By Keith Leroy Brooks
CHAPTER ONE Contents: Jehovah's love for Israel. The sins of the priests and hypocrisy of the people. Characters: God, Malachi, Jacob, Esau. Conclusion: God would have His people know that He loves them, therefore justly takes it very ill to have His favors slighted and His ordinances partaken of in hypocrisy. Those who come to holy ordinances irreverently, going away from them never the better, and under no concern, in effect say, "The table of the Lord is contemptible." Key Word: Jehovah's displeasure, vv. 10, 13. Strong Verses: 13. CHAPTER TWO Contents: The message to the priests concerning their sins. The evils among the people. Characters: God, Holy Spirit, Malachi. Conclusion: Woe to those appointed to be God's mouth to the people, but who instead are a stone of stumbling. All who rest in external performances of religion will not only come short of acceptance with God in them, but will be filled with shame and confusion. Key Word: Israel's abominations, v. 11. Strong Verses: 7, 10, 17. Striking Facts: v. 10. Cp. Acts 17:24-29. The reference in both instances is to God as "Father of our spirits" or creation. It has no reference to salvation. "We are children of God by faith in Christ Jesus." CHAPTER THREE Contents: Mission of John the Baptist, and Christ's first advent foretold. Israel exhorted to return to God. Characters: God, Christ, Malachi, John the Baptist. Conclusion: Those who deny God His part of their estates may justly expect a curse upon their own part of them. Those who rob God rob themselves of His benefits and protection. In view of the immanence of Christ's coming, we should see to it that our accounts with God are balanced. Key Word: Return, vv. 7, 18. Strong Verses: 1, 10, 11, 17. Striking Facts: v. 1. The first "messenger" is a prophecy of the appearing of the forerunner, John the Baptist (Matt. 11:10; Mark 1:2), which Isaiah had foretold (40:3). "The messenger of the covenant" is Christ Himself, but for its final fulfillment looks to the second coming of Christ, the messenger having been rejected at His first advent. His sudden coming to the temple, connected with judgment, awaits fulfillment (Heb. 2:20). Malachi, like other O. T. prophets, saw both advents of Messiah blended in one horizon, but not the separating interval. CHAPTER FOUR Contents: The day of the Lord and coming of Christ as "sun of righteousness." Elijah to be forerunner of the day of the Lord. Characters: God, Moses, Elijah, Christ, Malachi. Conclusion: The great day of the Lord is impending, a time of terror and destruction upon all whose hearts have been stout against God, but followed by the coming of Christ as the sun of righteousness with healing in His wings for all who have looked to Him. "Come quickly, Lord Jesus." Key Word: Day of the Lord, v. 5. Strong Verses: 1, 2. Striking Facts: v. 2. The Old Testament closes with the promise of the rising of the "sun" of righteousness. The New Testament closes with the promise of the rising of the "morning star" (Rev. 22:16). The morning star precedes the coming of the sun, which finally ushers in the day. Christ is coming to the Church as the "morning star" in the last dark hours of the age (1 Thess. 4:13-16 prior to the great tribulation). At the close of the tribulation He is coming as the "sun" ushering in the Millennial day, and Israel's history will then be resumed.
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