By Keith Leroy Brooks
CHAPTER ONE Contents: Jeremiah's call and enduement. The sign of the almond rod and seething pot. Characters: God, Holy Spirit, Jeremiah, Josiah, Jehoiakim. Conclusion: God, by His special counsel and foreknowledge designs certain men for certain work for Himself, and whom He calls He fits for their work. Those having His message to deliver, while they should feel their own insufficiency, should not be afraid of the face of man, for God has pledged Himself to be with them. Key Word: Called of God, v. 5. Strong Verses: 1, 19. CHAPTER TWO Contents: First message to backslidden Judah concerning their ingratitude to God and wickedness against Him. Characters: God, Jeremiah. Conclusion: It is a great affront to God to neglect Him and forget Him, failing to acknowledge His kindnesses, withholding the tributes of love and praise due Him, and worst of all, to turn to idols which cannot possibly do them any good. Such backslidings are invariably followed with severe corrections that the backslider might read his sin in the punishment. Key Word: Jehovah forgotten, v. 32. Strong Verses: 13, 32. CHAPTER THREE Contents: Jeremiah's message concerning the impenitence of Judah. Encouragement to backsliders to return and repent. Characters: God, Jeremiah. Conclusion: Those will justly be divorced from God that join themselves to such as are rivals with Him, but God is ever ready to pardon sin and receive those who will return to Him humbly confessing their sins and acknowledging their dependence upon Him for salvation. Key Word: Backsliding Israel, v. 11. Strong Verses: 4, 23. CHAPTER FOUR Contents: Jeremiah's second message, continued. Warning of the consequences of sin and exhortation to return to God. Characters: God, Jeremiah. Conclusion: It is the evil of men's doings that kindles the fires of God's wrath against them and brings destruction upon the land. That which is to be before He moves, which makes a way of escape for those who will sincerely turn to Him and receive His mercy, dreaded above everything else is the wrath of God, but God always warns Key Word: Desolations, v. 7. Strong Verses: 22. CHAPTER FIVE Contents: Jeremiah's second message, continued. God's charges against them and the judgments threatened. Characters: God, Jeremiah. Conclusion: Sinners have reason to expect punishment on account of God's holiness to which sin is highly offensive. Sin will not go unpunished, else the honor of God's government cannot be maintained, and sinners will be tempted to think Him altogether such a one as themselves. Key Word: Vengeance, vv. 9, 29. Strong Verses: 22. CHAPTER SIX Contents: Jeremiah's second message, continued. The terrors that should come because of sin. Characters: God, Jeremiah. Conclusion: The God of mercy is loath to depart even from a provoking people, and earnestly entreats them by true repentance to prevent the necessity of His fierce judgments. Those who perish in their sin will be utterly forsaken of Him, and whom He forsakes is certainly undone. Key Word: Desolations, v. 8. Strong Verses: 16. CHAPTER SEVEN Contents: The message in the gate of the Lord's house. Coming desolations because of sin. Characters: God, Jeremiah. Conclusion: It is common for those who are furthest from God to boast themselves most of being in the Church, but God is holy and will not be the pattern of sin even though it be covered up in a form of godliness. When His anger breaks upon them, such sinners have only themselves to fhank. Key Word: Abominations, v. 30. Strong Verses: 9, 10, 11, 23. CHAPTER EIGHT Contents: Message in the temple gate, continued. Terrible judgments impending. Characters: God, Jeremiah. Conclusion: Impenitence brings certain ruin. All the boasted wisdom of man cannot serve to keep him from the consuming judgments pronounced upon those who mock at God's Word and take their own course. Key Word: Consuming judgment, v. 12. Strong Verses: 7, 9. Striking Facts: v. 22. The blood of Christ is a balm from Gilead for the healing of the sin-sick heart, and He is the great Physician who is all-sufficient for any case however difficult. CHAPTER NINE Contents: Message in the temple gate, continued. Detestation of the sins of the people. The vanity of trusting in anything but God. Characters: God, Jeremiah. Conclusion: Those who will not know God as their law giver will be made to know Him as their Judge. If the furnace of affliction will not purify them from their dross, He will cut them off with terrible desolations. Key Word: Vengeance, v. 9. Strong Verses: 23, 24. CHAPTER TEN Contents: Message in the temple gate, concluded. Greatness of the true God. Coming distresses in the land because of sin. Characters: God, Jeremiah. Conclusion: Jehovah is the one only living and true God, and to set up any other in competition with Him is the greatest affront. Those who will not believe His Word nor recognize His power will be made to feel His judgments to their ruin. Key Word: Distress, v. 18. Strong Verses: 6, 7, 10, 12, 23, 24. CHAPTER ELEVEN Contents: Jeremiah's message on the broken covenant. Characters: God, Jeremiah. Conclusion: Those who enter into solemn covenant with God must expect on their part to fulfill the conditions, else He cannot on His part fulfill the promise. If we do not by obedience meet our end of the contract, we will by disobedience bring ourselves under its curses, and it is just with God to inflict heavy penalty. Key Word: Broken covenant, 8. CHAPTER TWELVE Contents: Message on the broken covenant, concluded. Jeremiah's complaint to God and God's rebuke. Characters: God, Jeremiah. Conclusion: When we find it hard to understand God's providences toward wicked men, we should remember His sure Word that "what a man soweth that shall he also reap." God often lets wicked men have a time of prosperity that by their pride and luxury they might fill up the measure of their iniquity, and so be ripening for a terrible destruction. Key Word: Prosperity of wicked, v. 1. Strong Verses: 1, 13. CHAPTER THIRTEEN Contents: Sign of the linen girdle and sign of the bottles filled with wine. Characters: God, Jeremiah. Conclusion: Those who persist in sin, ignoring God's Word, make themselves vessels of wrath fitted to destruction. If one judgment does not do the work, God will send one upon another until they are utterly brought to ruin. Key Word: Punishment, v. 21. Strong Verses: 16, 23. CHAPTER FOURTEEN Contents: Message on the drought. Characters: God, Jeremiah. Conclusion: Man's sins bring those judgments upon the earth which make even the inferior creatures to groan. There will come a time when the sinners' expectation from God will utterly fail them. We should dread nothing more than God's departure from us. Key Word: Drought, v. 1. Strong Verses: 22. CHAPTER FIFTEEN Contents: Message on the drought, concluded. The people abandoned to ruin. Jeremiah complains of his hardships. Characters: God, Jeremiah, Moses, Samuel. Conclusion: Miserable is the case of those who have sinned so long against God's mercy that at length they have sinned it away. There is no mercy for those who persist in apostasy. Key Word: Destruction, v. 6. Strong Verses: 16, 21. CHAPTER SIXTEEN Contents: Sign of the unmarried prophet, forecasting coming calamities. Characters: God, Jeremiah. Conclusion: God often makes men's sins their punishment and fills the backslider in heart with his own ways. Those have cut themselves off from all true peace who have thrown away the favor of God by persisting in wilful sin and idolatry. Key Word: v. 10. Strong Verses: 17. CHAPTER SEVENTEEN Contents: Sign of the unmarried prophet, concluded. Message in the gates concerning the Sabbath. Characters: God, Jeremiah. Conclusion: The heart of man, out of communion with God, is wicked and deceitful above all things. Those who have wedded themselves to sin invite God's judgments upon their own heads. There is only disappointment and vexation for those who depend upon the arm of flesh instead of God, but those who by faith derive strength and grace from God will be enabled to do that which will redound to God's glory, the benefit of others and their own account. Key Word: v. 1. Strong Verses: 5, 7, 9, 10. Striking Facts: v. 5. Those who trust to their own righteousness and strength, thinking to get salvation without the merit and grace of Christ, thus make flesh their arm and fail of God's salvation. CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Contents: Sign of the potter's house. Declaration of God's ways of dealing with nations. Jeremiah's complaint. Characters: God, Jeremiah. Conclusion: Jehovah has incontestable and irresistible ability to form (frame) and fashion nations as He pleases. If they do not turn from evil ways, He will turn His hand against them. Sin ruins the comforts of nations, prolongs their grievances, and at length brings total ruin upon them. Key Word: Potter and clay, vv. 6, 7. Strong Verses: 6, 7, 8. CHAPTER NINETEEN Contents: Sign of potter's house, concluded. Coming calamities Characters: Jeremiah, Kings of Judah. Conclusion: Let men great and small know that the Lord of Hosts is able to do what He threatens, and will therefore sorely punish those who have persisted in wickedness in spite of all His entreaties. They will be abandoned to utter ruin. Key Word: Broken, v. 11. CHAPTER TWENTY Contents: Jeremiah's first persecution. His complaint to God and encouragement in God. Characters: God, Pashur, Jeremiah, Nebuchadnezzar. Conclusion: Those who declare the whole counsel of God may expect to be plotted against, ridiculed and represented as dangerous to the government, which presents a strong temptation to stop preaching or tone down the message. However, the faithful preacher can successfully set all enemies at defiance, for Jehovah has promised to take his part, and to make the Word preached answer the end of its designs. Key Word: Persecution, v. 11. Strong Verses: 9, 11. Striking Facts: vv. 7, 8. Thus our Lord Jesus on the cross was reviled by priests and people for nothing but His faithful witness to God's Word. CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE Contents: Message to King Zedekiah. Babylonian captivity foretold. Characters: God, Jeremiah, Zedekiah, Pashur, Zephaniah, Nebuchadnezzar. Conclusion: If God be for us, none can be against us, but if He be against us, who can be for us to stand us in any stead? Our God is a consuming fire, and when once He is angry because of men's sins, no one can stand in His sight. Key Word: Jehovah's fury. Strong Verses: 8. CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO Contents: Message to Zedekiah, concluded. The King exhorted to execute judgment. Characters: God, Zedekiah, Shallum, Jeremiah, Jehoiakim, Coniah, Nebuchadnezzar. Conclusion: God never casts one off until they cast Him off, but when men revolt from their allegiance to Him and trample under foot their covenants with Him, He gives them up to destruction, and who can contend with the destroyers of His preparing? Key Word: Desolations, v. 5. Strong Verses: 13, 29. Striking Facts: vv. 28, 30. Coniah was of David's line through Solomon, and the throne rights were cut off with Coniah. Joseph, the husband of Mary, was of this line. Had Jesus been born in the natural way, He would have had no title to the Davidic throne. However, Mary was of David's line through Nathan, the first born of David, and Jesus being conceived of the Holy Ghost, holds the royal title to the throne, which He will possess at His return. CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE Contents: Future restoration and conversion of Israel. Message against the faithless shepherds. Characters: God, Christ. Conclusion: Woe be to those who are commanded to feed God's people and pretend to do it, but instead drag them from God, speaking messages that are the product of their own invention, and slighting the authority of His Word. God disowns all prophets who soothe people in their sins. Key Word: Lying prophets, v. 25. Strong Verses: 5, 24, 29, 32. Striking Facts: vv. 5, 6. Jesus Christ is spoken of as the branch from David, small in His beginnings, but growing to be great and loaded with divine fruits. He is the Lord our righteousness (especially to be manifested . before the Jews at His coming again). He is the Lord (Jehovah), denoting eternity and self-existence. As Mediator, He is our righteousness. CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR Contents: Sign of the figs. Judah's restoration, but not those of the second deportation. Characters: Jeremiah, Nebuchadnezzar, Jeconiah, Zedekiah. Conclusion: The same providence which to some is a savour of death unto death may by God's grace be made to others a savour of life unto life. God knows all who are His, and will protect and deliver them whatever may come. Key Word: Good and evil figs, v. 3. CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE Contents: Prophecy of seventy years' captivity. Sign of the wine cup of fury. Characters: Jeremiah, Jehoiakim, Nebuchadnezzar, Pharaoh. Conclusion: Men would never receive from God the desolating punishments did they not provoke Him by the evil of their persistent sin. That which is provocation to God will prove in the end at least the utter ruin of man, for the day of His fierce wrath is coming upon all the earth. Key Word: Desolations, v. 11. Strong Verses: v. 31. Striking Facts: vv. 29, 33. This prophecy leaps to the end of the age, the day of the Lord when Christ will return to execute God's wrath. Rev. 19:11-21; 14:14. CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX Contents: Message in the temple court. Spiteful treatment of Jeremiah and his brave stand. Martyrdom of Urijah. Characters: Jehoiakim, Jeremiah, Micah, Hezekiah, Urijah, Elnathan, Ahikam. Conclusion: God's ambassador must keep close to divine instructions, not compromising to please men or to save himself. If he speaks what God appointed him to speak, he will be under God's protection, and whatever affront the people offer to the ambassador, it will be resented by God Himself. Key Word: Faithful prophet, vv. 14, 15. Strong Verses: 13. CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVEN Contents: Sign of the yokes, to surrounding Gentile kings. Warning of great calamity. Characters: God, Jehoiakim, Nebuchadnezzar, Zedekiah, Jeconiah. Conclusion: Those who refuse to serve the God who made them may be justly made by God to serve their enemies who sought to ruin them. God has an indisputable right to dispose of kingdoms as He pleases. Key Word: Yoke of Babylon, v. 11. Strong Verses: 5. CHAPTER TWENTY-EIGHT Contents: Sign of the yokes, continued. False prophecy and death of Hananiah. Characters: Zedekiah, Hananiah, Jeremiah, Nebuchadnezzar, Jeconiah. Conclusion: Those have a great deal to answer for who tell sinners that they shall have peace in spite of their contempt of the admonitions of God's Word and the exhortations of His true prophets. It is no new thing for lying prophets to father their message upon the God of truth, but they will surely be brought to shame. Key Word: False teachers, v. 16. Strong Verses: 9. CHAPTER TWENTY-NINE Contents: Message to the Jews of the first captivity. Action against false prophets. Destruction foretold. Characters: Jeremiah, Nebuchadnezzar, Jeconiah, Elasah, Gemariah, Ahab, Zedekiah, Shemaiah, Zephaniah, Jehoiada. Conclusion: As long as we have God's sure Word before us, it is our own fault if we be deceived, for by it we may be undeceived. If vengeance shall be taken on those who rebel against God's Word, much more on those who teach rebellion by their destructive doctrines. Key Word: True and false prophecies, vv. 20, 21. Strong Verses: 11, 12, 13. CHAPTER THIRTY Contents: Jeremiah's first writing. Summary of Israel in the coming great tribulation. Characters: God, Jeremiah. Conclusion: Israel, after many years of wandering among all nations, is to be finally purified in a season of tribulation such as the world has never known nor ever shall know thereafter. The purposes of God's wrath will all be fulfilled, and then Israel shall be gloriously restored as a nation. Key Word: Jacob's trouble, v. 7. Strong Verses: 24. Striking Facts: The time of Jacob's trouble is a period of seven years coming at the close of the present dispensation, followed immediately by the return of Christ in glory to set up His kingdom. See Christ's own Word: Matt. 24:15-31. CHAPTER THIRTY-ONE Contents: Israel in the last days. Characters: God. Conclusion: God will again at the end of the age take Israel into new covenant relation with Himself, from which they have for hundreds of years been cut off because of rebellion against His Word. At that time, all shall come to the knowledge of God, and the earth shall be filled with songs of joy. Key Word: New covenant, v. 31. Strong Verses: 3, 33, 34. Striking Facts: vv. 33, 34. This can be applied in the Gospel dispensation to those who have accepted Jesus Christ, those who are yielded to the Holy Spirit to have God's will revealed to them, and have the assurance that their sins through Christ are remembered no more. CHAPTER THIRTY-TWO Contents: Sign of the field of Hanameel. Jeremiah's second persecution, his prayer and Jehovah's answer. Characters: God, Jeremiah, Zedekiah, Nebuchadnezzar, Hanameel, Baruch. Conclusion: When we are perplexed about the methods of God's providence, it is good to go to Him in prayer, by which we shall be taught that not one word of all His counsel shall fail. Though we cannot reconcile one word with another, we may be sure both words are true and both will be made good. Key Word: Chastisement and promises, v. 42. Strong Verses: 17, 19, 27. Striking Facts: v. 2. God, who has been faithful to His threatenings against Israel throughout the centuries, will just as certainly fulfill His promise to the remnant of them in His own good time when Christ returns. They will surely be re-gathered as a nation and made fruitful unto God (v. 42). CHAPTER THIRTY-THREE Contents: Prophecy concering the Davidic kingdom. Characters: God, Christ, Jeremiah. Conclusion: The Davidic covenant will in God's- own time be literally fulfilled, to the great joy of the remnant of Israel when Christ shall come to execute judgment in righteousness in the earth. Their sins will be purged away, their nation will be honored by all nations, and to crown all their blessings, they will recognize Christ as their righteousness and worship Him as their King and Lord. Key Word: Israel's joy, v. 11. Strong Verses: 3. Striking Facts: v. 15. Christ is the Branch of righteousness, born of David's line and holding legal title to the promised throne. While under the gospel He is made "righteousness unto all true believers," at His return He will be acknowledged by Israel who rejected Him as their righteousness. CHAPTER THIRTY-FOUR Contents: Message to Zedekiah concerning the coming captivity. Zedekiah's ineffectual decree. Characters: God, Jeremiah, Nebuchadnezzar, Zedekiah. Conclusion: God's compassion toward us should engage our compassion toward our fellow-men, and in any case the plain statement of His Word should be obeyed. Those who will not be in subjection to God's law put themselves under His wrath and curse. Key Word: Desolations, v. 22. CHAPTER THIRTY-FIVE Contents: Obedience of the Rechabites in the reign of Jehoiakim. Characters: God, Jeremiah, Jehoiakim, Jaazaniah, sons of Hanan, Jonadab, Nebuchadnezzar. Conclusion: The obedience of many unsaved people to the moral laws laid down by wise men of the world should put to shame many professing Christians who are disobedient to an infinite God and utterly forget His precepts. Key Word: Obedience, v. 8. CHAPTER THIRTY-SIX Contents: Jeremiah's writing in the days of Jehoiakim. Reading on the fast day. Burning of the roll and orders to persecute Jeremiah. Characters: God, Jeremiah, Jehoiakim, Josiah, Baruch, Gemariah, Michaiah. Elishama, Delaiah, Elnathan, Zedekiah, Jehudi, Jerahmeel, Seraiah, Shelemiah. Conclusion: Though the attempts of those who despise the Word of God are very daring, yet not one tittle of it shall fail. Though many a Bible be burned, this cannot abolish it nor deter the accomplishment of its prophecies. Key Word: Book burned, vv. 2, 23. CHAPTER THIRTY-SEVEN Contents: Jeremiah's imprisonment in the days of Zedekiah. Characters: Zedekiah, Coniah, Nebuchadnezzar, Jeremiah, Jehucal, Zephaniah, Jonathan, Irijah. Conclusion: It is no new thing for those who have faithfully declared the Word of God and are the best friends of the Lord, to be represented as enemies, imprisoned and persecuted. When God's servants are accused, they may boldly deny the charge, commit their cause to Him who judges righteously, and continue to contend for the faith. Key Word: Imprisonment, v. 15. CHAPTER THIRTY-EIGHT Contents: Jeremiah's imprisonment, continued. His private conference with the king. Characters: Shephatiah, Gedaliah, Jucal, Pashur, Jeremiah, Zedekiah, Malchiah, Ebed-melech, Jonathan. Conclusion: God's faithful ministers, who show men what enemies they are to themselves, are often looked upon as enemies of the country, and are wickedly abused. They may, however, commit the keeping of their spirits to God, their Rewarder, who can even raise up friends for them in their distress (vv. 8, 9), if it be for His glory. Key Word: Persecuted, v. 6. Strong Verses: 20. CHAPTER THIRTY-NINE Contents: Final captivity of Judah in accordance with the prophets. Characters: Zedekiah, Nebuchadnezzar, Nergal-sharezer, Samgar-nebo, Sarsechim, Rab-saris, Rab-mag, Nebuzaradan, Jeremiah, Nebushasban, Gedaliah, Ebed-melech. Conclusion: Truly there is a God who judges in the earth in this world as well as in the next. When sin has provoked Him to withdraw His protection, the greatest city is helpless (the false prophets fell by those judgments which they said would never come. The true prophet Jeremiah escaped those judgments which he maintained would come). Key Word: Broken up, v. 2. Strong Verses: 17, 18. CHAPTER FORTY Contents: Jeremiah discharged. The Jews under Gedeliah as Governor.Ishmael's design against Gedeliah. Characters: God, Jeremiah, Nebuzaradan, Gedeliah, Ishmael, Johanan, Seraiah, Jezaniah, Baalis. Conclusion: Sooner or later God's true prophets will be justified before the persecutors, and they will be made sensible that their sin is the cause of all their misery. (God in His wrath still remembers mercy and admits a remnant upon a further trial of their obedience.) Key Word: Jeremiah loosed, v. 4. Remnant of Judah, v. 11. CHAPTER FORTY-ONE Contents: Gedeliah slain, and many Jewish captives released by Johanan. Characters: Ishmael, Gedeliah, Asa, Nebuzaraden, Johanan. Conclusion: God sometimes permits bloody work to be done for the completing of the ruin of an unhumbled people and the filling up of the measure of their judgments. Murderous work should inspire us with awe of God's judgments, as well as with indignation at the wickedness of men. Key Word: Murder, v. 2. CHAPTER FORTY-TWO Contents: God's answer to the inquiry of the people and Jeremiah concerning the calamities recently befallen. God's charge to the people in the land. Characters: God, Johanan, Jezaniah, Jeremiah. Conclusion: In very difficult circumstances, our eyes must be upon God for direction, and our hearts much be intent on obeying His voice. It is folly to quit the place where God has put us merely because we have met with trouble in it. The difficulty we think to escape by disobeying God's voice we will inevitably run ourselves into. Key Word: Admonished, v. 11. Strong Verses: 6. CHAPTER FORTY-THREE Contents: Jeremiah carried to Tahpanhes in Egypt. Sign of the hidden stones. Characters: God, Azariah, Johanan, Baruch, Nebuzaradan, Gedeliah, Nebuchadnezzar. Conclusion: It is common for unhumbled men who persist in sin to represent those who speak God's word as grafters having designs for themselves. However, this does not change the Word of God, and those who think to better themselves by going contrary to the Scriptures will come to ruin. Key Word: Disobedience, v. 4. CHAPTER FORTY-FOUR Contents: Message to the Jews in Egypt. Further judgments threatened. Contempt of the people for the admonitions. Characters: God, Jeremiah, Pharaoh-hophra, Zedekiah, Nebuchadnezzar. Conclusion: God's past dealings with sinful people should be a warning to us of the danger of sin and the fatal consequences of it. To those who are impenitent sinners God will be found an implacable Judge. In a contest between God's Word and man's word, God's Word will be sure to stand. Key Word: Jehovah provoked, v. 8. Strong Verses: 28 (b). CHAPTER FORTY-FIVE Contents: Message of Baruch in the days of Jehoiakim. Characters: God, Jeremiah, Baruch. Conclusion: God takes notice of the frets and discontents of His people and is displeased with them. To seek great things for ourselves when the public is in danger is unbecoming. We should count even the preservation of our lives in such times a great mercy, and continue faithful to our service. Key Word: Impending evil, v. 5. CHAPTER FORTY-SIX Contents: Prophecies against Egypt. Characters: God, Jeremiah, Pharaoh-Necho, Nebuchadrezzar. Conclusion: When men think to magnify themselves by pushing on unrighteous enterprises, let them expect that God will sooner or later glorify Himself by blasting them and making an end of them, for He has numberless hosts at His command.' Key Word: Day of vengeance, v. 10. Strong Verses: 28. Striking Facts: vv. 27, 28, certainly look forward to the judgments of the nations at the coming of Christ (Matt. 25:42) after Armageddon, (Rev. 16:14), and the deliverance of Israel. CHAPTER FORTY-SEVEN Contents: Prophecies against Philistia and Tyre and Sidon. Characters: God, Jeremiah. Conclusion: The sword of the Word, as it is charged from the Lord of Hosts to punish the crimes of nations, cannot be sheathed until it has accomplished that for which He has sent it. Key Word: Cut off, v. 4. Strong Verses: 6, 7. CHAPTER FORTY-EIGHT Contents: Prophecy against Moab. Characters: God, Jeremiah. Conclusion: Jehovah has all armies at His command. He will in His own time plead the cause of His people against a people that have always been vexatious to them and rebellious toward Him, and will punish them until there is nothing left of them. Key Word: Spoiling and destruction, v. 3. Strong Verses: 10. CHAPTER FORTY-NINE Contents: Prophecies against the Ammonites, Edom, Damascus, Kedar, kingdoms of Hazor, Elam. Characters: God, Jeremiah, Nebuchadrezzar, Zedekiah. Conclusion: Nations that despise and persecute God's people may make a mighty figure for a time, but their pride shall deceive them, for God will surely visit them with desolations, and they themselves shall be despised among men. Key Word: Desolations, v. 2. Strong Verses: 16 (a). CHAPTER FIFTY Contents: Prophecies against Babylon and Chaldea. Characters: God, Jeremiah, King of Assyria, Nebuchadrezzar. Conclusion: The pride of men's hearts sets God against them and ripens them in due time for utter ruin. Whatever wrong is done against God's people will certainly be reckoned, for though God may have used their persecutions for the good of His people, God has a variety of instruments at command in the earth, and when He opens His armories, all enemies will find themselves overmatched. Key Word: Vengeance, v. 28. Strong Verses: 6, 25. Striking Facts: v. 34. It is the comfort of Christians in distress that they have a Redeemer, Jesus Christ, who is strong, and will thoroughly plead their cause and give them rest. CHAPTER FIFTY-ONE Contents: Prophecies against Babylon, continued. Characters: God, Jeremiah, Nebuchadrezzar, Seraiah. Conclusion: Let no nation think it will exempt them from God's judgment that they have been executing God's judgments on others. Those who have proudly carried everything before them will at length meet with their match, and their day will come to pass. Key Word: Judgment, v. 9. Strong Verses: 5, 15. CHAPTER FIFTY-TWO Contents: A retrospect: overthrow and capture of Judah. The latter days of Jehoiachin. Characters: Zedekiah, Jeremiah, Jehoiachin, Jehoiakim, Nebuchadrezzar, Seraiah, Zephaniah, Evil-merodach. Conclusion: Iniquity leads to the certain ruin of those who follow it, and if it be not forsaken will certainly end by the sinner being cast out of God's presence. The unbelief of man shall not make God's threatenings of no effect, but events will fully answer the predictions of His Word. Key Word: Behold His anger, v. 3.
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