By Keith Leroy Brooks
CHAPTER ONE Contents: The vow of Hannah and the birth of Samuel. Characters: God, Eli, Elkhanah, Hannah, Samuel, Peninnah. Conclusion: Prayer is heart's ease to a gracious soul. If we seek on the basis of God's glory (v. 11) we shall be confident that we do not seek in vain. Prayer smoothes the countenance (v. 18). Key Word: Bitterness, v. 10. Strong Verses: 17, 27, 28. Striking Facts: True prayer may only be offered on the grounds of the sacrifice (v. 3). By Christ's offering, not only is atonement made for sin, but the audience and acceptance of our prayers is obtained for us. In all our supplications, we must have an eye to the Great Sacrifice. CHAPTER TWO Contents: Hannah's prophetic prayer. Evil sons of Eli. Samuel in the tabernacle. The warning to Eli. Characters: God, Hannah, Eli, Samuel, Hophni, Phinehas, Elkanah, a prophet. Conclusion: Nothing is more provoking to God than the profanation of sacred things and men serving their lusts with the offerings of the Lord. Those who allow and countenance their children in an evil way by not using their authority to restrain and punish them, involve themselves in their guilt and may be expected to be cast off from God's service. Key Word: Evil sons, v. 23. Strong Verses: 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 30. Striking Facts: v. 35. This had its full accomplishment in the priesthood of Christ, that faithful High Priest raised up of God when the Levitical priesthood was cast aside, who in all things did His Father's mind, and for whom God builds a sure house, built on a rock so that the gates of hell cannot prevail against it. CHAPTER THREE Contents: Samuel becomes Jehovah's prophet-priest. Characters: God, Samuel, Eli. Conclusion: A child may have an ear for God's call; a mind for God's service and a message for God's bidding, for God will not be without a mouthpiece even though the ordained priesthood be deaf to His voice. Key Word: Called, v. 4. Strong Verses: 10, 18, 19. Striking Facts: God's ministers must nourish a holy sensitiveness to sacred things, or callousness will lead them to some sin for which God will be compelled to lay them aside, (v. 13). CHAPTER FOUR Contents: Ark taken by Philistines. Characters: God, Eli, Hophni, Phinehas, his wife, Ichabod. Conclusion: One may go forth with a Bible under the arm and a shout upon the lips and yet not have God Himself. Many who have estranged themselves from the vitals of religion putting their confidence in the rituals of religion, find themselves with only a form of godliness without the power thereof. Key Word: Ark taken, vv. 11, 17. Strong Verses: 22. Striking Facts: Farewell, all in this world, if the ark, the token of Christ's presence with us, be lost. CHAPTER FIVE Contents: Ark of God a curse to Philistines. Characters: God. Conclusion: Sacred signs are not things that God is tied to or that man can trust to for blessing. His presence may be a savour of life unto life or of death unto death. Key Word: Hand of the Lord, vv. 6, 9, 11. Strong Verses: 6. Striking Facts: Those who contend with God, His ark and the followers of His Beloved Son will invariably be ruined at last. CHAPTER SIX Contents: Ark brought to Joshua. Characters : God . Conclusion: The Word of God in the hands of the world brings them condemnation (v. 2) causing them to seek to get rid of it. By refusing to part with their sins, sinners but lengthen out their own miseries (v. 4). Key Word: Ark, v. 1. Strong Verses: 13,20. Striking Facts: v. 13. The return of the ark (token of God's presence) and the revival of holy ordinances after days of restraint and trouble must be a matter of great joy to Christians. We must reverently use the tokens of God's grace through Christ or we will be made to sink under the tokens of His displeasure (v. 19). CHAPTER SEVEN Contents: Ark brought to house of Abinadab. Revival of Mizpah. Victory at Eben-ezer. Characters: God, Samuel, Eleazar, Abinadab. Conclusion: When we are truly sensible that by sin we have provoked God to withdraw from us and that we are undone if we continue in that state, if we make a solemn business of returning to God we may be assured we are on the way to a renewed prosperity and deliverance. Key Word: Return, v. 3. Strong Verses: 3, 8, 12. Striking Facts: v. 12. The Christian should, as he passes along, set up his Ebenezers by which he will be reminded that "hitherto the Lord hath helped him" and by which he will give all the glory of his victories to God and His Son Jesus Christ. CHAPTER EIGHT Contents: Israel demands a king; theocracy rejected. Characters: God, Samuel, his sons, Joel, Abiajah. Conclusion: When God's people will not accept His best for them, they will get the best they can be persuaded to take and, with the answer to their selfish prayers, will receive also an added judgment. Key Word: King, vv. 5, 19. Strong Verses: 7, 9, 18. Striking Facts: v. 20. For a professed Christian to want to live like the world means not only that he is displeasing Christ, but will at last find himself a dupe. It was God's will that Israel should have a king but in His own time. He must come of the tribe of Judah (Gen. 49:10). Because of Judah's sin (Gen. 38, Deut. 23:2) his line was prohibited from office for ten generations. David is found to be the first one to satisfy these conditions. (Matt. 1). CHAPTER NINE Contents: Saul chosen king. Characters: God, Samuel, Saul, his servant, Kish. Conclusion: The wise God serves very great and certain purposes by seemingly small and casual affairs. Let us therefore remember that promotions come not by chance and that faithfulness and humility on the path of present duty are the key to exaltation at the hands of God. Key Word: Saul, v. 2. Strong Verses: 21,25,27. Striking Facts: v. 24. Note the suggestiveness of the dish set before Saul. The shoulder denotes strength; the breast which went with it denotes affection. Let all who are called to minister to Christ's people be reminded that a great responsibility is upon their shoulders and that the people should be dear to their bosom. CHAPTER TEN Contents: Saul annointed king. Characters: God, Holy Spirit, Samuel, Saul, his uncle. Conclusion: Whom God calls He qualifies. When God works in us by His Spirit, it serves to confirm faith and furnish proof of a divine commission, v. 9. Key Word: Annointed, v. 1. Strong Verses: 6, 7, 24. Striking Facts: The sacred unctions point to the Great Messiah, the annointed One who was annointed with the oil of the Spirit without measure, above all priests or princes of earth. v. 19. Their obstinacy was a pressage of their rejecting Christ, in the rejecting of whom they cast off God that He should not reign over them. CHAPTER ELEVEN Contents: Saul's victories at Jabesh-gilead. Kingdom renewed at Gilgal. Characters: God, Holy Spirit, Saul, Samuel, Nahash. Conclusion: Unless the Christian has forsaken his covenant with God, there is no occasion for his courting a covenant with the world by compromise. Through our King, we may have the victory. Key Word: Compromise (covenant) rejected, vv. 1, 13. Strong Verses: 6, 13. Striking Facts: The right eye is the eye of faith. The left eye was covered with the shield. By the compromise they would be unfitted to fight. Thus Satan seeks to cripple the follower of Christ in service. A compromising saint is always blind in one eye. CHAPTER TWELVE Contents: Samuel's proclamation of the kingdom. Deliverances of God rehearsed. The sign of thunder and rain. Characters: God, Samuel. Conclusion: Religion has reason on its side (v. 7) which demonstrates that obedience to God is the happiness of men and disobedience to God is the ruin of men. Key Word: Reason (counsel), v. 7. Strong Verses: 14, 15, 22-25. Striking Facts: v. 22. Had God chosen us on our good merits, we might fear He would cast us off for our bad merits, but choosing us in Christ before the foundation of the world, for His name's sake, He cannot lose us. CHAPTER THIRTEEN Contents: The self-will of Saul. He intrudes into the priests office. His divine rejection announced. Characters: God, Samuel, Saul, Jonathan. Conclusion: Some lay great stress upon the external performances of religion, thinking thereby to excuse their ignorance of God Himself. Though enemies press, we are powerless to engage them without God Himself. We will make progress if we wait upon Him and become assured of divine power. Key Word: Disobedience, v. 13. Strong Verses : 14. Striking Facts: v. 11. Scoffers of the latter days think the promise of Christ's return is broken because He does not come in their time, though it is certain that He will come "in such an hour as we think not." CHAPTER FOURTEEN Contents: Jonathan's great victory over the Philistines. Characters: God, Jonathan, armor-bearer, Saul, Ahiah, Abner. Conclusion: Let this strengthen the weak and encourage the timid, that no matter how few and feeble those are who seek to Him for direction and acknowledge Him in all their ways, God will give the victory. God can not only save us, but save by us, therefore let faith venture. Key Word: Delivered, v. 12. Strong Verses: 6,45. Striking Facts: To fail to feed upon the honey (Christ in the Word) vv. 25-30, is not time gained but strength lost, unfitting one for the conflicts. CHAPTER FIFTEEN Contents: Saul's incomplete obedience and his rejection as king. Characters: God, Samuel, Saul, Agag. Conclusion: Some judge many things in their lives, but spare one Agag which the Lord has condemned. Partial obedience spells disobedience and in the absence of perfect obedience, our sacrifices are worthless, v. 22. Key Word: Disobedience, vv. 11, 19, (rejected, v. 23). Strong Verses: 22, 24, 25. Striking Facts: v. 20. We see how hard it is to convict the children of disobedience of their sin and strip them of their fig leaves, for they ever seek to justify themselves on the ground of their good intentions. Ceremonial observances cannot take the place of humble, sincere obedience to the will of God which requires full yieldedness to Jesus Christ. CHAPTER SIXTEEN Contents: Choice of David as king. His annointing and visit to Saul. Characters: God, Holy Spirit, Samuel, David, Jesse, Saul, Bliab, Abinadab, Shammah. Conclusion: Whom God appoints, He annoints, and whom He annoints is truly qualified for service. Key Word: Chosen, v. 1, (annointed, v. 17). Striking Facts: David means "beloved" for he was a type of the Beloved Son. As David was called from the place of obscurity and contempt, so Christ came from a humble walk of life. David was first annointed by God and later by the people. (2 Sam. 2:4, 5:3). Christ was annointed at His baptism, and at His coming again, it will be ratified by His brethren, the Jews and all nations. CHAPTER SEVENTEEN Contents: Defiance of Israel by Goliath and David's victory over him. Characters: God, David, Saul, Goliath, Eliab, Abinadab, Shammah. Conclusion: The battle is God's battle. If our confidence is purely in the power of God, rather than in any armor or sufficiency of our own, we may be certain the world's utmost might cannot withstand. God resists the proud and pours contempt upon those who bid defiance to His people, humiliating them by a defeat with the meanest of instruments. Key Word: Prevailed, v. 50. Strong Verses: 37, 47. Striking Facts: David's victory over Goliath is a type of the triumph of the Son of God over Satan. Goliath is also a remarkable type of the anti-Christ (note 6 pieces of armor, vv. 5-7). David annointed for the kingship but not yet in power is defied by the boastful champion whom he overcomes in the name of the Lord of Hosts. When Jesus comes as Lord of Hosts, anti-Christ will be destroyed by the brightness of His coming. CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Contents: Love covenant of Jonathan and David. Saul's jealousy and attempts on David's life. Saul's daughter given to David. Characters: God, David, Saul, Jonathan, Merab, Michal, Adriel. Conclusion: The weeds of envy will grow if one thinks more of reputation than of duty. (vv. 7, 8). It is is a sign that the Spirit of God has departed from men, if they be continually envious and suspicious of those about them and cannot endure to hear anyone praised but themselves, v. 12. Key Word: Envy (displeased), vv. 8, 29. Strong Verses: 14. Striking Facts: vv. 3, 4. Jonathan's love is an illustration of the love the Lord Jesus has shown to us. He stripped Himself to clothe us; He even clothed Himself with our rags that we might be clothed upon with His glory. Phil. 2:5-7. v. 23. We should magnify the honor of being sons to the King of Kings. "Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us." CHAPTER NINETEEN Contents: Saul's murderous hate pursues David. Characters: God, Holy Spirit, David, Saul, Jonathan, Michal, Samuel. Conclusion: God always raises up a friend for us in time of need. Envy allowed its way becomes murderous. Cut the claws of the tiger pup, lest it become a full grown tiger, when it is too late. Key Word: Murderous envy, vv. 1, 10, 15. Strong Verses: 12. Striking Facts: The murderous attempts on the life of the annointed king by the usurping king, remind us of the repeated attempts of the usurper, Satan, against the life of God's Anointed One, Christ, when He was upon Dearth. CHAPTER TWENTY Contents: Jonathan protects David. Their parting. Characters: God, David, Jonathan, Saul. Conclusion: Though the believer be despised of many, compelled to leave all comforts and part with best friends for Christ's sake, be this our comfort, that we have made an everlasting covenant with Jehovah who will exalt us in due time. Key Word: True friend, v. 17, (loved as his own soul). Strong Verses: 17,42. Striking Facts: v. 15. The covenant of Jonathan and David is an illustration of that between God and the Son on behalf of believers. John 10:28; Rom. 8:32-39. CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE Contents: David flees to Ahimelech and Achish. Characters: David, Ahimelech, Doeg, Achish. Conclusion: If we would but trust God aright, we would not have to resort to miserable and dishonoring devices for our preservation in times of testing. Key Word: Afraid, v. 12. Strong Verses: 9. Striking Facts: v. 6. Jesus showed from this in Matt. 12:3 that ritual observances must at times give way to moral duties in case of urgent necessity, thus He justified His disciples in plucking corn on the Sabbath day. CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO Contents: David in rejection gathers mighty men. His wanderings and dangers. Characters: David, Saul, Gad, Ahimelech, Doeg, Abiathar. Conclusion: Those who give way to jealousy are in a continual agitation and torment and show that the Spirit of God is not with them. Key Word: Suffering with David, v. 22. Strong Verses: 14, 23. Striking Facts: v. 23. Those who honor Christ, the true David, must expect to share in His rejection and suffering. As He has been promised that the Father will hide Him in the shadow of His hand (Isa. 49:2) so we, with Him, may be confident of being safeguarded. CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE Contents: Wanderings and adventures of David. Characters: God, David, Saul, Jonathan, Abiathar. Conclusion: Whatever befalls us, if we acknowledge God in all our ways andseek direction from Him, God will baffle the designs of the enemy and turntheir counsels in our favor. Key Word: Hunted (search him out), vv. 14, 23. Strong Verses : 14, 16. Striking Facts: As David might justly claim that his enemies rewarded him evil for good and that for his love they were his adversaries, so Christ was basely used. John 10:32. CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR Contents: David's mercy to Saul in En-gedi. Characters: God, David, Saul. Conclusion: Be not overcome of evil but overcome evil with good. Key Word: Mercy (dealt well), v. 18. Strong Verses: 12, 17. Striking Facts: As David rendered good for evil to him from whom he had received evil for good, he was a type of Christ who saved His persecutors. CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE Contents: Samuel's death; David and Nabal. Abigail becomes David's wife, and also Ahinoam. Characters: God, David, Samuel, Nabal, Abigail. Conclusion: Let the believer be encouraged to commit his cause to God when in any way injured, being assured that in His own good time God will redress the wrongs in His own way if we but sit still and leave the matter to Him. Key Word: God avenges (returned the wickedness), v. 39. Strong Verses: 28, 29. Striking Facts: v. 44. Saul's defrauding David of his only rightful wife led him into the irregularity of having several wives. When the marriage knot is once loosed, it is seldom ever tied fast again. See Matt. 19:4, 5. CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX Contents: Saul spared by David a second time. Characters: God, David, Saul, Abishai, Abner, Ahimelech. Conclusion: No questionable means need be employed to help out God's plans for our advancement (v. 10) God can weaken the strongest and befool the wisest on our behalf. Wait His time. Key Word: Spared, v. 11. Strong Verses: 9, 10, 24. Striking Facts: v. 24. As David's way to the throne lay through multiplied sorrows and difficulties, so does Christ's, who, though the anointed King with undisputed title, yet remains "meek and lowly" awaiting the set time. CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVEN Contents: David down in the dumps. Characters: David, Schish, Ahmoan, Abigail. Conclusion: Unbelief is a sin that besets those who have been undergoing long trials. It is no advantage to us when we are in the dumps, to cross over the borders into the world for comfort, for we cannot expect God's protection when we are out of His will. Key Word: Discouragement (I shall perish), v. 1. Strong Verses: 1. CHAPTER TWENTY-EIGHT Contents: David among Israel's enemies. Saul consults the witch. Characters: God, David, Saul, Samuel, Achish, witch. Conclusion: Seek the Lord while He may be found for there is a time when He will not be found (v. 6). To think that any spiritualistic medium can be of help when God has frowned upon us, is to heap contempt upon God, who has expressly forbidden all such recourse. Key Word: Spiritism, v. 7. Strong Verses: 15, 16. Striking Facts: v. 8. Never did Saul look so mean as when he went sneaking to a spiritist at night. Such works are of the darkness and cannot bear the light. Either Satan had Samuel impersonated, or else God on this occasion, actually sent back the spirit of Samuel, that Saul might get an answer to his design and should be given up to strong delusions. CHAPTER TWENTY-NINE Contents: David saved from fighting against Israel. Characters: David, Achish. Conclusion: God's providence orders wisely and graciously for His children even when they have sadly erred. Even the ill favor of men may turn out to be for our good that a door might be opened for deliverance out of straits our own folly have brought us into. Key Word: 111 favor, v. 6. Strong Verses: 6. CHAPTER THIRTY Contents: David avenges the destruction of Ziglag. Characters: God, David, Abiathar, an Egyptian. Conclusion: When we go abroad to tarry for a while with the enemies of God's people, we may expect to be met with evil tidings when we return home again. In the mercy of God, we can even then, if called according to His purpose, encourage ourselves in God and be assured that He will overrule and bring light out of darkness and peace out of trouble. Key Word: Recovered, vv. 8, 18. Strong Verses: 6. CHAPTER THIRTY-ONE Contents: Death of Saul and Jonathan. Characters: Saul, Jonathan, Abinadab, Melchi-shua. Conclusion: As men live, so will they die. Those are indeed in a deplorable condition, who, despairing of the mercy of God, would leap into a hell before them thinking to escape the hell within them. We all need to pray, "lead us not into temptation." Key Word: Defeat, v. 8. Strong Verses: 11, 12. Striking Facts: The book which began with the birth of a godly man ends with the burial of a wicked man. Let the two lives teach us to prefer the honor that comes from God rather than that which Satan pretends to bestow.
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