By Keith Leroy Brooks
CHAPTER ONE Contents: David's declining strength. Adonijah plots to seize kingdon. Counter plot of Nathan and Bath-sheba. Solomon annointed. Characters: God, David, Solomon, (Adonijah), Joab, Nathan, Bath-sheba, Zadok, Benaiah, Abiathar, Jonathan, Abishag, Shimei, Rei. Conclusion: When men exalt themselves, God very often leaves them to themselves until they are corrected with a scourge of their own making. He that in the morning grasps at a crown, may before night be forced to hold to the horns of the altar and beg for life. God will be consulted. Key Word: Self-exalted, v. 5 (humbled, v. 50). Strong Verses: 29, 30. Striking Facts: v. 39. Solomon is a type of Christ as Prince of Peace, (Isa. 9: 6; 1 Chron, 22:9) Jesus will not fulfill the Solomon type until He has fulfilled the David type. Chosen before born (Isa. 42:1) Rode into Jerusalem on a mule (Jn. 12:14-16) Annointed (Acts 10:38) Peace filled the earth when His reign was finally set up (Zech. 14:9). CHAPTER TWO Contents: David's charge to Solomon, David's death. Execution of Adonijah. Abiathar removed. Execution of Shimei. Characters: God, David, Solomon, Bath-sheba, Adonijah, Abishag, Joab, Abiatha, Benaiah, Shimei. Conclusion: The punishment of sin may be slow of foot but it is sure of nose and will at length find the offender. Even a hoary head, ought not to be any man's protection from justice. Key Word: Punishment, vv. 5, 8. Strong Verses: 2, 3. CHAPTER THREE Contents: Alliance of Solomon and Pharoah. Marriage with Pharoah's daughter. Loses at Gibeon. Solomon's prayer. His wisdom. Characters: God, Solomon, two women. Conclusion: The wisdom of God is laid up for those who have the spirit of a child (Lk. 10:21) vv. 8, 9. A knowledge of our own limitations is very essential to true success, if we have learned that the power of the omnipotent God is at our disposal. Key Word: Wisdom, vv. 9, 28. Strong Verses: 7. Striking Facts: Wisdom: Its beginning, Psa. 111:10. Its source, Dan. 2:2022. Its quality, Jas. 3:17. Way to it, 1 Cor. 3:18. Personification of it, 1 Cor. 1:30. How to obtain it, Jas. 1:5. Who is it for, Mt. 7:24-25. CHAPTER FOUR Contents: Princes and commissaries of Israel. Solomon's reign and wisdom. Characters: God, Solomon. Conclusion: There is spiritual peace and joy and a holy security for all faithful subjects of God's Annointed One. Key Word: Safety, v. 25. Strong Verses: 25. Striking Facts: Solomon was a type of Christ in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge hidden for a use for "He is made unto us wisdom." CHAPTER FIVE Contents: Preparation for building the temple. Characters: God, Solomon, Hiram. Conclusion: Satan does all he can to hinder the work of God's temple, but when he is withheld for a time, we should be extra zealous in that which is good that we might carry it forward to completion. (Acts 9:31). Key Word: Temple, v. 5. Strong Verses: 5, 17. Striking Facts: v. 17. The costly stones speak of Christ who was laid for the foundation of the spiritual temple, an elect and precious stone. CHAPTER SIX Contents: Work on the temple begun. Dimensions and materials. Characters: God, Solomon. Conclusion: We should not mistake noise and notoriety for spiritual progress (v. 7). Quietness and order both become and befriend the carrying on of spiritual work. Key Word: Finished, v. 14. Strong Verses : 12. Striking Facts: Christ is the true Temple (Jn. 2:21). God Himself prepared Him (Eph. 1:4; Heb. 10:5). In Him all God's spiritual children meet and through Him have access to God. CHAPTER SEVEN Contents: Work on the temple and Solomon's house. Characters: God, Solomon, Hiram. Conclusion: God who is best should be served and honored with our best. Key Word: Work ended, v. 51. Strong Verses: 51. Striking Facts: The temple is not only a type of Christ but of the believer who is also spoken of as a temple, or habitation of God. (1 Cor. 3:16-17; 6:19). It should be as beautiful as the Holy Spirit can make it, therefore we should be yielded to His master strokes. CHAPTER EIGHT Contents: Ark brought in; Skekinah glory fills the temple. Solomon's sermon. Characters: God, Solomon. Conclusion: All cost and pains are lost on stately structures unless God has been in the work, and if He fails to manifest His glory in them, they are after all but a ruinous heap. A temple without the ark and the glory are like a candlestick without a candle. Key Word: Dedicated (filled with glory) v. 11. Strong Verses: 10, 27, 57, 58, 61. Striking Facts: It is a great thing when a nation's ruler can be led of the Spirit in prayer and when he realizes that all answer to prayer is only on the ground of the shed blood of Christ, vv. 22, 62. (Heb. 9:22; 10:19-20). CHAPTER NINE Contents: Jehovah appears to Solomon. Covenant made. Solomon's fame. Characters: God, Solomon, Hiram. Conclusion: God deals plainly with men and sets before them blessing or cursing. God never fails to perform His part of a covenant and if we improve the grace He is willing to give, He will confirm us to the end. Key Word: Covenant, v. 4. Strong Verses: 9, 25. Striking Facts: v. 7. (Israel shall be a byword) lit. a "sheninah." Some have thought that the epithet "sheeney" used in speaking disgustingly of Jews throughout the centuries, came from this prophecy. CHAPTER TEN Contents: Solomon and the queen of Sheba. His revenue and splendor. Characters: God, Solomon, queen of Sheba. Conclusion: That fame is true fame which has associated with it the name of the Lord and which challenges inquiry into the means of God's grace. Key Word: Fame, vv. 7, 23. Strong Verses: 8, 24. Striking Facts: Mt. 12:42. Christ mentions this queen's inquiry after God through Solomon as showing the stupidity of those who would not enquire after God through Jesus Christ who was God manifest in the flesh and therefore better able to instruct them than anyone else. CHAPTER ELEVEN Contents: Solomon's heart turned. Chastened of God. Rise of Jeroboam. Death of Solomon. Characters: God, Solomon, Hadad, Pharaoh, Rezon, Jeroboam, Adoram, Ahijah. Conclusion: The way of sin is down hill and those who get into it cannot easily get untangled. God at first appointed one woman for one man, and he who thinks one not enough, will not be satisfied with two. When our love is set on the things of the flesh, we may be sure we have lost our love for God and are on the way to trouble. Key Word: Backslidden, v. 9 (heart turned). Strong Verses: 9. Striking Facts: v. 32. The house of David must, in spite of everything be kept intact, because out of it was to come the Messiah. As it was spared on account of the promise to David, so all God's favors shown to us are for Christ's sake and the covenant made with Him. CHAPTER TWELVE Contents: Accession and folly of Rehoboam. Kingdom divided. Characters: God, Rehoboam, Jeroboam, Adoram, Shemiah. Conclusion: Taking the counsel of unspiritual men always spells blunder and a rough answer never fails to bring division. If we make God the source of our counsel (Jas. 3:15) we will avoid all folly. Key Word: Counsel forsaken, vv. 8, 13. Strong Verses: 7. Striking Facts: The golden calf was set up where the first altar to God had been placed (v. 29 Gen. 12:8). All isms originate in man's heart (v. 26), have a selfish purpose back of them (v. 27-29) and are launched on a pretense that it is for the people's good; yet always tend to sin and idolatry. CHAPTER THIRTEEN Contents: Warning of punishment for idolatry. Disobedience and death of the prophet. Characters: God, Jeroboam, disobedient prophet, lying prophet. Conclusion: If we offer to God that which is an abomination to Him (the worship of the flesh) the offerer will certainly fall under the wrath of God. Key Word: Warning, v. 2. Strong Verses: 4, 8. Striking Facts: v. 9. God would teach His servants not to have fellowship with the works of darkness, lest they fall under their contagion and give them encouragement. The devil always has his snares ready to entrap one who bears Christ's message. CHAPTER FOURTEEN Contents: Prophecy against Jeroboam and partial fulfillment. Judah's apostasy under Rehoboam and his death. Characters: God, Ahijah, Jeroboam, Rehoboam, Shishak, wife and son ofJeroboam. Conclusion: Be not deceived; God is not mocked and often He makes quick work of sinners. If men of prominence do wickedly they involve many others who follow their pernicious ways (v. 16) and he who leads many others to hell must answer eternally for it. Key Word: Cut off, v. 10. Strong Verses: 9, 16. CHAPTER FIFTEEN Contents: Accession of Abijam and Asa over Judah. War with" Baasha. League with Syria. Accession of Nadab over Israel and Baasha over Israel. Characters: God, Abijam, Asa, Nadab, Baasha, Ben-hadad. Conclusion: Divine threatenings are not bugbears, for no word of God shall fall to the ground. The harboring of evil MUST eventuate in open defeat and ruin. Key Word: Wars, vv. 6, 16, 20, 29, 32. Strong Verses: 4, 11. Striking Facts: v. 14 (Cp. v. 18) A heart perfect with the Lord is not sinless perfection, nor flawless obedience, but sincerity of intent and desire to do Christ's will. CHAPTER SIXTEEN Contents: Evil reigns of Baasha, Elah, Zimri, Omri, Ahab kings of Israel. Characters: God, Baasha, Jehu, Elah, Zimri, Omri, Ahab, Jezebel, Tibni, Hiel, Segub. Conclusion: Destruction, when it comes, whoever is the instrument of it, is the act of God's justice and the result of sin. Those who resemble others in their sins may expect to get similar plagues. Key Word: God provoked, v. 2. CHAPTER SEVENTEEN Contents: Elijah's ministry and prediction of drought. Elijah fed. Raising of the widow's son. Characters: God, Elijah, Ahab, Sarephath woman, her son. Conclusion: God can wonderfully raise up servants and suit them to the work He designs them for. He can, if He chooses, use one man to arrest the downward movement of a nation, and with no weapon but the Word of God and prayer. Key Word: Man of God, v. 24. Strong Verses : 1,24. Striking Facts: God marvelously provides for His true servants in times of sore testing. He may be called upon at times to live from hand to mouth,but if it be from God's hand, each day's need will be supplied. v. 13. "Bring it to me." Cp. Mt. 14:18. Herein Elijah is a type of Christ as our provider. CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Contents: Elijah goes to meet Ahab and gives challenge. Contests with the priests of Baal. Characters: God, Elijah, Jezebel, Obadiah, Baal, priests. Conclusion: The man of faith need not be afraid to risk his all on the honor of God (v. 23). Let opposers who talk of the failure of Christianity, do what it does bring down the consuming, cleansing, illuminating power of God into the lives of men. Key Word: Challenge, v. 24. Strong Verses: 21, 37, 39. Striking Facts: Those who are given great power for public service for God, need to constantly humble themselves before God and give Him all the glory. He who bows lowest in the presence of God will be able to stand straightest in the presence of sin. CHAPTER NINETEEN Contents: God's care of His overwrought prophet. Call of Elisha. Characters: God, Elijah, Jezebel, Elisha. Conclusion: Even though we faint in our faith, God abideth faithful. The best thing for a discouraged man is to get where he can see from God's viewpoint (v. 11) which he can do only by coming before God in prayer. Key Word: Discouragement, v. 4. Strong Verses: 7,18. Striking Facts: v. 12. Under law God spoke to His people with terror, but in the Gospel of Christ, which was introduced in the spirit and power of Elias, He speaks by a still small voice which makes none afraid. Heb. 12:18. CHAPTER TWENTY Contents: Ahab's Syrian campaigns and victories. His sin in sparing Ben-hadad. Characters: God, Ahab, Ben-hadad, two prophets. Conclusion: Enemies are more than a match for us, but no match for Jehovah. God often uses one wicked man to scourge another. Key Word: Victory, (vv. 13, 28); Disobedience, (v. 42). Strong Verses: 13. Striking Facts: v. 42. There are times when keeping back the sword from blood is doing the work of God deceitfully. Foolish pity spoils many a victory. CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE Contents: Ahab covets Naboth's vineyard. Elijah announces Ahab's doom. Characters: God, Elijah, Ahab, Naboth, Jezebel. Conclusion: One may covet and get what it is not God's will for them to have, but he may be sure that with it, he will get a curse. Coveteousness opens the door for all sin. Key Word: Coveting, v. 4. Strong Verses : 3, 29. Striking Facts: Coveteousness was the first sin in Eden (Gen. 3:6) first on entering the promised land (Josh. 7:21) first in the early church (Acts 5:1-3). CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO Contents: Alliance of Ahab and Jehosophat. Ahab's ultimate defeat. Characters: God, Jehoshaphat, Ahab, Micaiah, Zedekiah, Syrian king, false prophets, Ahaziah. Conclusion: He who joins himself in affinity with vicious men, rejects the counsels of God and hates the preachers of God's Word, will find that no masquerade will hide him from God's judgment and that no armor is proof against His vengeance. Key Word: Alliance, v. 4. (Defeat, v. 37). Strong Verses: 14. Striking Facts: v. 14. The greatest kindness possible to a person going on a dangerous path is to tell them God's truth, as it is in Christ. Through self-styled prophets multitudes are led on their way to destruction.
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