemn prayer and praise through Christ. Key Word: Offering, v. 2. Strong Verses: 2 CHAPTER TWENTY-NINE Contents: Commands concerning the feast of Trumpets, Feast of Tabernacles, and Day of Atonement. Characters: God, Moses. Conclusion: We must not seek occasion to abate our zeal in God's service nor be glad of excuses to omit religious duties, but rather rejoice in the many privileges of worship. (Not omitting private worship on days we go to church. Not omitting secret prayer because of family devotions, etc.). Key Word: Convocations, v. 1. Strong Verses: 39. CHAPTER THIRTY Contents: The laws of vows. Characters: God, Moses. Conclusion: Our promises before God are bonds upon the soul and by them we must conscientiously consider ourselves bound out from all sin and bound up to the whole will of God. Key Word: Vows, v. 2. Strong Verses: 2. CHAPTER THIRTY-ONE Contents: The judgment of Midian. Characters: God, Moses, Balaam. Conclusion: Our worst enemies are those that draw us to sin. Over all such enemies there is absolute victory for those who take sides with God against them. Key Word: Avenge, v. 3. Strong Verses: 49. Striking Facts: v. 2. Useful men are often removed when we think they can ill be spared from Christ's service, but it is clear that no one is removed until they have had full opportunity to do that which was appointed them. CHAPTER THIRTY-TWO Contents: The choice of the world-borderers. Characters: God, Moses, Caleb, Joshua. Conclusion: Would we choose our portion aright we must look above the things which are seen otherwise we will be guided by the lust of the eye and the pride of life. Key Word: Inheritance, v. 19. Strong Verses: 11,12,23. Striking Facts: v. 23. It concerns us to find our sins out that we may forsake them before they find us out to our confusion and ruin. CHAPTER THIRTY-THREE Contents: Summary of the journey from Egypt to Jordan. Character: God, Moses, Aaron. Conclusion: It is good for believers to preserve in writing an account of the providences of God concerning them, showing the series of mercies they have experienced, that deceitful memories might be helped and ground given for new faith. Key Word: Journeys, v. 1. Strong Verses: 53. Striking Facts: vv. 51, 56. If we do not drive out sin, sin will drive us out. That which we are willing should tempt us will eventually vex us. CHAPTER THIRTY-FOUR Contents: Preparations to enter the land. Characters: God, Moses, Eleazar, Joshua, prince of each tribe. Conclusion: God sets bounds to our lot; let us therefore set bounds to our desires and bring our minds to our condition. Key Word: Borders, v. 4. Strong Verses: 2. Striking Facts: God gives to Christ's people but a small share of this world. Those who have a portion in heaven have reason to be content with a small pittance of earth. CHAPTER THIRTY-FIVE Contents: The cities of refuge. Characters: God, Moses. Conclusion: God would teach us to conceive a dread and horror of the guiltof blood and to be very careful of life, lest even by negligence we occasion the death of any. (This is taught by confinement to the city of refuge, of those who killed even by accident.) Key Word: Refuge, v. 6. Strong Verses: 12, 30. Striking Facts: Christ is the believer's refuge. In Him we are protected from the wrath of God and the curse of the law. Heb. 6:18; Phil. 3:9. Wilful murder is to be punished with death and no commutation of the punishment was to be accepted. CHAPTER THIRTY-SIX Contents: Regulations concerning inheritance. Characters: God, Moses, heads of families, Mahlah, Tirzah, Hoglah, Milcah, Noah. Conclusion: It is the wisdom of those who have estates in this world to settle them and dispose of them so that strife and contention shall not arise about them among their posterity. Key Word: Inheritances, v. 2. Strong Verses: 7. Striking Facts: Daughters can but marry well and to their satisfaction when they have looked to Christ to direct their choice of a husband.
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