By Keith Leroy Brooks
CHAPTER ONE Contents: Elijah's message to Ahaziah. Elijah's deliverance. Characters: God, angel (Jesus), Elijah, Ahaziah. Conclusion: Those who will not inquire of the Word of God for their comfort will be made to listen to it, whether they wish it or not. To consult with the devil's agents as to fortune means departure from God. Key Word: Prediction, v. 4. Strong Verses: 15. Striking Facts: v. 15. All heaven is interested in Christ's true servants. Who can harm those whom God will shelter? CHAPTER TWO Contents: Translation of Elijah. Faith of Elisha. Theological students and their unbelief. Elisha's miracle. Characters: God, Holy Spirit, Elisha, Elijah. Conclusion: Those who know they are soon going to heaven should be concerned for those they are leaving behind to carry on God's service and to leave with them their experiences, testimonies, counsels and prayers. Key Word: Translated, v. 11. Strong Verses: 9. Striking Facts: Those who ask for the mantle of and walk in the steps of their godly and faithful predecessors will certainly experience the same grace. Jordan means "judgment" Christ and the believer go together (v. 8) through the judgment of the cross. Gal. 2:20; Rom. 6:3. CHAPTER THREE Contents: Accession of Jehoram over Israel. Moab rebels against Israel. Elisha's reproof of alliance between Jehoshaphat and Jehoram. Defeat of Moabites. Characters: God, Jehoram, Jehoshaphat, Mesha, king of Moab, king of Edom, Elisha. Conclusion: It would often go hard with us if God did not take more care of us, both for body and soul, than we take for ourselves. For reasons which He alone knows, God sometimes puts victories in the hands of those who are not faithful to Him. Key Word: Victory, v. 18. Strong Verses: 18. CHAPTER FOUR Contents: Increase of the widow's oil. Woman of Shunom and her son restored to life. Noxious pottage healed. A hundred men fed. Characters: God, Elisha, widow, Shunanmite woman, Gehazi, sons of prophets, man of Baalshalishah. Conclusion: Be a man of God and God will give you His work to do. He who has power from God to satisfy the deepest needs of man will never want for applicants. Key Word: Man of God, vv. 7, 9, 16, 21, 22, 40, 42. Strong Verses: 6, 7, 40, 41. Striking Facts: v. 41. When the theological student feeds on the wild gourds of the world, he will find himself in the grip of spiritual death. The meal, made of bruised corn, speaks of Christ in the Gospel. If the results of the cross are put in the pot, it will take away its poison. CHAPTER FIVE Contents: Naaman the Syrian healed by obeying Elisha's word. Characters: God, Elisha, Naaman, maid, Syrian king, king of Israel, Gehazi. Conclusion: There is little hope for one who is more concerned about his dignity than his disease, but full blessing is assured to one who will humble himself as a little child and walk in the light of God's commands. Key Word: Leper cleansed, vv. 1, 14. Strong Verses: 13, 15. Striking Facts: Leprosy is an intense symbol of sin. 1. Circulates in the blood, hereditary. 2. Contagious. 3. Subtle, at first concealing its presence. 4. Unclean, a state of living death. 1 Tim. 5:6. 5. Banishing, Rev. 21:27. 6. Incurable by human power, Jer. 13:23. 7. Its only cure, the power of Christ. CHAPTER SIX Contents: Elisha recovers the lost axe. Seige of Samaria by Syrians. Characters: God, Elisha, Ben-hadad, Jehoram, nameless woman. Conclusion: The Christian on his knees can see more than the philosopher on his tiptoes. They who fight against God are given up to delusions, not knowing that the believer has God, (Rom. 8:13) Christ, (Mt. 28:20) the Holy Spirit, (Jn. 16:16-17) and angels (Heb. 1:14) on his side. Key Word: Man of God, v. 9 (Prayer, v. 17). Strong Verses: 16. Striking Facts: v. 6. The God of nature is not tied up to its laws. As He raised the iron against the natural laws, so His grace can raise the iron heart which has sunk into the mud of this world and raise up affections naturally earthly to things above. CHAPTER SEVEN Contents: Jehovah's terror upon the Syrians. Characters: God, Elisha, Jehoram, captain of Israel, four lepers. Conclusion: Faith expects from God what is beyond all human expectation. They who cannot find it in their hearts to take God at His Word, forfeit all benefits of His promises. Key Word: Promise fulfilled, vv. 1, 16. Strong Verses: 6, 7. Striking Facts: vv. 6, 7. The wicked flee when no man pursues. God can, if He wills, dispirit the boldest and most brave enemy of Christ's cause, and make the stoutest heart to tremble at the shaking of a leaf. CHAPTER EIGHT Contents: Famine predicted. Jehoram restores the Shunanmite land. Reigns of Jehoram and Ahaziah of Judah and Joram of Israel. Characters: God, Elisha, Gehazi, Jehoram, Ben-hadad, Hazael, Ahaziah, Shunanmite woman. Conclusion: God through His ministers, calls for reformation and obedience, and if the calls be not regarded, men may expect plagues and evil days to come, for He WILL be heard, (vv. 1, 12). Key Word: Prediction, vv. 1, 10. Strong Verses: 19. Striking Facts: v. 13. Men often think themselves sufficiently armed against those sins by which they are afterward entirely overcome. CHAPTER NINE Contents: Jehu annointed king of Israel. Slays Jehoram, Ahaziah and Jezebel. Characters: God, Elisha, a prophet, Jehu, Jezebel, Jehoram, Ahaziah, Ahab. Conclusion: God doesn't always pay up for sin every week, but in the end, He pays. He is known by His judgments. Key Word: Sin requitted, vv. 26, 36. Strong Verses: 26. Striking Facts: v. 11. Men who have no religion commonly look upon followers of Christ as mad. Of the Savior they said, "He is beside himself." Of John, "He has a devil." Of Paul, "Much learning hath made thee mad." CHAPTER TEN Contents: Judgment on house of Ahab. Princes of Judah slain. Baal worship put out. Jehu's reign and death. Characters: God, Jehu, Jehonadab, Hazael. Conclusion: God is not the author of any man's sin, but even by that which men do from bad principles, He serves His own purposes and takes vengeance on those who have defied Him. Key Word: Judgment, vv. 10, 17. Strong Verses: 10. Striking Facts: v. 16. If we aim at the applause of men and make their praise our highest aim, instead of the honor of Christ, we are upon a false bottom. An upright heart approves itself to God and covets no more than His acceptance. CHAPTER ELEVEN Contents: Royal seed of Judah destroyed. Joash becomes king. Execution of. Athaliah. Revival through Jehoida. Characters: God, Joash, Jehoida, Athaliah, Jehoshaba. Conclusion: All attempts to frustrate God's revealed purpose are foolish and bound to be fruitless. Who can disannul what God has purposed? Though the promise be bound up in one life, yet will it not fail. Key Word: Preserved, v. 3. Strong Verses: 17. Striking Facts: Three times the royal line was all extinct except for one babe. Moses, Heb. 11:23; Joash, v. 3. Christ, Mt. 2:12-16. CHAPTER TWELVE Contents: Reign of Joash over Judah and his death. Repair of the temple. Characters: God, Joash, Jehoida, Hazael. Conclusion: Those who are entrusted with public money for the carrying on of God's work should learn to deal faithfully, as those who know God will reckon with them, if men do not. Loose financial methods in the church dishonor God. Key Word: Repairing temple, v. 5. Strong Verses: 2, 15. Striking Facts: v. 9. This is the first mite box mentioned in the Bible. The last one is in Mk. 12:4. CHAPTER THIRTEEN Contents: Reign of Jehoahaz over Israel and his death. Accession of Jehoash and his death. Elisha's death and the miracle at his tomb. Characters: God, Elisha, Jehoahaz, Jehoash, Hazael. Conclusion: The slowness of God's processes against sinners must be construed to the honor of His mercy, not to the impeachment of His justice (v. 23). It is of the Lord's mercies, that they are not consumed. Key Word: Gracious, v. 23. Strong Verses: 4, 23. Striking Facts: v. 14. It is much to our spiritual advantage to attend the death beds of Christlike men that we might hear their last counsels. CHAPTER FOURTEEN Contents: Reign of Amaziah over Judah. War between Israel and Judah. Reign of Jeroboam in Jerusalem. Characters: God, Amaziah, Jehoash, Jeroboam, Jonah, Azariah. Conclusion: Those who are too eager, through pride, to fight, may get enough of it in quick order. Many would have honor and wealth enough, if they but knew when they had enough. Key Word: Defeat, v. 12. Strong Verses: 26, 27. CHAPTER FIFTEEN Contents: Reign of Azariah and Jotham over Judah and Zechariah, Shallum, Menahem, Pekahiah, Pekah over Israel. Characters: God, Azariah, Jotham, Zechariah, Shallum, Menahem, Pul, Pekahiah, Pekah, Rezin, Ahaz. Conclusion: God may for a time suffer wickedness to prosper that it may of itself carry away the wealth and honors that might have been kept if God had been recognized. One wicked man is made the scourge of another and every wicked man sooner or later ruins himself. Key Word: Reigns. Strong Verses: 12. CHAPTER SIXTEEN Contents: Reign of Ahaz over Judah. Assyrians take Damascus. Characters: God, Ahaz, Tiglath-pileser, Urijah, Rezin, Pekah. Conclusion: That religion is of no worth which is guided by fancy instead of faith (v. 10). The hearts of idolaters walk after their eyes. Key Word: Abominations, v. 3. CHAPTER SEVENTEEN Contents: Reign of Hoshea in Israel. Israel becomes tributary to Assyrians. The sins of Israel. Characters: God, Hoshea, Shalmaneser, So. Conclusion: Those who forget God may themselves expect to be forgotten. Those who try to be like the world may expect to be swallowed up by the world. Those who will not serve God in their own land j*t6d not be surprised if they are forced to serve enemies in a strange lane. Key Word: Carried away, vv. 6, 18. Strong Verses: 13, 14, 37, 39. Striking Facts: v. 7. From this captivity, Israel has never been restored to Palestine. See Deut. 28:15-68. A remnant of Judah returned but the national restoration is yet to be fulfilled. CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Contents: Reign and revival of Hezekiah over Judah. Victory over Phillistines. Invasion of Sennacherib. Insolence of Rab-shekeh. Characters: God, Hezekiah, Hoshea, Shalmaneser, Sennacherib, Eliakim, Shebnah, Tartan, Rabsaris, Rab-shakeh, Joah. Conclusion: Santanic suggestions are always artful and cleverly managed and well sprinkled with pride, malice, falsehood and blasphemy. Thus Satan steals a man's watch and explains it so well, the victim gives him his coat and vest. Key Word: Seducers, v. 30. Strong Verses: 6, 7. CHAPTER NINETEEN Contents: Hezekiah's message to Isaiah and the answer. Sennacherib defies God. Hezekiah's prayer and the answer through Isaiah. Characters: God, angel (Jesus), Hezekiah, Isaiah, Sennacherib, Eliakim, Shebna, Rab-shakeh. Conclusion: Prayer changes things. If the motive of our prayer is the honor of God, we may be sure He will graciously and copiously answer, being able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think. Key Word: Prayer answered, vv. 19, 34. Strong Verses: 15, 34. Striking Facts: v. 30. The remnant shall yet again be planted in their own habitations and shall take root there and grow rich. That soul is indeed prosperous who takes root downward by faith in Christ, and then becomes fruitful upward in righteousness. CHAPTER TWENTY Contents: Hezekiah's illness and recovery. Characters: God, Hezekiah, Isaiah, Berodach-baladan. Conclusion: Neither greatness nor goodness can exempt us from sickness, yet often when the death sentence has apparently been received within the body, it is reversible through Spirit-born, faith-filled prayer. Key Word: Healed, v. 5. Strong Verses: 5. Striking Facts: v. 7. It is duty to make use of legitimate means to assist nature when we are sick, unless God has by a special revelation made it clear that He intends to heal entirely by miraculous power. Medicines are God-given and He has graciously made them serviceable to man in consideration of the poor. CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE Contents: Evil reigns of Manasseh and Amon in Judah. Characters: God, Manasseh, Amon. Conclusion: Those have much to answer for who not only are wicked themselves but help to make others so. v. 16. Key Word: Evil reigns, vv. 2, 20. Strong Verses: 11,12. CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO Contents: Reign of Josiah. Repairing temple and finding of the book of the law. Characters: God, Josiah, Hilkiah, Shaphan, Huldah, Ahikam, Achbor, Asahiah. Conclusion: An unread Bible is a lost Biole and a lost Bible always means spiritual degeneracy and its accompanying curses. When man finds the Word, the Word is quick to find him and convict him of sin. Either sin keeps one from the Book or the Book keeps one from sin. Key Word: Bible found, v. 13. Strong Verses: 13, 19. CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE Contents: Law read to the people. The king's covenant and reformations. Characters: God, Josiah, Hilkiah, Pharaoh-neche, Jehoahaz, Jehoikim, Eliakim. Conclusion: We should put ourselves heartily into God's hands for serviceand as far as our influence goes, our endeavors should go to do good and bring the wickedness of the wicked to an end. Key Word: Covenant, v. 3. Strong Verses: 3, 25. CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR Contents: Jehoikim tributary to Nebuchadnezzar. Reigns of Jehoikim, Jehoichin and Zedekiah. Deportation to Babylon. Characters: God, Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin, Zedekiah. Conclusion: Time will not wear out the guilt of sin. Threatenings will be fulfilled as certainly as promises if the sinner's repentance prevent not. Key Word: Judgment, vv. 3, 14. Strong Verses: 3. CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE Contents: Seige of Jerusalem and final deportation. Characters: God, Zedekiah, Nebuchadnezzar, Gedaliah, Ishmael, Evil-merodach, Jehoiachin. Conclusion: Those who have by sin provoked God to leave them may expect ultimately to be encompassed about with innumerable evils. Key Word: Broken up, v. 4. Striking Facts: v. 30. Let none say they shall never see good again because they have so long seen nothing but evil, for we know not what good turn providence may yet give to our affairs according to the days wherein we have been afflicted. Psa. 90:15.
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